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Small Things Are Not Despised  



Hark! the herald angels sing,

“Glory to the newborn King;

Peace on earth, and mercy mild,

God and sinners reconciled!”

Joyful, all ye nations, rise,

Join the triumph of the skies;

With th’ angelic host proclaim,

“Christ is born in Bethlehem!”

Hark! the herald angels sing,

“Glory to the newborn King!”

Gracious God, hallowed be Thy Name, let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth. We are grateful for the priceless gift You graciously bestowed on us, thank You and thank You again, Lord. Thank You for the Joy, Peace and Righteousness that accompanies Him. Faithful are You Lord, greatly to be praise Father we adore, we worship You, we glorify Your Name for Your undying love on us.

Beloved, once again Merry Christmas, hope you had a good time both in God’s presence and family and friends? Thanks be to God Who made us part a family, praise be to Him Alone.

Many of us are still in the Christmas mood, is so wonderful to be joyous especially when occasion calls for it but it is important that we don’t miss the whole essence of the Season – “the birth of Jesus Christ – Immanuel- the Saviour of the World.”

Gradually, the year 2015 will be off the scene before the end of this week and we are eagerly looking forward to year 2016 as it will herald on stage by all and sundry as the clock tick to it with a loud “shout” that represent different things to different people.

However, today’s topic is calling us to account for the various gifts and talents God deposited in our individual lives, how well have we use it? To many, this year is gone but I want you to know that a lots of “good” will still happen to many before the year rolls away.  We are still expecting many unborn babies, celebration of marriages, arrival of new cars, unveiling of new houses, deliverance, restorations, healings, new jobs, and chief of all “Salvation” just name it will still happen before the year rolls away.

I come to announce to you, to still hold on to God as we march on to the end of the year. Do not overlook small things that comes your way this time, it might be a led to your long awaited breakthroughs. Be sensitive to the move of the Spirit of God (I just received a Word as I was writing this message that is settling my case and is taking me to my next level).

In God’s activities is your turn-around; in His activities is your breakthrough, therefore despises not the small things around you or that which your hand findeth to do even a Word as in my case. So watch out and do not despised anything no matter how small you think it is:


For who scorns the day of small things?—Zechariah 4:10a

The world loves the spectacular. God has proven that He is certainly capable of the extraordinary, but He often chooses to work through the ordinary and seemingly insignificant. In this way He demonstrates His love and His power.

Throughout history, God’s answer to a critical time was to send a baby. Isaac, Moses, Samuel, John the Baptist, and Jesus were all born as answers to a time of need. When God delivered the Israelites from the Midianites’ oppression, He intentionally used an army of merely three hundred men to defeat a vastly larger army. He had more soldiers available, but He preferred to demonstrate His power in the way He accomplished His purposes.

When Jesus selected His first disciples He could have enlisted a multitude to follow Him, but He chose twelve. It was not the number of disciples but the quality of their walk with Him that would determine how they affected their world. When Jesus fed a multitude, five loaves of bread and two fish from a boy’s lunch were sufficient in the hands of the Lord.

Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a mustard seed (Matt. 13:31–32). The mustard seed was the smallest seed known to the Jews, yet it grew into an enormous tree. He also likened God’s kingdom to leaven that is hardly noticeable but raises the entire batch of dough (Matt. 13:33). When children came to Jesus, His disciples assumed they were an annoyance and chased them away (Matt. 19:13–15). But Jesus said that in order to enter His kingdom, people must approach God as a child.

Christians often accept the adage “the bigger the better.” We measure success by the number of people involved in our ministry. We seek spectacular displays of God’s power. We must learn to view success as God does. God is interested in the heart; He is pleased with obedience.

As we said earlier, that Christ came into the world/ heart with Joy, Peace and Righteousness. In the righteousness of Christ is Salvation of mankind. The reason for the Season is draw man back to God. To restore man to his original position from creation. Christ came to preach deliverance to the captives. Come along with me as we read more:

To preach deliverance to the captives.” Luke 4:18

None but Jesus can give deliverance to captives. Real liberty cometh from Him only. It is a liberty righteously bestowed; for the Son, who is Heir of all things, has a right to make men free. The saints honour the justice of God, which now secures their salvation. It is a liberty which has been dearly purchased.

