Good morning Jesus good morning Lord. I know You comes from heaven above. The Holy Spirit is on the throne, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord. // Who is on the Lord side, I want to know, I am on the Lord sides. Who is on the Lord side, I want to know, I am on the Lord sides, can you hear me saying “I am on the Lord’s sides and Jesus is on my sides, as long as I live, as long I stay I am on the Lord sides.
O Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, praise His Holy Name. for He has done great things, He has done great things, alleluia, He has done great things alleluia, He has done great things Praise His Holy Name.
Thank be to God Who has done great things for us. Thank God for eternal life He bestowed on us through the death of His beloved Son Jesus Christ, glory, honour, adoration belong to Him alone in Jesus Name. Glory be to the Lord in the highest, alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, how are you doing? Indeed, the Lord Jehovah is our Shield and our Helper. Glory be to Him on high. I hope the Lord has been mindful of you, He will not only bless you, He will also make you great in Jesus Name. He will glorify Himself, He, Who said to Abraham, I am your Shield and Thy exceeding great Reward, will not leave us nor forsake us, He will by virtue of covenant extend that same blessing upon us and we believing God will be recipients of this manifold blessings of the Lord to the glory of His Name in Jesus Name.
Beloved, when the Lord is your shield, you are secured, nothing shall by any means hurts you. In vain are the weapons of the enemies, they will come in one way but they will flee in seven ways. “For the Spirit of God will raise a standard against them and they will fall never to rise again.”
Father Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness. Have you ever believed God promises to you? Have you ever give advance testimony because you know that God will never fail. Even when you are not looking like it and it was said to you “thus said the Lord” do you believe that it will be done.
Mary acknowledge the message of the angel to her thus “behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to Thy word” (Lk 1:37).The Lord did not stop there, the Lord also said “… and Thy exceeding Great Reward. Did God fulfill all these promises to Abraham? Yes He did and so will He also fulfill His promises to you if you believe or better said “according to your faith” Praise the Lord.
The Lord has also made promises to us concerning the year ahead of us; will you believe him or doubt Him? No doubter has ever received from the Lord that is why it is important for us to believe every Word of God even the situation is saying otherwise. Zacharias though a priest of God still doubted God and God was not please with Him and cost him his speech for until the promise child was born (Lk 1:20).
We must not doubt God whatever be it, where our faith cannot carry is being said of us let us be like that man who humbled himself before our Lord Jesus Christ by crying unto Him saying “I do believe; help my unbelief.”(Mk 9:24).
Faith is substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1. Are you promising to believe everything the mouth of God says directly as you read His word and those He speaks through His prophets, then it shall be well with you and shall also prosper.
Jehoshaphat believed the prophet and he won a battle without weapon but standing on Praise, the Lord gave Him victory according to the word of man of God (2 Chr 20:20) God is looking for such men and women in our time to bless. If you are the one shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our glorious manifest has been issued to us, are you embracing it or you are still asking how will these things be? (Lk 1:18). We need to be careful and be guided when we are dealing with the things of the Spirit. God knows the intent of our heart and therefore no one can deceive Him, He saw you when you are being form in the womb even before your mother knew she is pregnant.
He made the whole world with a spoken Word, and the earth is still standing base on that spoken Word of God. The word is still alive and is sharp like two edged sword. The Lord healed of heart condition by leading me read Ezekiel 37 having prayed concerning it, administering Holy communion every morning and evening, then on the seventh day the Spirit of God lead me to read Ezekiel 37 and I do prophesy as was commanded by the Spirit behind the written Word and I prayed and slept afterward and while in sleep I have not yet slept deep, I have a visitation from above that healed up until today and later at the Holy Communion table the month following, the causes of allergy in my throat was laid to rest finally in my life.
Beloved, are here with me, a life threatening situation was settle without surgery or placing me on drugs for life. That is why I will always wait for divine healing than any other except if the Lord otherwise gives another instruction. No scar, no payment, no anxiety, no worry. Beloved, please join me to sing this song, “This kind God, I never see Your type, this kind God, glory be Your Holy Name.
Come on with me for more discoveries:
Genesis 13:1-15:6, Psalm 5:7-12, Proverbs 1:17-19, Matthew 5:33-6:4
“I Am Your Shield”
Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.—Genesis 15:6
It is no good saying you believe God is stronger than the Devil if you do not act on that belief. Faith not only believes this but acts on it by quickly standing up to the Devil and saying something similar to what David said when he stood before Goliath: “You come against me with a dagger, spear, and sword, but I come against you in the name of Yahweh of Hosts” (1Sm 17:45). You must never forget that God is much more powerful than the Devil. Hold on to that, and quickly raise your shield whenever you experience an attack of Satan’s “fiery darts.”
The passage that introduces this devotion focuses on an incident in Abraham’s life that took place when he was exhausted after making a great stand. Doubtless, Satan would have attacked him with thoughts like: “What is the point of all this action of God on your behalf and all these promises when you do not have an heir to carry on your line? God doesn’t seem to have as much power as it would appear.”
Abraham was fearful at this point until the Lord came to him and gave him these glorious words: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield; your reward will be very great” (Gen 15:1).
“I am your shield.” Hold on to that great truth, my friend, and when under attack, quickly lift it up and remind the Devil that you belong to One whose power is endless and eternal. His promises are ever sure. That is what it means to hold up the shield of faith.
O God, how grateful I am for the sureness and certainty of Your Word. Once again I feel it entering into the core of my being. Help me to put these truths into practice the very moment I come under satanic attack. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Further Study
Pr 30:1-5; Dt 33:29; Ps 33:20; 59:11; 84:9
Why was Israel blessed?
What was the psalmist’s continual testimony?
All who believed God had great testimonies to its credit; likewise you will have if you believe Him. May God help our unbelief where we are weak in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.