Father, I adore You, I praise Your Holy Name, I worship You, I honour, I glorify You for ever and ever. Thank You for a bright day You have made. When I look up the heaven and see all that You made, I cannot but say thank You Lord.
Gracious God, Wonderful Redeemer, The I Am that I Am. The beginning and end, The Ancient of Days, glory be to You alone. Amen.
Beloved, hope you are good? Thanks be to God Who love us and care for us. Whose Word will never fail, had He said a thing He will surely fulfill it.
Have you ever asked yourself, what will it cost God to bring to fulfillment all that He said concerning you? As a parent what does it cost you to keep your child in the same house you are living? Nothing, I suppose will be your answer but if the child is to go to boarding schooling or live outside your house it will surely cost you some coins. That you.
Now, imagine God Who is the owner of everything here on earth and in heavens. What will it cost Him to give you anything that will help you in life, absolutely nothing. He owns it, at your demand He will release it to you except where it not aid your heavenly race. Praise God.
Are there situations in live when it seems as if this truth is not holding forth? What are you going to do? Is a time to start doubting and telling God how unfaithful He is? Or a time to seek His face to know what the Spirit of God is saying concerning the issue at hand.
Is possible you are the one missing it, either by negligence or error of omission. When you seek the help of the Holy Spirit, He will guide you into all you need to do. God will never, never lie nor fail to bring to performance what He had promise to do. Just hold unto Him, He is faithful to forget your labour of love especially when you are in His service, He must met that need. He always knows what to do.
God is assuring you today, that He will be with you. He will never fail you, nor forsake you. I have countless testimonies to this regard. Do not be enrage by the mockers, you should know their place. They have no inheritance in God and God is warning His children to stay away from them (Ps 1:1c).
Never blame God for what is not or yet to be done, He knows the best for you. The devil will pull you to that direction, but never make the mistake, rather drop it at His feet, if it worth it, He will surely do it but if is not done, He has something better in stock for you. Never get despair, God is not wicked nor is He tight fisted not to give you your heart desires.
I feel the spirit of God here now present, for every reader of this devotional, pray about that need and see the hand of God performing it. Nothing is too big for Him to bring to past, He surely bless you according to the desire of your heart:
“I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” Josh. 1:5
This word to Joshua is often quoted; it is the basis of that New Testament word, “He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
Beloved, a life of warfare is before us, but the Lord of Hosts is with us. Are we called to lead a great but fickle people? This promise guarantees us all the wisdom and prudence that we shall need. Have we to contend with cunning and powerful enemies? Here is strength and valor, prowess and victory. Have we a vast heritage to win? By this sign we shall achieve our purpose; the Lord Himself is with us.
It would be woe to us indeed if Jehovah could fail us; but, as this can never be, the winds of disquietude are laid to sleep in the caverns of divine faithfulness. On no one Occasion will the Lord desert us. Happen what may, He will be at our side. Friends drop from us, their help is but an April shower; but God is faithful, Jesus is the same for ever, and the Holy Spirit abideth in us.
Come, my heart, be calm and hopeful today. Clouds may gather, but the Lord can blow them away. Since God will not fail me, my faith shall not fail; and, as He will not forsake me, neither will I forsake Him. Oh for a restful faith!
He will not stop at that, He promised to make our enemies at peace with us. No matter their number, the Lord is able to subdue them and make them bend low for your sake. He is able to confuse their tongues until you are in a safe place where they cannot get to you. In some case they will serve you or help you because the Lord will make them do so for their heart is also in His hand. What a wonder this is:
“When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Prov. 16:7
I must see that my ways please the Lord. Even then I shall have enemies; and, perhaps, all the more certainly because I endeavor to do that which is right. But what a promise this is! The Lord will make the wrath of man to praise Him, and abate it so that it shall not distress me.
He can constrain an enemy to desist from harming me, even though he has a mind to do so. This He did with Laban, who pursued Jacob, but did not dare to touch him. Or He can subdue the wrath of the enemy, and make him friendly, as He did with Esau, who met Jacob in a brotherly manner, though Jacob had dreaded that he would smite him and his family with the sword. The Lord can also convert a furious adversary into a brother in Christ, and a fellow-worker, as He did with Saul of Tarsus. Oh, that He would do this in every case where a persecuting spirit appears!
Happy is the man whose enemies are made to be to him what the lions were to Daniel in the den, quiet and companionable! When I meet death, who is called the last enemy, I pray that I may be at peace. Only let my great care be to please the Lord in all things. Oh, for faith and holiness; for these are a pleasure unto the Most High!
Beloved, what else is your fear? The Lord is able to give you peace above measures and also bring to past all He has promised you. Only believe and let no sin be find in you. God can never bless a sinner, is unthinkable always make sure that your path is straight and nor deceit found in you and your greater glory is few step from you. Praise God.
Finally beloved, in all things remember, let the will of God be done (Act 21:14).
Remain blessed in the Lord.