Christ speaks it by His power, but He bought it by His blood. He makes thee free, but it is by His own bonds. Thou goest clear, because He bare thy burden for thee: thou art set at liberty, because He has suffered in thy stead. But, though dearly purchased, He freely gives it.

Jesus asks nothing of us as a preparation for this liberty. He finds us sitting in sackcloth and ashes, and bids us put on the beautiful array of freedom; He saves us just as we are, and all without our help or merit. When Jesus sets free, the liberty is perpetually entailed; no chains can bind again. Let the Master say to me, “Captive, I have delivered thee,” and it is done for ever.

Satan may plot to enslave us, but if the Lord be on our side, whom shall we fear? The world, with its temptations, may seek to ensnare us, but mightier is He who is for us than all they who be against us. The machinations of our own deceitful hearts may harass and annoy us, but He who hath begun the good work in us will carry it on and perfect it to the end.

The foes of God and the enemies of man may gather their hosts together, and come with concentrated fury against us, but if God acquitteth, who is he that condemneth? Not more free is the eagle which mounts to his rocky eyrie, and afterwards outsoars the clouds, than the soul which Christ hath delivered (Isa 44:22).

If we are no more under the law, but free from its curse, let our liberty be practically exhibited in our serving God with gratitude and delight. “I am Thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: Thou hast loosed my bonds.” “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”

Beloved, more discoveries on “the Reason for the Season.” When God sets you free, who can condemn you or hold you captive? Now that Christ had set you free, is not for you to continue in a loose or careless living but rather its a call for service unto Him.

If you are yet to discover your ministry or you are yet to belong to any service group in your local assemble/church. This is the time to ask God “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” Once you receive it, be patient enough to find out how He wants you go about it. We need to bring others to the kingdom as we were brought by others.

If you don’t know where to start, start among your brethren (Lk 16:27-28). Make sure that none of them go the way of the perverse. And God will take you from there to many nations (Ps 2:8).

Glory be to Jesus. Don’t forget, do not despise the small things God is leading you to do at this time. Always remember, that He died that you may live. In that Spirit of joy and love of the yuletide, let us continue with our carol:

Christ, by highest heaven adored;

Christ, the everlasting Lord!

Late in time behold Him come,

Offspring of the virgin’s womb.

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;

Hail th’ incarnate Deity,

Pleased as man with men to dwell,

Jesus, our Emmanuel.

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!

Hail the Sun of Righteousness!

Light and life to all He brings,

Risen with healing in His wings,

Mild He lays His glory by,

Born that man no more may die,

Born to raise the sons of earth,

Born to give them second birth.

May the blessedness of this season remain with you now and always in Jesus Name. Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

God Speaks through His Activity



Angels, from the realms of glory,

Wing your flight o’er all the earth;

Ye who sang creation’s story

Now proclaim Messiah’s birth:

Come and worship, come and worship,

Worship Christ, the newborn King.

Gracious God, we thank You Father, we bless Your Holy Name Who lives in heaven and just for the Love of us, You sent down your only begotten Son to be born among men, and choose the lowly place and the most unfitting means to proclaim about His arrival. Father, we thank You. Make us Lord, we pray thee a fitting vessel to carry on the work of salvation and redemption to all hook and cranny as the shepherd through in Jesus Name.

Beloved, thank you so much for finding out time to visit the site today despite all activities going round town. Good sign for your love and fear of the Lord your Savior. Am excited to have you on line at this time of the year. Thank you so much.  May the blessings of this wonderful season be home with you in Jesus Name.

For this great season, we want you to watch out around you. God will be speaking to you through the activities that will be going on around you, be at alert and join Him as He moves among men. You may fail to see Jesus in the manger but watch out for Him in your neighborhood, in the life of your brethren, among the unbelievers. Are you surprise I said “unbelievers?”

