O Father in heaven, we hallow Your Name, we glorify You, we praise You both now and forever in the Name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, we thank You for another opportunity granted us to learn at Your feet this morning and all through the week, we are grateful unto You.

Holy Spirit, our sweet companion, we welcome afresh in our lives. Come and do that which You are known for. Comfort Your people, teach Your children, guide us unto righteousness, above all reveal to us Your sweet revelation from heaven to keep us in command in every issue of our lives, families, careers and ministries this week and beyond in Jesus Name.

Beloved, hope you had a nice weekend, full with good testimonies of what the Lord did for you or any of your family member or friends. Praise the Lord! Good news will not cease from our homes in the Name of Jesus. More of this, we will be looking forward to by the end of this week in Jesus Name, just make sure you are close to the throne. Amen.

Heb 11:1-3 says “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear”. (KJV)

It then means that in manifesting this virtue in our Christian living we see “hope” as those things we are desiring to have, although we are yet to see the manifestation but we believe that we have received when we prayed. Then if you know you have received when yea prayed, it will be another guidance to how to pray further when the physical evidence is yet to appear.

Rather than asking God to do it or prove Himself in the matter of concern, we rather say or pray to Him to glorify Himself on the issue of concern. Now it is not about you, it is everything about Him. You also go further to ask Him to begin to show you how to bring out the physical manifestation of what you are desiring.

Some issues of our concerns cannot just appear as we all know but the Lord knows what to do, so begin to ask Him to lead you into it. some will require strengths beyond you and some knowledge beyond you, some you need others contributions or collaboration to bring it physical manifestation and as you doing what His bidding are on this matter and in most cases you have to tap into the grace of God to bring in the full realization of your desire to past. He will also be revealing His plans and purposes concerning it and before long you will bring the physical manifestation into being. Praise the Lord somebody!

Let us resolve this day that as we pray and hope for God’s intervention on every matter, that we are also ready to cooperate with Him to bring it to past, take for instance, if are praying for a baby, you must be married for the physical manifestation and it has a gestation of nine months all things being equal, meanwhile when you were single, you were praying for them to be. If  there is delay when you finally got married, The Lord expect us to begin to thank Him for the babies He has already given us and on His own He will bring it to past.

God does not need to prove Himself to anyone or anything, for it is written all things belong to him and all things were made through Him through the spoken Word, all we need do is to call in those things that be not as if it were. Now Hold it here, I am sensing in my spirit a lot of question- it is not as easy as you are saying it woman of God? You are not involved, so you won’t understands? I am wearing the shoe and I know where it pinches that is good. Thank God I don’t understand but you have the One who not only understand but also have the ability to bring it past. That is why you will ask Him to glorify Himself and not to prove Himself on that matter.

It is also possible that there are forces that are contending your blessings with you, what can you do?  Come with me to (Eph 6:12; 11, 13- 17; 2 Cor. 10:3, 5 -6).

Firstly, you must content with those that contend with you (Ps 35:1) (Esv).

Secondly, begin to cast down every imagination (2 Cor 10:5) that says you can make it in life, you will amount to nothing, you will not be a joyful mother, you will not eat the reward of your labour, your marriage will not be blissful. Come on, mention your own case and being to bring it to captivity and as you are doing it, your Sweet companion, our Ever Present Helper will help in that issue of concerns. He begin to reveal to you how to come out of that issues. He will show you light in that dark place you have sat for a long time thinking that there is no way out of it. (I am a testimony)

Thirdly, Grace will be given you to see things and people in a new light, order than being resentful, embittered and discourage. Are you getting some light this moment? Is the Spirit of God showing things or bring to remembrance what you are to do in that situation right now? something it will seem extremely difficult, check if you mistakenly open the door for the devil, if not, continue, is probably you have not gotten to where He want you to get to and if  He allows the other of  break-though you are asking for, you may not be able to carry it or handle it.

