Glory, Honour, Power and Majesty… be unto God our Lord… alleluia!!! Glory, Honour, Power and Majesty be unto Christ Amen!!!/// I have seen the Lord Goodness… His mercy and compassion… I have seen the Lord Goodness alleluia Praise the Lord….

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we give you Praise… glory be unto the Lord… Praise the Name of the Lord somebody… Alleluia!!!

Come and see … Come and see… Come and see what the Lord has done it is marvelous in my eyes… Come and see what the Lord has done… it is wonderful in my eyes… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes! Glorious is our God… Marvelous is His Name… Alleluia!!! Is PCL today… are you happy… Wow… What an awesome week if you ask me… The Spirit of God has taught us a whole lot… my heart is so excited and full of joy… It can only be God that will do it… Yes! By His Spirit and His Spirit alone… Praise the Awesome Jesus…

We have taken time to look at what it takes to be Christ disciples… is a life commitment, humility, compassion, love and peace…

In our PCL today we are looking at the life of Jesus… in spite of what Jesus went through, He lived out God’s purpose and God’s Will….. His life encapsulates all that I have mentioned above and More…. When you look at Jesus’ life… and step into every step all the way… then you have every course to stay humble by the doings of God… Alleluia somebody!!!

We want to live as Jesus lives… but we cannot do it by our power… but by His Grace alone… Praise the Name of the Lord….

Come alone with us for more:

Picture The Scene

Three years of camaraderie, miracles, and the infusion of His life into theirs, now culminating in a final meal together… before the tragic onslaught of denial and death.

In a few hours:

Judas would knife Him in the back.

Peter would crumble under pressure.

The rest would run away in fear.

Fully aware of these events, Jesus:

Knelt before Judas and lovingly washed his feet.

As He did Peter’s

And the rest.

It’s called unconditional love.

Grace unmerited.

Of this love the Lord Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for youAs I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:15, 34b)

QUESTION: To what extent of loving servanthood are you willing to go for the sake of those whom God has placed in your path?

Washing traitors’ feet and dying on an instrument of execution for a pack of rebels was His level of sacrifice.

What is yours?

Answer this question … God knowest the heart of every man… He can never be deceive…

Have a splendid weekend filled with God’s Awesome Presence …See you on Monday if Jesus tarry….

Further Reading- 1Jn.3:1, 2Tim.1:14, Jas.4:6, Heb.13:14, Rev.3:11, 2Cor.6:18.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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