What a Mighty God we serve…alleluia!!! What a Mighty God we serve…alleluia!!! heaven and earth adore Thee. Angels bow before Thee… What a Mighty God we serve…alleluia!!!// He is Lord, He is Lord Amen! He has risen from the dead, He is Lord …every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord…

Our God is good ; all the time the Lord is God…  He is risen was chorus on Easter Sunday… a promised fulfilled… our God is Ever- Faithful… not even one Word given falls to the ground… Father we come to worship You…we come to adore Thee…we give You Praise…honour to Your Holy Name…alleluia to You Father…we give You Praise and worship we adore Thee Almighty, be Thou exalted Father in Jesus Name….

Jesus reign and so we are meant to reign… anything power stopping our reign colloids with the power that raised Christ from death and be destroyed forever in Jesus Name….

O Lord arise and take all Your Glory, all the Honour, Adoration to You Father.. be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!!!!!!!

Yes! God want us to reign with Him after we have served here on earth… no doubt about it so we must work hard to see that come to pass…yes… having redeemed from the power of sin, sickness and sorrow… through the Blood of Jesus Christ, beloveth we are meant to reign with Him.

We reign with God in any where He placed you… anyone that sees you, see Jesus… any one that comes in contact with you must have a feel/touch of God here on earth… He is sending us to the nook and corners of the World to take the gospel there…

Our topic today says “Integrity Upheld” is flag every child of God must carry along not hidden in the bag, purse or suitcase but must meant to be lifted high and weave to everyone to see … It is not what we have only in our environment, locals, churches or home… we must wave it at every one that knows us and interact with us…

What we never knew that evangelism has been from creation… God called Abraham and sent Him… as long as Abraham integrity was questionable; God’s side of the promise was delayed (Gen 12:1-1-4, 15:1-6). Noah dwell among His people, but showed-cased God, so when God planned to end that generation, He was a sanctified vessel to use… and so many like him (Gen 6:8-22).

The Wonders of God’s promise and integrity to Father Abraham was upheld and brought to pass through Joseph…. (Gen 15:7-29)

We all read how Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt but what never occurred to us is that Joseph went on evangelism to the one of the powerful nations of his time… a heathen…. Nation … He took the goodnews to them… someone is wondering how…

Come with us… and learn at the feet of Jesus….

Joseph is an offspring of Father Abraham… a son of Jacob the promised Israel… alleluia… God promised to preserve His people … and before famine hit the land, God sent a son to land where His people will be protected …while on the land… satan, the tempter tries to abort the plan of God as he did with Eve as the Garden of Eden but for the sake of a son that has drink from the well of salvation…

Joseph, while in the land upheld the Word of God to His great grand Father Abraham… He did not fall into sin… he did not sleep with Potiphar’s wife… what an evangelism even at the time when the ‘Great Commission’ has not been commissioned…

Joseph went and represented God well… beloveth… if Joseph did it at his time…more is expected of us… God is looking for men like Joseph that will stand in the market place, in the neighborhood, in schools, community, state, nation and uphold the integrity of the Word of God…

In his very – word Joseph said how can I do such a wicked thing to God… not to his Master but to God… beloveth…how many times have you and I did a wicked thing God…(Gen 39:8-9)

This is a clarion call to desist from evil and pursue righteousness. Christ having redeemed us from all evil, sin and death… we must life righteously and the Name of the Lord will be glorify Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Come along for more:

  You supported me because of my integrity, and set me in Your presence forever.—Psalm 41:12

Joseph was a righteous man who had cultivated a reputation for godliness in his community. Then word spread across the community that Mary, the woman to whom he was engaged, was expecting a child. There would be many who would assume the worst of this apparently scandalous situation. Joseph probably experienced gossip from some, ostracism from others. Yet he was a man of integrity, aware that God knew the truth of his relationship with Mary.

At times, God will be the only witness to your righteous behavior. Sometimes God is the only one who will understand your motives. Sometimes you will do all you know God has asked you to do, only to face ridicule from others. At such times all you can do is maintain your integrity, trusting that God always keeps His eyes on you. God looks favorably upon those who walk with integrity, doing what they know is right, regardless of how others perceive their actions.

The most important thing is not that people know the truth. The most important thing is that you are a person of integrity before God. When no one seems to understand why you have done something or when others question whether you have done all you should have done, your confidence should not be in the hope of vindication in the eyes of others. It should be in the knowledge that God keeps you in His sight. If you have this confidence, it will be enough to sustain you.

Beloveth… you read it all…is not anything but about showcasing our God to our world… Amen… let the work of redemption not be in vain but let it wrought righteousness amongst us… let it move us to serve God with fear and trembling… knowing that He knows everything and He also reward all those walked uprightly before Him… Amen!!!

Further Reading : Jn 12:26, 1 Jn.5:11, Col.1:13. Heb. 5:8, Ps 18:35, Ps 119:38.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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