So keep on moving till you are ripe and mature and you will be amazed with what you will turn out to be and that situation as well (2 Cor 3:17- 18). Don’t forget He said that kings will come to your light (Isa 60: 1-3).

Fourthly, now begin to call in those things that be not as if they were. Praise God with me this day as we also consider your hope of heaven at the end of life:

“The hope which is laid up for you in heaven.” Colossians 1:5

Our hope in Christ for the future is the mainspring and the mainstay of our joy here. It will animate our hearts to think often of heaven, for all that we can desire is promised there. Here we are weary and toilworn, but yonder is the land of rest where the sweat of labour shall no more bedew the worker’s brow, and fatigue shall be for ever banished. To those who are weary and spent, the word “rest” is full of heaven.

We are always in the field of battle; we are so tempted within, and so molested by foes without, that we have little or no peace; but in heaven we shall enjoy the victory, when the banner shall be waved aloft in triumph, and the sword shall be sheathed, and we shall hear our Captain say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

We have suffered bereavement after bereavement, but we are going to the land of the immortal where graves are unknown things. Here sin is a constant grief to us, but there we shall be perfectly holy, for there shall by no means enter into that kingdom anything which defileth. Hemlock springs not up in the furrows of celestial fields. Oh! is it not joy, that you are not to be in banishment for ever, that you are not to dwell eternally in this wilderness, but shall soon inherit Canaan?

Nevertheless let it never be said of us, that we are dreaming about the future and forgetting the present, let the future sanctify the present to highest uses. Through the Spirit of God the hope of heaven is the most potent force for the product of virtue; it is a fountain of joyous effort, it is the corner stone of cheerful holiness. The man who has this hope in him goes about his work with vigour, for the joy of the Lord is his strength. He fights against temptation with ardour, for the hope of the next world repels the fiery darts of the adversary. He can labour without present reward, for he looks for a reward in the world to come.

Beloved, salvation once granted is a work (Phil 2:12). We are commended to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. You must fight to keep your faith, be morally sound and upright so that your hope of heaven will eventually be. Don’t be deceive, the devil is roaring every day at you and throwing every fiery darts to discourage you from making heaven. Beware and keep watch over that your “heavenly Passport” you need to enter into your eternal rest, for God so love you dearly and will surely bear all your affliction (Isa 63:9) :

A man greatly beloved.” Daniel 10:11

Child of God, do you hesitate to appropriate this title? Ah! has your unbelief made you forget that you are greatly beloved too? Must you not have been greatly beloved, to have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot? When God smote His only begotten Son for you, what was this but being greatly beloved? You lived in sin, and rioted in it, must you not have been greatly beloved for God to have borne so patiently with you?

You were called by grace and led to a Saviour, and made a child of God and an heir of heaven. All this proves, does it not, a very great and superabounding love? Since that time, whether your path has been rough with troubles, or smooth with mercies, it has been full of proofs that you are a man greatly beloved. If the Lord has chastened you, yet not in anger; if He has made you poor, yet in grace you have been rich.

The more unworthy you feel yourself to be, the more evidence have you that nothing but unspeakable love could have led the Lord Jesus to save such a soul as yours. The more demerit you feel, the clearer is the display of the abounding love of God in having chosen you, and called you, and made you an heir of bliss.

Now, if there be such love between God and us let us live in the influence and sweetness of it, and use the privilege of our position. Do not let us approach our Lord as though we were strangers, or as though He were unwilling to hear us—for we are greatly beloved by our loving Father. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

Come boldly, O believer, for despite the whisperings of Satan and the doubtings of thine own heart, thou art greatly beloved. Meditate on the exceeding greatness and faithfulness of divine love this day, and rise with great vigor this day to conquest and so go to thy bed at the end of the day with so much peace.

Beloved declare with me (Mic 3:8a; Ps 23:1) “But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the Lord” . You are moving to your next level my beloved, see you at the top as the Lord lead us and make His grace abound to us for every good work.

Remain blessed in Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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