What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord. It is a great thing to serve the Lord, walking in the light of God. When I look around me; I will see my Lord Jesus; look around me, I will see my Lord Jesus. Come and see oo, come and see ee.
All these songs to the King of kings; the Lord of lords, glory be to God in the highest. Child of God, are you wearing your dancing shoes already? Because today we will be dancing our way through those challenges in the Name of Jesus!
Let the earth rejoice and the people be glad, for the Lord God reigns.
Indeed my beloved, the Lord God reigns in the heavens and on the earth. For the earth is of the Lord and the fullness thereof. Nothing must be more desirous in anyone’s life than having the Presence of God.
In His Presence, there is fullness of joy; at Your right Hand are pleasures forevermore (Ps 16:11).
Beloved, do you practice our object of discussion? Ever been in God’s Presence? Have you experienced it? Do you know what it feels like to be in God’s Presence? I mean, have you ever felt God’s Presence around you personally?
Okay ever felt the presence of God either during a corporate worship, prayer meetings or ministration? If I am to answer the questions above, by experience is both personal and also in corporate worship. Beloved, it is in-explainable. There is not enough words to describe it. That is, words may fail you in explaining what it is like in God’s Presence.
Beloved, you will be lost in His Presence, you care not who is present or who is watching because you will not even see them so to speak because of the glory all around you, as I said earlier, you are lost (2 Sam6:14).
Put in another way, it is “heaven on earth” wow! Someone is catching the light of what am saying. You don’t feel like leaving, you wish the service or the meeting will go on endlessly. However, it is better managed when it is in personal devotion because you decide how long you want to be irrespective of what is needing your attention at that moment. Are you feeling good?
Beloved, in His Presence, no power, principalities can stand. No sickness, sadness nor sorrow can stand in God’s Presence. Poverty mentality bows and all the arrows shot by the evil ones disappear. Do you know that the earth quake and the mountains skips in God’s presence? Come and see how the hill and valley obeys the voice of God (Nah 1:5).
O my dear, it is something you and I must desire above food, gold and silver. Goodness me, if you have not dearly beloved, ask the Holy Spirit to help you today.
Someone just asked a question “I thought God is everywhere, what is special about His presence. That is where you missed it my dear. If it is a known fact, the question is, have you ever felt His Presence around you before?
Coming to the physical, if someone enters the room where you are, you must not only know but also be able to say whether is a male or female irrespective of age.
Before we go ahead, I want to recall the biblical experiences of the Presence of God. In the very beginning (Gen 1:1-3) Adam & Eve (Gen 3:8-24a), Cain and Abel (Gen 4;6-7;9), Noah (Gen 6:13-22) Abraham (Gen 12:1-3), Jacob (Gen 32:24-29), Moses ( Ex 3:4-18; 34:34-35), the three disciples of Jesus (Matt 17:1-8), Saul (later known as Paul) (Acts 9:4-6). Mary, the mother of Jesus during the Annunciation (Lk 1:28:37).
Beloved, in each of the experiences written above, we understood that these people encountered God at different times for different purposes. That is, the Presence of God heralds one event or the other. Please take time to go through all this bible quotes and add more.
Have this experience stopped? Is God still visiting His people even at this time? Don’t leave this message without having an encounter with God. That will be your own testimony. Praise God!
Let us read from a man who covet God’s presence during his life time and see how he did it, maybe you will also learn from him:
Learning To Practice The Presence Of God
Brother Lawrence ( 1611-1691 ) was a layman with no formal training, who worked during his adult years in the kitchen of a monastery in France. This devout disciple discovered the practice of living moment by moment in “the presence of God“. Following are excerpts from his writings :
“I renounced, for the love of God, everything that was not God, and I began to live as if there was none but God and I in the world… “
“I worshipped Him as often as I could, keeping my mind in His holy presence and recalling it back to God as often as I found it had wandered from Him… “
“I make it my business only to persevere in His holy presence… an habitual, silent, and secret conversation of the soul with God.”
“I imagine myself as the most wretched of all, full of sores and sins, and one who has committed all sorts of crimes against his king. Feeling a deep sorrow, I confess to Him all of my sins, I ask his forgiveness, and I abandon myself into His hands so that He may do with me what He pleases.”
“This King, full of mercy and goodness, far from chastening me, embraces me with love, invites me to feast at His table, serves me with His own hands, and gives me the key to His treasures. He converses with me, and takes delight in me… This is how I imagine myself from time to time in His holy presence… “
“My most useful method is this simple attention, done with a passionate regard toward God to whom I find myself often attached with greater sweetness and delight than that of an infant at its mother’s breast. So much so that – if I dare use this expression – I choose to call this state the bosom of God because of the inexpressible sweetness which I taste and experience there.”
“If sometimes my thoughts wander from God because of necessity, I am recalled back to God soon after by inward sensations so charming and delicious that I am afraid to speak of them…”
“You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
Are you ready to seek Him? If you are , know that for every of your battle, God will fight for you. Which battle field is before you? The Lord your God will win it for you. Are you facing the battle of persecution, illness, financial barrenness, childlessness, life partner behold the Lord goeth before you to fight this battle for you but on condition. Read on to discover the condition:
“For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” Deut. 20:4
We have no enemies but the enemies of God. Our fights are not against men, but against spiritual wickednesses. We war with the devil, and the blasphemy, and error, and despair, which he brings into the field of battle. We fight with all the armies of sin-impurity, drunkenness, oppression, infidelity, and ungodliness. With these we contend earnestly, but not with sword or spear; the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
Jehovah, our God, abhors everything which is evil, and, therefore, He goeth with us to fight for us in this crusade. He will save us, and He will give us grace to war a good warfare, and win the victory. We may depend upon it that if we are on God’s side God is on our side. With such an august ally the conflict is never in the least degree doubtful. It is not that truth is mighty and must prevail, but that might lies with the Father who is Almighty, with Jesus who has all power in Heaven and in earth, and with the Holy Spirit who worketh His will among men.
Soldiers of Christ, gird on your armor. Strike home in the name of the God of holiness, and by faith grasp His salvation. Let not this day pass without striking a blow for Jesus and holiness.
Will you do just that? Pray and ask God for every grace and strength you need to go all the way. No one comes into God’s Presence and go away the same way. Such a one in God’s Presence go not without a present.
Finally, beloved, be deliberate about it, covet the Presence of God and all those unnecessary evils will clear off your path. Have a swell time in His presence today by Playing the song of Micheal W. Smith by click on this address. (please skip the advert when you connect) https://youtu.be/mEDcKZB7r2A
Remain blessed in the Lord.