
We are heirs of the Father,

We are jointed with the Son,

We are children of the kingdom,

We are family, we are one.


Father, we thank You for this great privilege to be jointed heirs with Your Son in Your abode. What an honour that You stoop down to be called Son of man even when You are the Creator. We thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name. We honour You forever more. Amen!

Beloved, we are in final lap of this great month, our month of “Divine Enthronement” I hope you are having fun in the Lord. Joy is not is absent of trouble or sorrow but the understanding that God even in that misfortune or mishap or ugly situation is in charge.

I once complained to brother about the behavior and attitude of some people who supposed to know better but choose not that I will not be praying alone with them (this happened years back). His answer was this, “if you are praying with them and things are like this imagine what will happen when you stop to pray”. It was a food for thought. I made up my mind to put my focus in God than man lest I fall and dishonor God.

Today, the Lord is inviting you again to the banqueting table where His only begotten Son is sitting to be joint heir with Him. Are you ready or do you have an excuse like those invited to the marriage feast.

“Joint heirs with Christ.” Romans 8:17

The boundless realms of His Father’s universe are Christ’s by prescriptive right. As “heir of all things,” He is the sole proprietor of the vast creation of God, and He has admitted us to claim the whole as ours, by virtue of that deed of joint-heir-ship which the Lord hath ratified with His chosen people. The golden streets of paradise, the pearly gates, the river of life, the transcendent bliss, and the unutterable glory, are, by our blessed Lord, made over to us for our everlasting possession.

All that He has He shares with His people. The crown royal He has placed upon the head of His Church, appointing her a kingdom, and calling her sons a royal priesthood, a generation of priests and kings. He uncrowned Himself that we might have a coronation of glory; He would not sit upon His own throne until He had procured a place upon it for all who overcome by His blood. Crown the head and the whole body shares the honour.

Behold here the reward of every Christian conqueror! Christ’s throne, crown, sceptre, palace, treasure, robes, heritage, are yours. Far superior to the jealousy, selfishness, and greed, which admit of no participation of their advantages, Christ deems His happiness completed by His people sharing it. “The glory which thou gavest me have I given them.” “These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”

The smiles of His Father are all the sweeter to Him, because His people share them. The honours of His kingdom are more pleasing, because His people appear with Him in glory. More valuable to Him are His conquests, since they have taught His people to overcome. He delights in His throne, because on it there is a place for them. He rejoices in His royal robes, since over them His skirts are spread. He delights the more in His joy, because He calls them to enter into it.

Again are you ready to enter into the joy which He had prepared for you? In the joy of the Lord will He manifest Himself to you. Then will you know and believe that He is God and is able to do all things:

“And will manifest myself to him.” John 14:21


The Lord Jesus gives special revelations of Himself to His people. Even if Scripture did not declare this, there are many of the children of God who could testify the truth of it from their own experience. They have had manifestations of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in a peculiar manner, such as no mere reading or hearing could afford.

In the biographies of eminent saints, you will find many instances recorded in which Jesus has been pleased, in a very special manner to speak to their souls, and to unfold the wonders of His person; yea, so have their souls been steeped in happiness that they have thought themselves to be in heaven, whereas they were not there, though they were well nigh on the threshold of it—for when Jesus manifests Himself to His people, it is heaven on earth; it is paradise in embryo; it is bliss begun.

Especial manifestations of Christ exercise a holy influence on the believer’s heart. One effect will be humility. If a man says, “I have had such-and-such spiritual communications, I am a great man,” he has never had any communion with Jesus at all; for “God hath respect unto the lowly: but the proud He knoweth afar off.” He does not need to come near them to know them, and will never give them any visits of love. Another effect will be happiness; for in God’s presence there are pleasures for evermore.

Holiness will be sure to follow. A man who has no holiness has never had this manifestation. Some men profess a great deal; but we must not believe any one unless we see that his deeds answer to what he says. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” He will not bestow His favours upon the wicked: for while He will not cast away a perfect man, neither will He respect an evil doer.

Thus there will be three effects of nearness to Jesus—humility, happiness, and holiness. May God give them to thee, Christian!

Beloved, covet these virtues and your life will never be the same, like the early Christian was called Christian in Antioch so will those who come across you will praise your father who is at in heaven.

A blessed week ahead, whatsoever you are believing God before the end of this month, I pray that the good Lord will deliver it to you in Jesus Name. Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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