I will magnify the Lord who is worthy to be Praise, I will glorify the Lord, who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the rock of salvation be exalted. The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let Rock of my salvation be exalted.
Who is like unto Thee O God, who is like unto Thee O God among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praising, doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.
How excellent is Your Name O God! How excellent is your Name O! God! , how excellent is your name, how wonderful is Name, how excellent is your Name O! Lord!, how excellent is your Name, how wonderful is your Name, how excellent is your Name O Lord!
Lord we lift Your Name higher, we lift Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, shout alleluia, alleluia, alle- aleleuia, shout a llel- alleluia, shout allel-alleluia.
Everybody praise the Lord is alive, everybody praise the Lord is alive, everybody praise the Lord is alive, everybody praise the Lord is alive, eeeeh eeeeeh hahaha everybody praise is alive.
Who is on the Lord side I want to, I am on the Lord side, who is on the Lord side I want to know I am on the Lord side, I am on the Lord side and Jesus is on my side, as long as I live as long as I stay I am on the Lord, ohhh as long as I live as long as I stay I am on the Lord side.
Jesus Jesus Jesus You are the Love my heart, Jesus Jesus Jesus You are love of my life O Jesus You are the love of my life, sweet Jesus You are love of my life.
Thank You thank You Lord, thank You Lord, thank You Lord for everything You have done in my life. Thank You, thank You Lord, Father thank You Lord, Thank You for everything You have done.
Come and see ooo, come and see! Come and see ooo, come and see! Come and see what the Lord has done, it is marvelous in my sight. Come and see what the Lord has done it is wonderful in my sight.
You are most High, You are the Most High God, Jehovah, You are the most high, You are the most high God! Jehovah, You are the Most High, Jehovah, You are the Most High God!
Children of God, wonderful children will you shout alleluia, shout alleluia to the Lord five times- alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Children of God, wonderful children will you shout alleluia, shout alleluia to the Lord seven times -alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Children of God, wonderful children will you shout alleluia, shout alleluia to the Lord twelve times- alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, Alleluia umu Jehovah wee merie, (winner man a winner , a winner man, winner man a winner man, a winner man, winner man, a winner man man, a winner all time)
Yes! the children of God are winner men and women, who will not give up but preserver among the chaos that are every where, living for God in spite of all the challenges that is confronting them, looking at their challenges but decided to stay focus in God and we never give up.
Come and see beloveth the love of God which He displayed towards mankind not withstanding our wickedness but He decided to shows His undying love to the world. This love made Him stoop down to save us through something we did not merit but He orchestrated it to show case His divinity before us:
Jeremiah 52:17-34, Psalm 119:129-136, Proverbs 27:1-2, Hebrews 4:14-6:8
Love with a “Stoop”
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness.—Hebrews 4:16
Grace is more than a synonym for love; it is a characteristic of the Deity which is quite close to love (and mercy) but yet deserves to be seen as different and distinctive. I heard an old Welsh preacher say: “Grace is a word with a’stoop’ in it; love reaches out on the same level, but grace always has to stoop to pick one up.” It was probably this same thought that an anonymous writer had in mind when he said: “Grace is love at its loveliest, falling on the unlovable and making it lovely.”
But it is to the great Puritan preacher Thomas Goodwin we must turn for the best clarification of the difference between love and grace: “Grace is more than mercy and love. It superadds to them. It denotes not simply love but love of a sovereign, transcendentally superior One that may do what He will, that may freely choose whether He will love or no. There may be love between equals, and an inferior may love a superior, but love in a Superior—and so superior that He may do what He will—in such a One love is called grace. Grace is attributed to princes; they are said to be ‘gracious’ to their subjects, whereas subjects cannot be gracious to princes.”
Grace then is God’s kindness bestowed upon the undeserving; benevolence handed down to those who have no merit; a hand reaching down to those who have fallen into a pit. The Bible bids us believe that on the throne of the universe there is a God like that.
Loving and gracious God, help me understand more deeply than ever what it means to be a recipient of Your grace. I have some idea, but I long to realize it even more. Help me, my Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study Dn 9:1-18; Dt 9:5; 1Pt 5:5
Is grace the result of righteousness?
Who does God give grace to?
Is grace that persevered us even when we merit it not, it is grace that goes beyond the love of God for us his children and that is He decided to use at this time to walk into our situation and save us from everlasting damnation.
It is this same grace that will deliver the captive and set him/her free from every manner of bondage. Thanks be to God Who has been in the business of saving men from distress, despair, and frustration, that same God is in the house today going beyond the love He has for us through His grace to do the impossible unto men! Praise the Lord!
Beloved, I want you to Praise like never before, throw yourself at the feet of Jesus and worship. Worship like never before and you will see the glory of God radiating through your heart and giving you peace in that situation.
Beloved, this is the last Saturday of the year and the last of it in our Praise gate this year, it is the fifth Saturday we have engaged in praising God according to His Word to us and I believed we all have testimonies as result.
Remember we must always learn to be grateful to God in all circumstance Phil 4:6. Is difficult to preach this aspect of gospel but it is important we share it with you because many who had done it in the past have testimonies to share. Daniel was in thrown in the lion’s den but God delivered him. Hannah was mocked by her mate but God gave her Samuel in return. The three Hebrew boys went into fire instead of bowing down to a god that is not a Living God– Jehovah, in that fire they saw the Hand of God, they made up their mind to die but God saved them.
Many of us are plague with situation that we may not be able to share with even our closest friends but as we chose to lay it before the throne of grace, Grace is speaking for someone today- The God that walked through the land of Egypt and delivered the Israelite will walk through your situation today and bring about testimonies that you thought were impossible, Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grace for the impossible to be possible receive now in Jesus Name.
Alleluia Amen! Alleluia Amen!! Alleluia!!!
Beloved, we will have to cap up our Praise gate to seven Saturday to make it a perfect number as I received of the Lord. It means we are going to engage the first two Saturday in January to Praise God, appreciating and thanking Him for the grace of being part of the New Year and the blessings therein. Get ready as the praises get better by day. Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a resounding joy in your home this weekend as we march towards the end of the year, remember God can never be late, He will come even now if that what your situation is saying, He will come and will not delay, God is stretching forth His Hand now and miracles are coming right away in Jesus Name! Praise the Lord as the angels have been dispatched to deliver your longings.
See you on Monday with lots of testimonies if Jesus tarry, Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord,