You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify! You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify! We give You glory and honour, You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify in Jesus Name!// let the living water flow over my sides, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I come!!!!!!!!!!!//Agam buru alleluia buru bu gare Jehovah!!!!!!!!

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You, we give Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name! Who is like unto Thee! Thank You for Your mercies that enduerth forever! Thank You for being our Man in battle, thank You for winning all our battles for us Father, Great are You! I have search through all eternity; there is no one like You Lord! No one like my God! Great are You Lord! For You are greatly to be Praise!

Beloveth, join us to shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! My God has done it for us and I know you also want to give a shout to the Lord so let give a super seven powerful alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, The Lion of the tribe of Judea, the Baptizer, the Soon Coming King,

Beloveth are you ready? Let’s go Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is someone rejoicing as I am rejoicing right now go on and celebrate this our God, He is Ocean Divider, The Beginning and the End, The Alpha and the Omega, He is the Rose of Sharon, The Lily of the Valley, the Mountain Mover, the Power that raised the dead, He is Unchangeable Changer, The Bright Morning Star, somebody Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I come!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, is our PCL session and I so glad to be here this moment and I want you to join us to sing this song-

I am so glad I belong to Jesus, I belong to Jesus! I belong to my God! I am so glad I belong to Jesus, I belong to Jesus! I belong to my God!!!

Is that your testimony also? Beloveth without Jesus there is no life in me, there is light in me and there is no breath in me, please help me shout alleluia to the King of kings. Jesus fought my battles and won them all of it for me. Thank God I belong to Him. If not for Jesus, the devil would have made me a mincemeat, O my God! he would have finished me but thanks be to God I am standing on the Rock that never fail, instead of shame He brought me the place of honour and give me a new song and  spread a table before me and placed my foot on a Stone, the Chief corner Stone which the builders rejected . Praise the Living Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The heart of gratitude is what we are to discuss today. Is been on my mind since the beginning of this week but satan throw a stone on my path which I was grappling with but God who always give us victory and today I just have to come before my Maker with a grateful heart to show Him how glad I am because He has me glad.

In yesterday’s devotion we saw how God bring us from a place of crushing to a place of blossoming. We cannot blossom without first undergoing planting, dying, growth, and the blossom stage of fruit bearing, then of course harvest.

Beloveth, we must flourish in gratitude when we have a Father that chooses our inheritance for us. It might not palatable at the beginning but at the end we will give Him Praise because we will see His glory radiating from on high.

In the next few lines we will be considering the very essence of gratitude and wear it as a garment. We want to be people who see life through a sharply-focused lens of gratitude to Jesus that defines and shapes how we live: constantly striving to see life as He see it, to look at the faces of people, and to see the beauty of life around us.

This doesn’t mean life is perfect, or even close. It doesn’t mean we don’t struggle or face hardship; the opposite is often true. So many of us have faced difficult circumstances: grief, death, cancer, divorce, broken relationships, betrayals and more. Our feelings have been a roller coaster of emotion: the whole gamut, from elation to bitterness to joy to unthinkable pain. Being rooted in gratitude doesn’t mean we downplay or disregard these very real realties. It means that in every single circumstance, the highest of highs, the lowest of lows, and every moment in between, we cling to Jesus.

It is a deliberate choice to clothe our heart and minds with an attitude of gratitude. We remember God’s promises to us in and through Jesus. In the remembering we speak the truth of Who God is and who we are as a result. This causes us to look up, to be reminded of God’s faithfulness, not just to the world, but to you and me personally. (Ps 9:1).

The practice of remembering builds a life of gratitude. When we remember that we have been given everything we need for life and godliness in Christ (2 Pet 1:3), that His peace transcends all understanding (Phil 4:7), that He is near to the brokenhearted (Ps 34:18), and that He comforts us in all our troubles (2 Cor. 1:4), we begin to build up and strengthen the shield of faith that protects the joy and hope we know in Jesus.

The word of God is alive and active. It has power to transform our mind and align out thinking and action with the heat of Jesus. The more we immerse ourselves in the Word and commit it to memory, the more we will see the overflow of its presence in our lives. Scripture will present itself in moments when we need it most. We will be able to encourage others with Word of hope and life.

One of the greatest expressions of thankfulness comes through knowing and experiencing the power of the Word of God in our lives. Through the process of hiding His Word in our hearts, we can easily recount all His generosity towards us, being ever reminded that is truly is truly is Christ you, the hope glory (Col 1:27).

Jesus, the Word, was in the beginning and will be forevermore our hope of glory. His promises are sure and true.

Another reason to be grateful is “Provision”. What comes to our mind when we think of provision? Food, a home, money, and the words you need for that speech? What an amazing experience when we stand in the place of deep need and something or someone comes through for us in our time of need. We breathe deep; we might laugh; we might cry; we might get down on our knees and Praise!

