August 12
Father, be glorified in the heavens; be glorified here on earth let Your Name alone be praise forever and ever more Amen. We pray that this week You will have a free flow in our life, family, career and ministry; let all that pertaining unto us showcase Your splendid in Jesus name.
In the course of the month, a lot of emphasis has been made on the importance of having good knowledge about God, why you are created and your duty to obey and serve Him. This week by His grace we will be considering how to get the abiding knowledge and internalizing it us.
Ensure you read along with us as the Holy Spirit reveal things of eternal value to us. You will be blessed as you meditate on this Word day and night. You will come to the realization that it is your life to bind His words on your neck and teach your children to do same in Jesus name. Consider further:
“For they are not meaningless words to you but they are your life, and by them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.”—Deuteronomy 32:47
It’s puzzling that so many Christians try to live the Christian life without reading their Bible, except for sporadic perusals of God’s Word, seeking a pithy thought for the day. The Word of God is not merely a source of helpful suggestions, preventative warnings, or inspirational thoughts: It is life itself!
God gathered the children of Israel at the edge of the Promised Land to review their pilgrimage with Him. They had spent forty years in a desert because their parents had not trusted God’s word. Their parents died without seeing the Promised Land because they had not believed God’s word. Even the revered Moses was soon to leave them because he had not shown proper reverence for God’s word. Many of them knew those who had been put to death as a consequence of their disobedience to God’s word. Over the years God’s word had become the most important thing in the life of the Israelites.
God commanded His people to bind His words on their hearts, to teach them diligently to their children, and to regularly discuss them in their homes (Deut. 6:4–9). So essential was His word that it was to hold a prominent place in the daily lives of His people.
Our reverence for God’s Word is revealed not only by what we say but also by what we do. Spending more time reading and studying the words of people rather than the Word of God, reveals our hearts’ condition. To blatantly disregard God’s Word is to reject life itself. To obey God’s Word is the surest way to experience all that God has in store for us.
Do you agree with that? A lot will be reveal to you by the Holy Spirit when you truly spend time on the Word of God and other anointed books and materials, your life will never remain the same when your true heart-energy is dissipate on things that has eternal values. More discoveries below:
“Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” 1Tim. 4:15
This is, practically, a promise that, by diligent meditation and the giving up of our whole mind to our work for the Lord, we shall make a progress which all can see. Not by hasty reading, but by deep meditation, we profit by the Word of God. Not by doing a great deal of work in a slovenly manner, but by giving our best thought to what we attempt, we shall get real profit. “In all labor there is profit,” but not in fuss and hurry without true heart-energy.
If we divide ourselves between God and mammon, or Christ and self, we shall make no progress. We must give ourselves wholly to holy things, or else we shall be poor traders in heavenly business, and at our stock-taking no profit will be shown.
Am I a minister? Let me be a minister wholly, and not spend my energies upon secondary concerns. What have I to do with party politics, or vain amusements? Am I a Christian? Let me make my service of Jesus my occupation, my lifework, my one pursuit. We must be in-and-in with Jesus, and then out-and-out for Jesus, or else we shall make neither progress nor profit, and neither the church nor the world will feel that forceful influence which the Lord would have us exercise.
Beloved, may His Word come afresh on us and let the power and the blessings that accompany it never elude us. Amen. The Lord will bless the works of our hand to be fruitful as we learn at His feet in humility Amen.
Remember don’t be left out on this adventure on discovery on how to internalize His Words in our life. Glory be to God.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu