Glory be to the God in the highest Amen!!! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen// I will call upon the Lord…. Who is worthy to be Praise… I will glorify the Lord… Who is worthy to be Praise…hosanna.. Blessed be the Lord…honour to the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted….2x
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name…. we adore Thee, we glorify Your Holy Name… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… we worship and adore Your Holy Name…. for You are God… You do miracle so great… we worship You forever and ever O my God… Greater is He that is me than He that is the world, we exalt You Jesus be Thou exalted O God in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, how are doing today… Faithful is our God… Yes our God is too Faithful to fail us, therefore we grid our loins with the fire of God and we declare that He is our God …. Blessed be to You o God only You deserve our praises… be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name….
Beloveth.. this is the day our Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it… Let the living soul shout alleluia… Let the living soul shout…. the Lord is Good… Let the living soul shout…. Praise the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our God is good; all the time… Yes… He is more than able to do what no man can do in Jesus Name…
Beloveth the Good Lord will show you mercy as you place your hope in Him… Yes He will arise and do that which you are trust and believe Him for… Thank You Father for being God over our situations in Jesus Name….
Today, we are considering a topic which says “If Jesus Christ were the CEO… remember yesterday we discussed about “The Seven Laws of Business Success” and am sure you were blessed…. Like we rightly pointed out that these laws if applied to other areas of our lives will also yield results….so don’t limit yourself… only talk to God through His Word as you mediated on His Word… He will open your eyes of understanding and you will see great things which you can do that will deliver the expected results to you… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Today beloveth, we are looking at a business model where Jesus is the CEO… what do think will happen there… what do you expect in such a business… hummmh, your guess is good as mine… so let consider it together then after we discuss and then draw our conclusions:
If Jesus Christ Were The CEO
If Jesus Christ were the CEO of a “for profit” company, what would be its objectives?
Consider this:
Jesus: “I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do.” (John 17:4 niv)
Paul: “We [teach] every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28a)
Paul: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8 niv)
Solomon: “All hard work brings a profit… plans of the diligent lead to profit.” (Proverbs 14:23a; 21:5a)
These are the objectives of Servicemaster, a Fortune 500 Company that provides services to hospitals, colleges, plants, and homes.
Perhaps at the root of many of our conflicts in business lies a confusion about AFFECTION and MOTIVES relative to God, money, and people:
We are to love God and hate money. (See Matthew 6:24)
We are to serve people and use money. (See Philippians 2:3; Ecclesiastes 5:19)
When we reverse the order, God simply removes His hand of blessing from our efforts. Work then deteriorates from a divine calling into a chore, and the stress level escalates to exponential proportions.
Beloveth, if Jesus is a CEO of an outfit or a business…. He will makes God His first as we also told in yesterday discussion to “Put God first.”
Yes! secondly, Jesus will groom His people to do the Job as if he was the one doing it…. this is lacking in our entrepreneur today… they rather use people than groom them and Jesus is not happy about this…
Thirdly, Jesus will work for profit but to the detriment of the users but for value for money… Praise the Name of the Lord…. but that is not what we see in our world today… people makes promises they cannot keep… some went as far as producing dangerous products in exchange of money…. May God deliver us from such evil in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… from this business model, we are learnt from our Master Jesus that we should always put…. God first, develop people, make reasonable profit and don’t compromise quality for higher profit…. May God help us in Jesus Name…
In conclusion beloveth… for now as we were lead… at the moment … let us remember that God’s grace is what opens the door to us therefore we must not shut it out through greed and arrogance… we must be humble and constantly drink from the Living water through studying of the Word of God… and allow the Spirit of God to impact us for good… Amen!!!
Beloveth… always seek your reference and leading from the Holy Spirit… alleluia!!! Amen!!!… so that remain blessed in the Lord…. may God help us to be good in what He has entrusted in our hands in Jesus Name…
We will not fail God…. we will not dishonour Him… we will build His people…His church… alleluia amen…. we will not love money more than God… neither will we love money more than people in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.