Glorious God, Beautiful King Excellent God I bow before throne. Glorious God, Beautiful King Excellent God I bow before throne. I bow before Your throne, I worship at Your feet, I bow before Your Throne You are a Mighty God.// Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.
Thank You Father for another beautiful day You have made us to be part of, alleluia to Your Holy Name! Thank You Father, be Thou exalted, be Thou glorify forever in Jesus Name. Ancient One, we reverence You we adore forever and ever in Jesus Name. Thank You for Your Mighty Presence in our misdt, Thank You for anointing that breaks the yokes. Thank You Jesus for deliverance, thank You for provisions, Thank for healing, thank You for orchestrating way to make the impossible possible in Jesus Name!
Beloved, how are doing today? We ought to be glad and rejoice for our God is a living God! He walks through the affairs of men and makes our enemies shudder at our presence. Alleluia to Him alone Who do let our enemies to rejoice over us but make them our footstool, glory be to the Name of God forever in Jesus Name.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our justifier dearly beloved. Satan the accuser of the brethren goes about terrify the believer with all manners of lies, pointing accusing finger and repeatedly making us to believe that there is no deliverance for us from our past sin but Jesus assuredly secured eternal life for us through His death on the Cross.
Beloveth, is the accuser of the brethren has been accusing you lately? By the reason of this devotion you are set free. The power of the Holy Spirit is delivering you right away in Jesus Name! That yoke is being broken and destroy by the Blood of Jesus Name!
Beloveth, the power that raised Christ up from death is liberating you right now in Jesus Name, satan, hell and the power of death is put to shame. Can you shout a believing alleluia! I am living witness because Christ is living among men. He appeared before many people after His resurrection and having ascended into heaven, he seats at the right Hand of His Father, our Father, the God Almighty pleading our course day and night.
What a glory! Beloveth, I hope you are believer in Christ Jesus because He justifier only those who believed in Him, do you believe in Christ Jesus? If you are yet to be born again just click here right now and the Holy Spirit will finish the work.
Remember Jonah, until confession that salvation belongs to God he was in belly of fish but the moment He confessed that salvation belongs to God. God commended the fish to spit him out.
Is possible that God is waiting for your confession and as soon as it is done that unfriendly situation will turn around for your good. Praise the Lord!
What is the accuser is accusing you morning and night, come with us to see Jesus our Justifier what He has done for us:
“Just, and the justifier of him which believeth.” Romans 3:26
Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Conscience accuses no longer. Judgment now decides for the sinner instead of against him. Memory looks back upon past sins, with deep sorrow for the sin, but yet with no dread of any penalty to come; for Christ has paid the debt of His people to the last jot and tittle, and received the divine receipt; and unless God can be so unjust as to demand double payment for one debt, no soul for whom Jesus died as a substitute can ever be cast into hell.
It seems to be one of the very principles of our enlightened nature to believe that God is just; we feel that it must be so, and this gives us our terror at first; but is it not marvellous that this very same belief that God is just, becomes afterwards the pillar of our confidence and peace! If God be just, I, a sinner, alone and without a substitute, must be punished; but Jesus stands in my stead and is punished for me; and now, if God be just, I, a sinner, standing in Christ, can never be punished.
God must change His nature before one soul, for whom Jesus was a substitute, can ever by any possibility suffer the lash of the law. Therefore, Jesus having taken the place of the believer—having rendered a full equivalent to divine wrath for all that His people ought to have suffered as the result of sin, the believer can shout with glorious triumph, “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect?”
Not God, for He hath justified; not Christ, for He hath died, “yea rather hath risen again.” My hope lives not because I am not a sinner, but because I am a sinner for whom Christ died; my trust is not that I am holy, but that being unholy, He is my righteousness.
My faith rests not upon what I am, or shall be, or feel, or know, but in what Christ is, in what He has done, and in what He is now doing for me. On the lion of justice the fair maid of hope rides like a queen.
Beloved where does your faith rest upon? Read the last paragraph again and see where your faith must anchor upon. May God help you and I to stand firm on the Rock that is in Christ Jesus Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! And may the peace which is given by Christ rest upon me and my home in Jesus Name!
Never allow the accuser of the brethren to intimidate you and make you afraid when the Lord has given you His Spirit to makes you bold as lion and to call Him Abba Father, Alleluia Amen!
Let this make your faith strong, unshakable and firm in Christ Jesus Amen and Amen alleluia Amen.
Remain blessed in the Lord.