Gracious Father, hallow be Thy Name, let Thy kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for the gift of life, an Excellence Spirit, the ability that is in You Lord, Thank You.
Not to us, not to us O Lord but to You alone be all the glory, honour adoration forever and ever. Amen.
Beloved, an excellent way to operate in the realm of greater glory is doing the first thing first. That is seeking first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added unto us according to the Word God.
We should not look for it like the heathen do but as we desire to follow and do the will of God, the Spirit of God knows what to do.
They were designed to manifest and display His Might and Glory throughout the bible days and we who are alive today are no less destined to display His glory – His awesome splendor and Majesty.
Why are we not manifesting this glory as we should? In Hag 1: 3-6, 9. The house of the Lord was left in ruin while we are busy with our own activities with less attention to the things of God.
However, God went further to promise them future glory and blessings if they pay attention to the rebuilding of His house, His temple (hag 2: 9) the glory of this present house will be greater than the former.
Also, in 2 Cor 3:7-11, if the glory that Moses encountered is that real though it faded away, how much more the glory of Jesus. In the Old Testament the glory of God was manifest only in certain places at certain times through certain channels like the prophets, priest, or kings. But 1 Cor 3:16, we read that every child of God is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
The temple of God is not the physical church we are seeing today, we are the church of God, we are God’s Temple.
We must listen to the move of Holy Spirit to know when and how to help in the rebuilding God’s temple. Let’s consider ways we can be involved, how and when to move:
“And let it be, when thou hearest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the Lord go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines.” 2Sam. 5:24
There are signs of the Lord’s moving which should move us. The Spirit of God blows where He listeth, and we hear the sound thereof. Then is the time for us to be more than ever astir. We must seize the golden opportunity, and make the most we can of it. It is ours to fight the Philistines at all times; but when the Lord Himself goes out before us, then we should be specially valiant in the war.
The breeze stirred the tops of the trees, and David and his men took this for the signal for an onslaught, and at their advance the Lord, Himself, smote the Philistines. Oh, that this day the Lord may give us an opening to speak for Him with many of our friends! Let us be on the watch to avail ourselves of the hopeful opening when it comes.
Who knows but this may be a day of good tidings; a season of soul-winning. Let us keep our ear open to hear the rustle of the wind, and our minds ready to obey the signal. Is not this promise, “then shall the Lord go out before thee,” a sufficient encouragement to play the man? Since the Lord goes before us, we dare not hold back.
Are you get involved in the rebuilding of God’s temple through Spiritual Sowing? There is brother, a sister waiting for you to turn to God, do not neglect this call:
“He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” Gal. 6:8
Sowing looks like a losing business, for we put good corn into the ground never to see it any more. Sowing to the Spirit seems a very fanciful, dreamy business; for we deny ourselves, and apparently get nothing for it. Yet if we sow to the Spirit by studying to live unto God, seeking to obey the will of God, and laying ourselves out to promote His honor, we shall not sow in vain. Life shall be our reward, even everlasting life.
This we enjoy here as we enter into the knowledge of God, communion with God, and enjoyment of God. This life flows on like an ever-deepening, ever-widening river, till it bears us to the ocean of infinite felicity, where the life of God is ours for ever and ever.
Let us not this day sow to our flesh, for the harvest will be corruption, since flesh always tends that way; but with holy self-conquest let us live for the highest, purest, and most spiritual ends, seeking to honor our most holy Lord by obeying His most gracious Spirit.
What a harvest will that be when we reap life everlasting! What sheaves of endless bliss will be reaped! What a festival will that harvest be! Lord, make us such reapers, for thy Son’s sake.
Beloved, God wants His house – you and I – to be filled with His glory. He wants the glory of the latter house, the present – day house, to be even greater than it was in the heyday of Solomon’s temple. We are God’s building, His temple, the house in which He dwells. And He is going to manifest Himself in and through us. Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu