I am Thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what you have done Dan Sakari Baba… /// O Lord You are so good You are so good to me my God You are Excellent… In my life every day… O Lord You are so good… You are so good to me… my Lord You are Excellent in my life….

Beautiful Jesus; doing beautiful things…. we come to worship You at the Feet of Your Throne… we give You Praise… alleluia… to You o Lord… how wonderful You are Lord… Great are You Father…. You are greatly to be Praise …Father You reign…. Praise the Name of the Lord…Alleluia!!! Ancient of Days… How Old Thou Art… blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Is our faith clinic day beloveth… Somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready to grow in faith… if you are… then the Spirit of God is here to help you… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Our topic today draw to mind the days of Noah… The Bible said that God looked at His work which He said was good and regretted that He created man… but in this ugly situation…there is one man who in spite of what was happening and going on around him lived uprightly… Him and his household… His godly life style extend to His son-in-law… the man’s name is Noah… There were also many who lived righteously even in face of heathen nations they found themselves… Abraham, Samuel, the three Hebrew children, Daniel, Mordecai, and some others… yes they thrive in the face and place of unrighteousness… God help them…

Beloveth… God is still in the business of doing good… yours will not be an exception… in Jesus Name…

If you are ready as am ready…. Join us to discover more below…

Is It Possible To Live A Righteous Life In A Godless Environment?

The answer of course is “YES!” Daniel of the Old Testament is probably our best example of someone who did it with class.

You may remember that as a Jewish lad, Daniel, along with his three compatriots, was taken captive into wicked Babylonia. Throughout his life, he demonstrated God’s faithfulness by choosing to live righteously amidst life-threatening pressures to conform otherwise.

HERE’S THE BOTTOM LINE: Daniel lived in Babylonia, but Babylonia did not live in Daniel.


  1. DETERMINATION — Daniel determined in his heart not to eat the king’s defiled food.

QUESTION: Working as many of you do in the market place where compromise is a daily occurrence, have you determined in your heart to not take the first step toward defilement?

  1. DELIVERANCE — Daniel chose to believe God for deliverance amidst humanly impossible circumstances.

One example was Daniel’s commitment to interpret the king’s dream before God guaranteed him the interpretation. Failure would surely cost him his life. (Daniel 2:1-23; Key vs. Daniel 2:16; See Daniel 6:6-23)

QUESTION: Are you willing to take steps of faith (when warranted) that could cost you an account, diminish your production, or otherwise adversely affect your career?

  1. DEPENDENCE — In times of crisis, Daniel chose to be dependent upon his compatriots.

In the instances cited in 1. and 2. above, Daniel enlisted the support or prayers of his three Jewish companions. (Daniel 1:9-20; 2:17, 18)

QUESTION: Are you locked in with a team of friends whom you look to for mutual moral and spiritual support? Or are you choosing to tough it out alone? (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10)

  1. DECENCY — Daniel chose to live a life of uncompromising decency.

After interpreting the king’s dream he chose not to yield to the king’s influence by accepting his gifts. (Daniel 5:17; Consider also Daniel 6:1-5)

QUESTION: Has your moral integrity been compromised by receiving gifts or favors from those in positions of power or authority? (Proverbs 23:1-3)

THE BIG QUESTION: “You are in the world, but is the world in you? (John 17:13-19)

May God help us to be faithful at all time… not to live a compromising lifestyle… Yes to live uprightly all the time… irrespective of the cost… may God help us through and through in Jesus Name….

 Beloveth…we must live the Word and not the world… Living the Word means …Living by Faith….. Amen somebody…

Further Reading- Gen.6:6:5-8, Gal.6:9, 2Cor.7:1, Ps.119:173, Matt.24:13, 2Thess.3:3, 2Cor.5:20, 1Tim.3:16, Jas.5:17, Ps.119:105, Ps.143:10.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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