Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortality Holy Ghost be Thou glorify! Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortality Holy Ghost be Thou glorify!// Great is Thy Faithfulness! Great is Thy Faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see! All that I needed the Hands has provided, Great is Thy Faithfulness Lord unto Thee!

Our Father we thank You, we glorify Your Holy Name! All power belongs to You, You are God of heaven and earth. Merciful Father, hollow be Thy Name! Let Thy Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for the gift of a brand new week, full of grace and mercies. You enriched from high and uphold us with Thy hand, hallow be Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name!

Come and have Your way again in our life! Alleluia to Your Holy Name. Be Thou exalted in Jesus Name!

Beloved, good morning! How was your weekend? Hopefully less anxiety, Praise the Lord! I believed God is set to take us to a new level this week. The Word of God to us will set us on high, if we diligently obey all He has commanded to do. He has the manual and He knows the way, all we need to do is to follow Him duly and we will be blessed in Jesus Name.

Our Father said He will rejoice over us to do us good as our Bible text verse for the day says! The Lord is set to bless and honour us this week. In Jer 29:11, the Lord say’s in His Word to us, that His plan is to do us good and give us an expected end. What a great promise to an unworthy children like us.

Beloved, there is need for us to humble ourselves before the throne of mercies and ask God for His forgiveness and mercies in all the area we have fallen short of His glory. let us ask Him with humility of heart to help us to live worthy of His calling on upon our lives.

Stand up and worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords for the great and mighty Things He has done for us, He is doing and will yet do to all who trust in Him. do you trust in the Lord your Saviour to do you good?

As we start the week, let us throw away every doubt and deceit from the pit of hell that choose to make us doubt what God can do in our lives and situations. Let us trust God enough to venture into areas that will glorify His Holy Name.

He made us for His pleasure and will be glad to see us prosper in the works of our hands, in good health even as our souls prospereth, Praise the Lord!

Beloveth, for more discover let us read more below:


“I will rejoice over them to do them good.” Jeremiah 32:41

How heart-cheering to the believer is the delight which God has in His saints! We cannot see any reason in ourselves why the Lord should take pleasure in us; we cannot take delight in ourselves, for we often have to groan, being burdened; conscious of our sinfulness, and deploring our unfaithfulness; and we fear that God’s people cannot take much delight in us, for they must perceive so much of our imperfections and our follies, that they may rather lament our infirmities than admire our graces.

But we love to dwell upon this transcendent truth, this glorious mystery: that as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so does the Lord rejoice over us. We do not read anywhere that God delighteth in the cloud-capped mountains, or the sparkling stars, but we do read that He delighteth in the habitable parts of the earth, and that His delights are with the sons of men.

We do not find it written that even angels give His soul delight; nor doth He say, concerning cherubim and seraphim, “Thou shalt be called Hephzibah, for the Lord delighteth in thee”; but He does say all that to poor fallen creatures like ourselves, debased and depraved by sin, but saved, exalted, and glorified by His grace.

In what strong language He expresses His delight in His people! Who could have conceived of the eternal One as bursting forth into a song? Yet it is written, “He will rejoice over thee with joy, He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.”

As He looked upon the world He had made, He said, “It is very good”; but when He beheld those who are the purchase of Jesus’ blood, His own chosen ones, it seemed as if the great heart of the Infinite could restrain itself no longer, but overflowed in divine exclamations of joy.

Should not we utter our grateful response to such a marvellous declaration of His love, and sing, “I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation?”

It is the Lord’s pleasure to do us good, let us arise and magnify His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

If the Lord said He will rejoice over us to do us good, definitely He will do so, let us not be afraid of what we are seeing today, rather let us put our trust in Him who is able to all things.

He surely do us good, He will take away our anxiety, worries, cares and burdens and will rejoice over us to do us good, alleluia to the King of kings.

Join us as read the verse forty-one using NLT version, “I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land.

Beloved, this is our great turn around ticket before our face; get up and covert it by prayers, pray earnestly that the Lord will not pass by you when He come to bless His people, alleluia to His Holy Name.

Beloved let us sing cheerfully, hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest!!! hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest!!!

On this note we declare this week open and blessed in Jesus Name! We return we greater testimonies at the end of the week in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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