Very important my beloved, they are the reason for the this celebration, so that they come to the saving grace of Christ as you once did in the past and today you are sharing the gospel all around you (Tit 3:5). Glory be to God in the highest and peace to men of goodwill.

Once again “what will Jesus do at a period like this? Come along with us as you see various activities Christ will be involved in at this season so as to know how to join Him:

Look at the nations and observe— be utterly astounded! For something is taking place in your days that you will not believe when you hear about it.—Habakkuk 1:5

Christians habitually seek God’s voice through prayer, through His word, or through His messengers. Yet sometimes we fail to hear God speak through His activity, even though He is working all around us. Unbelievers see God’s activity without understanding what they see. God encourages His people to watch for His activity so they will know how they should respond and adjust their lives.

The disciples discovered much about God’s power by witnessing Jesus calming a raging storm with a command. Seeing Jesus dine with the notorious sinner, Zacchaeus, taught them a poignant message about God’s love for sinners. Watching Jesus hang upon the cross communicated a compelling message of what God was willing to do to free people from sin. Discovering the empty tomb revealed an astounding truth of God’s victory over death. To those with spiritual discernment, God’s activity is a significant revelation about His heart and His will.

If you are sensitive to what God is doing around you, He will clearly speak to you through His activity. You will know that God is at work, because what you see will astound you, and human power and wisdom will not explain it. If things happen that are direct answers to your prayers, God is speaking to you. When you experience events that surpass your understanding and ability, it may be that God is communicating a critical message to you.

If you want to hear God’s voice, look around you to see what He is doing. When you are watching for God at work, what you see will reveal His character, and you will have a fresh understanding of how to respond to Him.

Beloved, I guess you are in tune with Jesus Christ “The Immanuel” of our time (1Tim 4:10; Lk 1:31-33). Glory be to God for Christ is indeed everlasting from the Throne of David as foretold us by the prophets of old:


“Thou art from everlasting.” Psalm 93:2

Christ is EVERLASTING. Of Him we may sing with David, “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever.” Rejoice, believer, in Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and for ever. Jesus always was.

The Babe born in Bethlehem was united to the Word, which was in the beginning, by whom all things were made. The title by which Christ revealed Himself to John in Patmos was, “Him which is, and which was, and which is to come.” If He were not God from everlasting, we could not so devoutly love Him; we could not feel that He had any share in the eternal love which is the fountain of all covenant blessings; but since He was from all eternity with the Father, we trace the stream of divine love to Himself equally with His Father and the blessed Spirit.

As our Lord always was, so also He is for evermore. Jesus is not dead; “He ever liveth to make intercession for us.” Resort to Him in all your times of need, for He is waiting to bless you still. Moreover, Jesus our Lord ever shall be. If God should spare your life to fulfil your full day of threescore years and ten, you will find that His cleansing fountain is still opened, and His precious blood has not lost its power; you shall find that the Priest who filled the healing fount with His own blood, lives to purge you from all iniquity.

When only your last battle remains to be fought, you shall find that the hand of your conquering Captain has not grown feeble—the living Saviour shall cheer the dying saint. When you enter heaven you shall find Him there bearing the dew of His youth; and through eternity the Lord Jesus shall still remain the perennial spring of joy, and life, and glory to His people.

Living waters may you draw from this sacred well! Jesus always was, He always is, He always shall be. He is eternal in all His attributes, in all His offices, in all His might, and willingness to bless, comfort, guard, and crown His chosen people.

Yes! He will crown His chosen people at the end. If you want to be part of it. Come and join Him now as He draw men to Himself.

We @ overcomers-faith.org wishes a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR AHEAD. As usual let us conclude our song

Shepherds, in the field abiding,

Watching o’er your flocks by night,

God with man is now residing;

Yonder shines the infant light:

Sages, leave your contemplations;

Brighter visions beam afar;

Seek the great Desire of nations;

Ye have seen His natal star:

Saints, before the altar bending,

Watching long in hope and fear,

Suddenly the Lord, descending,

In His temple shall appear:


Remain blessed in the Lord.