In John 6:1-15, we are taken back to that moment on the shores of the sea of Galilee. A large crowd of more than five thousand has gathered, it is evening and they need something to eat. The disciples immediately look at the enormity of problem- five thousand plus people and no food in sight, except for five loves and two fish from a boy. They have walked with Jesus, witnessed His miracle, and yet in this moment they seem to be missing the opportunity to witness yet an miracle: one of great provision.

How easy it is for us to look at the meager offering we hold or the scarcity of our situation and miss the opportunity for the miracle. It is in that moment, with gratitude, that we can confidently offer what is in our hands to the One Who can take what we bring and multiply it beyond what we could imagine!

Beloveth have you won any victory of late? Then you have to be grateful for victory.

Victory is an exhilarating feeling. To win at something in life means that we rose above, conquered, and achieved a desired outcome. Sometimes it means we pull ahead of other and awarded titles or trophies, attached to feeling of triumph and celebration.

But what about the victory that is impossible for us to achieve in our power, but is only obtained by another who is willing to step in and win on our behalf? It is humbling and inspiring that someone else would go to bat for you and I so that we might know victory in our lives

There is no greater victory in which we stand than to have been rescued out of the chutes of sin and satan, to stand forever victorious in freedom and right-standing with God!

Dead in our sin, we could do nothing for ourselves. But God, through Jesus – His life, death, and resurrection- accomplished the greatest victory for our lives. Through Jesus we are called Whole and Complete (Col 2:10), Adopted (Rom 8:17), Forgiven (Ps 103:12), Free (Rom 8:1-2), More than conquerors (Rom 8:37), Reconciled to God (Rom 5:10), a new creation (2 Cor.5:17), and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:3). And that’ just a start!

Grateful for restoration- there isn’t one person who can look back at their past without being reminded of some mistake that made along the way. Some are small and bear little consequence. Others are significant and leave their mark on our heart. Mistakes are a part of every story.

In gospel, we observe the story of Peter denying Jesus three times following Jesus’ arrest. And this is just hours after he said he would never deny Him (Matt 26:31-35). Imagine the angst and feeling Peter must have felt. We know he left the courtyard and wept bitterly (Matt 26:69-75).

To rise back up out such deep places of regret and disappointment can feel insurmountable. And our mistakes can sometimes lead us to believe that God is angry or disappointed to the point of turning away from us. But our God is a God of love, always for us! Through grace and mercy He forgives, teaches, and restores us to Himself.

Three times, Peter denied Jesus. For three days, Peter was separated from Jesus. Once reunited, Jesus asked Peter three times, Do you love Me? Three times, without hesitation, Peter answered, yes, Lord! And Jesus restored their relationship. He reestablished, for Peter, the call on his life to be a fisher of men. Peter was restored and sent with the command to feed my sheep (Jn 21:7). Imagine the joy and gratitude in being made right with Jesus!

Our God is a God of restoration!

If you are a believer in Jesus, you have been restored through His blood. Take a moment to offer Praise and thanks to Jesus for how He has restored you to Himself from the moment of salvation up to this very moment! In the light of the restoration you have experienced, ask God what He might want to do, how He might send you.

Our God will always lead us forth by the right way; just wear your garment of gratefulness. Come along for more:

“He led them forth by the right way.” Psalm 107:7

Changeful experience often leads the anxious believer to enquire “Why is it thus with me?” I looked for light, but lo, darkness came; for peace, but behold trouble. I said in my heart, my mountain standeth firm, I shall never be moved. Lord, thou dost hide Thy face, and I am troubled.

It was but yesterday that I could read my title clear; today my evidences are bedimmed, and my hopes are clouded. Yesterday I could climb to Pisgah’s top, and view the landscape o’er, and rejoice with confidence in my future inheritance; today, my spirit has no hopes, but many fears; no joys, but much distress.

Is this part of God’s plan with me? Can this be the way in which God would bring me to heaven? Yes, it is even so. The eclipse of your faith, the darkness of your mind, the fainting of your hope, all these things are but parts of God’s method of making you ripe for the great inheritance upon which you shall soon enter.

These trials are for the testing and strengthening of your faith—they are waves that wash you further upon the rock—they are winds which waft your ship the more swiftly towards the desired haven. According to David’s words, so it might be said of you, “so He bringeth them to their desired haven.”

By honour and dishonour, by evil report and by good report, by plenty and by poverty, by joy and by distress, by persecution and by peace, by all these things is the life of your souls maintained, and by each of these are you helped on your way.

Oh, think not, believer, that your sorrows are out of God’s plan; they are necessary parts of it. “We must, through much tribulation, enter the kingdom.” Learn, then, even to “count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.”

“O let my trembling soul be still,

And wait Thy wise, Thy holy will!

I cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see,

Yet all is well since ruled by Thee.”

Beloved journal three ways you have experienced God’s faithfulness toward you and follow that up with a prayer of gratitude! Also write out a verse that is a promise over your life you want to commit to memory today! Based on the truth of who Jesus is- not on your shortcomings- how might you change your response to any seemingly impossible circumstance you are currently encountering?

He surly lead us in the way and we will not miss our way to righteousness and in every other circumstance.

Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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