Good morning Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are grateful Lord for Your loving kindness towards us. Thank for Your divine protection upon us. You are so Wonderful and Faithful is Your Name. Father, make us more like Jesus in all our dealings. Help us to live a godly life in Jesus Name.
Beloved, hope your weekend was good? Thank God for a new day, a new week before us, the Lord will make it beautiful for us. The God who seeth over the affairs of men, will take care of us. The evil in land will not consume us for the Lord will continually make a way of escape for us.
So many evil were recorded in various part of the world this last week, we are not better than those you either lost their valuables, beloved ones to flood, fire or were recorded dead this week that just ended but the Lord preserved us, He keepeth our feet from getting into trouble. Be thou magnified O Lord!
Beloved, our God is Faithful. We have read so much of the patriots who went before us, how faithful they were in their walk with God. The big question now is how faithful are you? Can God count on you? Can you be trusted by God? They have their own pressures but they were able to stand for Christ in spite of all impending dangers, death inclusive.
Those faithful’s display courage in their walk with God. Courage is not the absent of fear but doing what you are suppose to do in spite of fear.
Is a confidence that is based on that God is able to take care of us either here or hereafter. We need courage to stand in the face of all challenging situations.
Courage is the ability to say “No” when everyone else is saying “yes”. How courageous are you? In face of critical situation would you rather stand for God or compromise your stand? It can come in diverse ways like a threat to your sources of income, your life, family and what not. You know your values systems.
In this month of “Joy Unlimited”, it will be an uncommon month, one to be much remember in the years to come. You will come to love your Maker in spite of all.
These are some of the faithful’s Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel and the prophets like Nathan, and so many in the New Testament. Among whom we have Philip, Paul and so of the other Apostles. How were they able to make it?
It so important you get this information as our world is becoming more challenging. So many things bombarding us through the internet, cables, and entertainments media are becoming more sophisticated per second.
Let us consider these generals of the Lord’s armies, what qualified them and how they were able to pull through, you never can tell when you need to draw from their experiences.
“I assure you: Wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her.”—Mark 14:9
We may assume that our expressions of devotion to God are small and insignificant, but in God’s eyes they may hold much meaning. Our love and dedication to Christ may even create memorials to God for future generations.
This woman performed a profound act of love for Jesus. She did not do it to impress His disciples or to gain public attention or to gain praise from Jesus. She simply sought to express her love for Jesus. She did nothing spectacular; she performed no miracles; she preached no sermons. Yet Jesus was so moved by her selfless loyalty that He deemed it worthy of remembrance throughout the remainder of history.
We do not know all that God finds most pleasing, nor do we know what acts of our love He may choose to honor through our children and future generations. Abraham could not have known that the day he demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice his only son would be memorialized and would bless many generations who heard of his obedience. David could not have known that his walk with God would please Him so much that David’s example would bless generations who followed him.
God can take your faithfulness and begin a spiritual legacy, making it a blessing to others for generations to come. You will never know until eternity all who received a blessing because of your righteous life. That is why it is so important that you daily express your love and devotion to Jesus.
What seed are you sowing? What God expected of us is not out of our reach expect where we refuse to do it. The woman we just read show love by giving. Sharing her best with Jesus. I ask again, what is your value system. What best is the Lord asking from you and you are withholding from Him?
Another, who demonstration courage in face of persecution was one of the Jesus disciple by name Philips. One of God’s general was just martyred by name Stephen and the devout men took care of his remains. There was great persecution in Samaria but in spite of it Philip stood and preach Christ to them. He did not pretend to be a follower of Christ as most of us do in face of hardship or trails. He did not compromise on whom he believed even with the fresh memories of Stephen’s death.
The resultant effect of this was the healings that God wrought through him. The conversion of a man called Simon, a sorcery, who bewitched people. He received Jesus turned from his evil ways and was baptized. He continues with Philip until the Spirit of God took Philip on another assignment.
Therefore, another way we may also demonstrate our love for God is by being on a “Mission with God”
The Spirit told Philip, “Go and join that chariot.”—Acts 8:29
Missions is God finding those whose hearts are right with Him and placing them where they can make a difference for His kingdom. Some of the great missionaries in history did not live long lives, but their lives dramatically affected eternity.
God had access to Philip, and the Book of Acts gives the exciting account of how God used Philip’s life to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Philip was preaching powerfully in the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5). So mightily did God use him that the entire city was rejoicing at the miracles God was doing (Acts 8:6–8). This would be any evangelist’s fondest desire, to see an entire city responding to the gospel through his preaching.
Yet Philip was not activity-centered in his Christian life. He was God-centered. Philip was not preoccupied with expanding his reputation as a great preacher or miracle worker, he was concerned that his life remain in the center of God’s activity. When he was instructed to leave his fruitful ministry, he did not hesitate (Acts 8:27).
God continues to seek those as responsive as Philip to go on mission with Him. The reason God has not brought great revival to more places is not that He is unable or that He is unwilling. He first looks for those willing to have their lives radically adjusted away from their self-centered activities and placed into the center of God’s activity around the world.
Have you seen the activity of God around you? What is God presently inviting you to do? How are you responding?
Do you want an ending Joy be courageous for the Lord; be on mission with God.
May the good Lord bless our bread and water even as we look up to Him for salvation. This week is blessed in the Name of the Jesus. The Lord will surely satisfy you with good things before the week runs out. Be blessed in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.