Never Too Busy



Joy to the world! the Lord is come;

Let earth receive her King;

Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room,

And heav’n and nature sing,

And heav’n and nature sing,

And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.

Father, we thank You for Your joy unspeakable we are seeing at a season like this. Glory be to God in the highest and peace to men of goodwill. O gracious God we adore You, we glorify You above all that You have made. Blessed be Your Name for ever and ever Amen. Thank You for the blessedness of this season Lord, Help us to do it exactly as You will want us do it.

Dearly beloved, we are getting closer by day to the D’ day. Are you happy? We all ought to be. Why? Because this is the season when our Savior was born, it is a season that gives us the hope we have as God’s own children. Let someone shout “glory!”

Beloved, how sensitive are you to things happening around you? How positioned are you to receive what the Lord has prepared for them that believeth in Him? We are all waiting for the arrival of Christmas day to eat and drink as it is a tradition, how well prepared is your soul for the season? While you are fully prepared to feed and dress your flesh, how far have you prepared to nourish your soul?

Beloved, is so important that we prepare our spirit, soul and body as we await the arrival of our King Jesus.

Beloved, how busy are you at this season to work or partner with Jesus to reach the unreached, to bless those that are looking up to God at this time for their supplies. Make out time, never be too busy to partner with Jesus at this time and bring joy to the world as our song today depicts. Bless homes and profess Jesus both in Word and in deed as well.

I will not keep you longer today but will enjoin you to start this celebration by sharing the love of Christ aboard by your acts of kindness in your neighborhood and brethren among you.

Let us not be too busy to do the needful:

But a Samaritan on his journey came up to him, and when he saw [the man], he had compassion.—Luke 10:33

If anyone could understand the temptation to let busyness distract Him from the Father’s activity, Jesus certainly could! He told a parable that clearly illustrated this danger: A certain Jewish man was on his way to Jericho when he was brutally attacked by thieves and left to die by the road. First a Levite, then a priest, passed by. These were religious leaders; surely they would show compassion to a wounded person! But they had places to go and appointments to keep, so they passed him by.

Surely someone else would come along who had more time to help the wounded man! Then a Samaritan, despised by the Jews, came along. Of all people, this man had reason to look the other way, since the wounded man was his enemy. But wherever he was going could wait, for someone needed his help.

It’s easy to become so busy that you are oblivious to those in need. Your schedule can become so full of accomplishing good things that you are of no help to the people around you. God is at work in the lives of your friends, your neighbors, your family members. He may ask you to interrupt your day long enough to join Him as He ministers to them.

 Nothing on your agenda, no matter how pressing, is reason enough to ignore the voice of God when He tells you to stop and help. If you have become too busy to minister to those around you, ask God to reestablish your priorities so that you do not miss opportunities to serve Him.

Are we now on the same page? God needs you to carry on the message of this season by your show of kindness, by your acts of love. Don’t postpone it; do it He lead you along for there also lies your blessing. Praise God.

Most importantly at this season is the acts of thanksgiving to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Come let us once again be thankful:

“Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.” Psalm 100:4


Our Lord would have all His people rich in high and happy thoughts concerning His blessed person. Jesus is not content that His brethren should think meanly of Him; it is His pleasure that His espoused ones should be delighted with His beauty.

We are not to regard Him as a bare necessary, like to bread and water, but as a luxurious delicacy, as a rare and ravishing delight. To this end He has revealed Himself as the “pearl of great price” in its peerless beauty, as the “bundle of myrrh” in its refreshing fragrance, as the “rose of Sharon” in its lasting perfume, as the “lily” in its spotless purity.

As a help to high thoughts of Christ, remember the estimation that Christ is had in beyond the skies, where things are measured by the right standard. Think how God esteems the Only Begotten, His unspeakable gift to us. Consider what the angels think of Him, as they count it their highest honour to veil their faces at His feet. Consider what the blood-washed think of Him, as day without night they sing His well deserved praises.

High thoughts of Christ will enable us to act consistently with our relations towards Him. The more loftily we see Christ enthroned, and the more lowly we are when bowing before the foot of the throne, the more truly shall we be prepared to act our part towards Him. Our Lord Jesus desires us to think well of Him, that we may submit cheerfully to His authority.

