Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the Throne…x2 we bow before the Throne we worship at your feet we bow before the Throne you are // Your Name is Alpha, Omega, ageless, You are Changeless… Almighty Jehovah…Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Thee Ancient of Days… There is no one like You… Thank You for the gift of this week… Thank You for showing Yourself strong on our behalf… Glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… how are you doing today… Thank God is Friday… Praise the Lord… In today’s PCL, the King of Glory will manifest Himself strongly on our behalf in Jesus Name… Amen!!! And Amen….
How do you know if you are on target with God? That is today’s topic…. Is a question…. How do you know?
Let’s check it out together… so we go together and discover more below:
How Do You Know If You Are On Target With God?
Here’s a check list to help you evaluate your true values and commitments:
- What do you want most?
Peace? Security? Safety? Recognition and respect? All of these are natural concerns. Are they your primary concern, or are your principle concerns for the Kingdom and Glory of God? (John 17:4, 10, 22, 24; Matthew 6:9-11; Luke 10:41, 42)
- What do you think about the most?
Survival? “Success”? Building your financial portfolio? Your golf handicap? Or how to win those neighbors down the street to Christ? Or how you can get more quality time with God and your family? (Colossians 3:1, 2)
- How do you use your money?
Would an objective observer conclude that you are greedy and self-indulgent? Or generous and self-sacrificing? Do you see your resources as God-given, and yourself as His steward in managing His resources? (Deuteronomy 8:18) Or do you view your resources as the product of your genius and sweat – to be dispensed of as you so please? (Luke 16:10-12; Deuteronomy 8:17)
- What do you do with your leisure time?
On the evenings you go out for entertainment, would Jesus be comfortable tagging along? How would he feel about your late night T.V. and internet viewing? Does the focus and tenor of your leisure time match up with Paul’s criterion in Philippians 4:8: Think on whatever is “true… noble… right… pure… lovely… admirable… excellent… or praiseworthy… “?
- What kind of company do you enjoy?
Are you traveling with the “mediocre middle” spiritual couch potatoes? Or with people of vision, discipline and excellence? Are you compassionately relating with the lost in your world or are you limiting yourself to your “holy huddle“? Are you blending in with compromising Christians? Or are you calling a spade a spade when sin is involved? (Proverbs 13:20; Matthew 9:9-13; 1 Corinthians 5:9-11; Ephesians 5:11)
- Whom and what do you admire?
Are your heroes the self-proclaimed great ones? The power brokers? Those over whom the world ogles and awes? Or are your heroes the people who have chosen the less traveled path of service, sacrifice and humility? Interesting that a major publication devoted 17 pages to Princess Diana and 4 to Mother Teresa the week of their deaths. (Luke 16:15)
Beloveth… we started the week in this order – The Power of the Word; Internalizing the Word in our heart; Praying in the Word in our individual lives…; Then comes the big one …”The suffering of the saints… I call it big… because that is what is on the center stage everywhere you look… People are dying out of frustrations, many are committing suicide… some are weighed down with poverty and hunger… but what did you learn from yesterday’s teaching? Is important you hid the Word of God in your heart so that when the storms of life comes… it will not take you unaware rather you will be prepared with an answer to give from the Word of God… and not from the satan’s native language – lies… he speaks lies from the pit of hell… and if you are off guide as a child of God… you might buy into it… That will not be your portion in Jesus Name… May God help you and I not fall into any trap set to trap us in Jesus Name…
As we round-off this week… beloveth… take time to hid God’s Word in your heart and yea shall be liberated, made well, made whole, established, settled, uphold, stand firm, and stand still in God’s Presence as miracle no dey tire Jesus…
I see you manifesting His glory if you don’t give up… Heavenly race needs consistency and discipline… keep at it and you will be settle for ever…
Be heavenly focus… don’t allow any distraction or interference… Keep holding on to the Word of truth… Don’t trade it with anything….
From our today’s teaching- I will know that I am on target with God when I manifest Rom.10:9-11….When it becomes my Watch-word…
For God’s Word worthy more than Gold… Pray and stand still … shout down your Jericho when God commands same… but you must watch same with prayer and Praise… Alleluia!!!
Have a peaceful weekend, see you on Monday by God’s grace…. in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Further Reading- 1Pet.1:15, Rev.2;10, Ps.124:8, Prov.20:22, 2Cor.3:3, Heb.3:14, Ps.55:16, Rom.8:31…
Remain blessed in the Lord.