Come and see the Lord is good. Come and see the Lord is good there nothing He cannot do come and see the Lord is good. // You are great (You are) Mighty One, You walked upon the sea You raised the death, You in Majesty Holy One, everything written about You is great. You are great, you are great, You are great, You are great. You are great yes! You are, You are great Yes You are, everything written about You is great.

Father, You are bigger than what we call You, great are You Lord and great is Your Name above all the earth. Thank You for faithfulness, thank You Father for You make way in the wilderness, a pool of water in the desert. How great are You. From generation to generation knows that our God is God. He is good to all that He has made, glory be to Jesus. alleluia amen!

Thank You for the outstanding miracles You did for us. great are You works Father, thank You and thank You again, in Name O Lord! we will move forward and we will be fruitful according to Woord to us, glory be to You on high alleluia.

Beloved, how has it been with you this week? Hope you are doing great yes! our God is faithful and will by His Mighty Hand make every beautiful for us His children. Alleluia amen!

Ancient of days how Old are You Lord. thank you for n. Alleluia amen!

Ancient of days how Old are You Lord. Thank You for love for us thank You for the great and mighty things You are doing and will continue to do amongst us, thank You for the body of Christ upon which our foundation lies, glory be to Your Name on high. Praise the Lord!

Beloved, our redemption price has been paid and we will therefore desire to see Zion prosper. Yes! we must live desiring and working towards the prosperity of the house of God. O God, arise and help us we pray Thee in to be all you have made us to be.

To be strong pillars in God’s house, to run to obtain at the end the crown of glory which you promise all that overcame in your Name.

Beloved, the Lord promise us His goodness and mercy and since His Word faileth not, His goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in His Presence forever more. Yes! how great is our God! sing with me, how great is the Lord.

Yes! we desire the growth of His church and He will comfort all that mourn on His behalf alleluia Amen!

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, He is worthy to be Praise and adore so we lift our Holy hand in one accord, singing blessings to Thy Name, honour Thy Name, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

My prayer for you this morning is that you will love God and His church with your whole heart, mind and body in Jesus Name. You shall never be ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus. every weapon fashion against you to discourage walk with God will be frustrated in Jesus amen. The Lord will do great things for you and you will rejoice and be glad. Yes! your mouth will be open by the raising of miracle and wondrous things His hand will do for you Praise the Lord Amen alleluia.

Is there any morning among us God will comfort you. He will wipe away your tears and Name will be glorify in Jesus Name. Come along for more:

“Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favor the dust thereof.” Ps. 102:13, 14


Yes, our prayers for the church will be heard. The set time is come. We love the prayer meeting, and the Sunday school, and all the services of the Lord’s house. We are bound in heart to all the people of God, and can truly say, “There’s not a lamb in all thy flock I would disdain to feed; There’s not a foe before whose face I’d fear thy cause to plead.”

If this is the general feeling, we shall soon enjoy times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. Our assemblies will be filled, saints will be revived, and sinners will be converted. This can only come of the Lord’s mercy; but it will come, and we are called upon to expect it. The time, the set time, is come.

Let us bestir ourselves. Let us love every stone of our Zion, even though it may be fallen down. Let us treasure up the least truth, the least ordinance, the least believer, even though some may despise them as only so much dust. When we favor Zion, God is about to favor her. When we take pleasure in the Lord’s work, the Lord Himself will take pleasure in it.

You just read that, if you take pleasure in His work; He will take in yours alleluia. May God reward us according to His abundance in Jesus Name. you are is mourning the Lord will surely comfort from from zion and you mouth will be filled with laughter in Jesus Name. more below:

“Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.” Matt. 5:4


By the valley of weeping we come to Zion. One would have thought mourning and being blessed were in opposition, but the infinitely wise Saviour puts them together, in this beatitude. What He has joined together let no man put asunder. Mourning for sin — our own sins, and the sins of others — is the Lord’s seal set upon His faithful ones.

When the Spirit of grace is poured upon the house of David, or any other house, they shall mourn. By holy mourning we receive the best of our blessings, even as the rarest commodities come to us by water. Not only shall the mourner be blessed at some future day, but Christ pronounces him blessed even now.

The Holy Spirit will surely comfort those hearts which mourn for sin. They shall be comforted by the application of the blood of Jesus, and by the cleansing power of the Holy Ghost. They shall be comforted as to the abounding sin of their city and of their age by the assurance that God will glorify Himself, however much men may rebel against Him.

They shall be comforted with the expectation that they shall be wholly freed from sin before long, and shall soon be taken up to dwell forever in the glorious presence of their Lord.

O Lord comfort us and make every burden light in Jesus Name. Make us surrender all to knowing that Your plan for us is to prosper us and not to harm us. O Lord our salvation belong to you, therefore make haste to deliver us from all evil in Jesus Name (Jn 2:9)

Arise again Lord for the time to favour Zion is now and everything that make us hive sign will be removed in Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!!

Read these bible passage and be blessed Ps 72:12. Rev 3:11, Ps 25:7. Have a wonderful weekend, see on Monday by God’s grace.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord

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