High thoughts of Him increase our love. Love and esteem go together. Therefore, believer, think much of your Master’s excellencies. Study Him in His primeval glory, before He took upon Himself your nature!

Think of the mighty love which drew Him from His throne to die upon the cross! Admire Him as He conquers all the powers of hell! See Him risen, crowned, glorified! Bow before Him as the Wonderful, the Counsellor, the mighty God, for only thus will your love to Him be what it should.

Alleluia somebody! Let us all sing “Alleluia” as the Reason for our Joy rest among us indeed.

Beloved of the Father, we wish you a very Merry Christmas as the clock tick on to the D’day, sing along with us

No more let sins and sorrows grow,

Nor thorns infest the ground;

He comes to make His blessings flow

Far as the curse is found,

Far as the curse is found,

Far as, far as the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,

And makes the nations prove

The glories of His righteousness,

And wonders of His love,

And wonders of His love,

And wonders, wonders of His love.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Grieve Not the Holy Spirit



Angels we have heard on high

Sweetly singing o’er the plains,

And the mountains in reply

Echoing their joyous strains.

Gloria in excelsis Deo,

Gloria in excelsis Deo.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the season we are in. we are most gracious, we are grateful we are exciting as we await the arrival of Your dear son into our world. Thank You for this great love demonstrated for our sake so that we shall abide with You after our life on earth is spent (1Cor 15;30-34;51- 55).

We are most grateful and we bow before Your with the angles this morning to worship You also in fellowship with the twenty and four elders in heaven as we herald Your son in our various homes/heart. Glory, honour be unto you for ever and ever.

Dearly beloved, are you ready to go on your knees this moment to pray down this glory in the various communities we represent? Celebration of various kind is the air especially as we await the arrival of our “babe Jesus.”

At such a time like this, many are rejoicing while so many are mourning either for a loss of business, job, a dear one or have little or nothing for the great moment ahead. What is expected from those who have surplus to do at this time?

Beloved, as we prayerful prepare for season, let us ask God to lead us advancing “the reason for the season” to every home He will put in your heart to bless. Let us not only talk about Jesus, let us do the “deeds” of Jesus. Can someone tell us “what will Jesus do” at such a season as this?

Beloved, I want you to personal preach this season with “deeds of love” as you look forward to the coming year. Let us not allow those whom we will classify as being worldly to take over the scene. Do something in your community “preach the Word; do the Word.” Take men for Christ.

Our today’s topic is encouraging us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. We are having this topic again in a quick succession. Why? I don’t know but as you ready it you will discover more than I can explain here.

Beloved, as we prepare or celebrate this season let us apply this caution “grieve not the Holy Spirit.” In our actions and inactions. Let us be careful not to stop the activities of the Holy Spirit in our lives and homes.

Flee from all appearances of evil, let us celebrate this season in holy reverence of our Father and not in idolizing our traditional worship. Not in drunkenness, not in unholy acts and association but with love, giving and true worship to the One we celebrate.

Come as we discover more:

“Grieve not the Holy Spirit.” Ephesians 4:30

All that the believer has must come from Christ, but it comes solely through the channel of the Spirit of grace. Moreover, as all blessings thus flow to you through the Holy Spirit, so also no good thing can come out of you in holy thought, devout worship, or gracious act, apart from the sanctifying operation of the same Spirit.

Even if the good seed be sown in you, yet it lies dormant except He worketh in you to will and to do of His own good pleasure. Do you desire to speak for Jesus—how can you unless the Holy Ghost touch your tongue? Do you desire to pray? Alas! what dull work it is unless the Spirit maketh intercession for you! Do you desire to subdue sin? Would you be holy? Would you imitate your Master? Do you desire to rise to superlative heights of spirituality? Are you wanting to be made like the angels of God, full of zeal and ardour for the Master’s cause?

