Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord among the god’s who is like unto Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful and praising doing wonders alleluia.// Glorious God, Beautiful King Excellent God I bow before Thy throne. I bow before Thy throne to worship at their feet, we bow before Thy throne, You are a glorious God.

Father we declare that we love Thee, we declare an everlasting love for You! thank You for the privilege to stand before Your throne and worship You. You are a Mighty man in battle, Arise! Come and take Your place in our mist. We give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name.

Precious Father, we thank You for answers to our prayers, thank You for delivering  us from temptations and protecting us from all evil, be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, this is our last faith clinic in this month. Thank you for being there always. Today we just want to encourage us to keep holding on until your desires are delivered to you. sometime when our heart desires  are not met, satan throws one thousand reasons why you must rebel against God, doubt Him, or deny your faith or blasphemy the Holy Spirit but today the Word of God is coming your way to give you reasons to hang on till God’s promises or your desires are delivered to you.

Before going further, I want to remind you that you brought nothing into this world and definitely when you will take nothing, so let your heart not be troubled when things are not working out exactly the way you want it, it may be difficult to bear but the best thing to do is to hand it over to God and leave it at the feet of the cross or the throne that seemeth fit for you.

One thing I know and am assured of is that God will never forsake you but rather He will exalt Jesus and He has also exalted you above your fellows according to His Word to us. He told us that He will never forsake you. He promised us showers of blessing (diverse blessings) so hold forth; hold on and you will laugh at last.

Be confident that what troubles you also troubles Jesus having gone through this part He knew what hungry was. He knows what it is when you don’t have a roof over your head or bills to pay He knew and He who has promised you that He will never leave you nor forsake Thee. He will always be at your sides. To comfort you and make it easy when you walk through the shadow of death (Matt 4: 2, 8:20,17:27, Ps. 23:4).

Come along with us for more below:


“I have exalted one chosen out of the people.” Psalm 89:19

Why was Christ chosen out of the people? Speak, my heart, for heart-thoughts are best. Was it not that He might be able to be our brother, in the blest tie of kindred blood? Oh, what relationship there is between Christ and the believer!

The believer can say, “I have a Brother in heaven; I may be poor, but I have a Brother who is rich, and is a King, and will He suffer me to want while He is on His throne? Oh, no! He loves me; He is my Brother.” Believer, wear this blessed thought, like a necklace of diamonds, around the neck of thy memory; put it, as a golden ring, on the finger of recollection, and use it as the King’s own seal, stamping the petitions of thy faith with confidence of success. He is a brother born for adversity, treat Him as such.

Christ was also chosen out of the people that He might know our wants and sympathize with us. “He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin.” In all our sorrows we have His sympathy. Temptation, pain, disappointment, weakness, weariness, poverty—He knows them all, for He has felt all.

Remember this, Christian, and let it comfort thee. However difficult and painful thy road, it is marked by the footsteps of thy Saviour; and even when thou reachest the dark valley of the shadow of death, and the deep waters of the swelling Jordan, thou wilt find His footprints there.

In all places whithersoever we go, He has been our forerunner; each burden we have to carry, has once been laid on the shoulders of Immanuel.


“His way was much rougher and darker than mine

Did Christ, my Lord, suffer, and shall I repine?”


Take courage! Royal feet have left a blood-red track upon the road, and consecrated the thorny path for ever.

Beloveth, Jesus knew it all, He was tempted, He knew what  it is to be betrayed. He knew how it feels to be deserted by friends and He went all the way to Cross for you, He died for your sake and arose again having overcome death and hell.

So beloveth Jesus knew it all and will never abandon you on the way. He will go with you all the way until you get to your destination. Until your promised is deliver, until you see your miracle deliver to you. amen and amen!!!

May God send a Word of comfort to us when we are in desperate situations in Jesus Name.

Keep trusting; don’t give up because Jesus has been exalted so that you will not suffer any lost. He bore it all, so that you will be free.  It shall be well with the righteous. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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