You cannot without the Spirit—”Without me ye can do nothing.” O branch of the vine, thou canst have no fruit without the sap! O child of God, thou hast no life within thee apart from the life which God gives thee through His Spirit! Then let us not grieve Him or provoke Him to anger by our sin. Let us not quench Him in one of His faintest motions in our soul; let us foster every suggestion, and be ready to obey every prompting.

If the Holy Spirit be indeed so mighty, let us attempt nothing without Him; let us begin no project, and carry on no enterprise, and conclude no transaction, without imploring His blessing. Let us do Him the due homage of feeling our entire weakness apart from Him, and then depending alone upon Him, having this for our prayer, “Open Thou my heart and my whole being to Thine incoming, and uphold me with Thy free Spirit when I shall have received that Spirit in my inward parts.”

Without the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing, therefore let us be abiding in Him, do all His biddings and we will be bless in return as we obey all He has commanded us to do. Let us learn to abide with Jesus both in fellowship and action we will read from the next message:

“Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with Him.” John 12:2


He is to be envied. It was well to be Martha and serve, but better to be Lazarus and commune. There are times for each purpose, and each is comely in its season, but none of the trees of the garden yield such clusters as the vine of fellowship. To sit with Jesus, to hear His words, to mark His acts, and receive His smiles, was such a favour as must have made Lazarus as happy as the angels. When it has been our happy lot to feast with our Beloved in His banqueting-hall, we would not have given half a sigh for all the kingdoms of the world, if so much breath could have bought them.

He is to be imitated. It would have been a strange thing if Lazarus had not been at the table where Jesus was, for he had been dead, and Jesus had raised him. For the risen one to be absent when the Lord who gave him life was at his house, would have been ungrateful indeed. We too were once dead, yea, and like Lazarus stinking in the grave of sin; Jesus raised us, and by His life we live—can we be content to live at a distance from Him?

Do we omit to remember Him at His table, where He deigns to feast with His brethren? Oh, this is cruel! It behoves us to repent, and do as He has bidden us, for His least wish should be law to us. To have lived without constant intercourse with one of whom the Jews said, “Behold how He loved him,” would have been disgraceful to Lazarus, is it excusable in us whom Jesus has loved with an everlasting love? To have been cold to Him who wept over his lifeless corpse, would have argued great brutishness in Lazarus.

What does it argue in us over whom the Saviour has not only wept, but bled? Come, brethren, who read this portion, let us return unto our heavenly Bridegroom, and ask for His Spirit that we may be on terms of closer intimacy with Him, and henceforth sit at the table with Him.

Cease not pray as we are admonished (1 Thess 5:17; Lk 18:1). Do not be carried away by the euphoria of the season rather seek Jesus in prayer and enjoy full and wonderful moments with Him every now and then, so that the joy of the season will overtake you.

Like we advise earlier, prayerfully bless people around you especially those who are struggling to put smile on the face of their children and their aged parents and God will reward you in return as you make the MERRY-GO ROUND.

May all your prayers be attended to by the Holy Spirit of God as we celebrate this Yuletide.  Let us complete the song we started in the beginning:

Shepherds, why this jubilee?

Why your joyous strains prolong?

What the gladsome tidings be

Which inspire your heavenly song?

Come to Bethlehem and see

Him whose birth the angels sing;

Come, adore on bended knee

Christ the Lord, the newborn King.

See Him in a manger laid,

Whom the choirs of angels praise;

Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,

While our hearts in love we raise.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Seeing with Your Eyes   


Sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus, how wonderful You Are. You are brighter than the morning star. You are fairer, more fairer than the lily that grow by the way. You are precious more precious than gold. Faithful Faithful Faithful 2x Faithful is the Lord. Yes! You are Faithful Faithful Faithful 2x Faithful is the Lord. You are Mighty God 2x Every power bow before Thee, You are Mighty God.

Indeed He is a Mighty God, every power must bow before Thee. No one can stand before the King of kings, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. My soul thou magnify the Lord and forget not all His benefit. Let all that is within me praise His Holy Name. For faithful indeed is our God and Glorious is His Holy Name.

Beloved, are you praising God along with me? Looks like someone’s heart is heavy this moment? I will encourage you not to be. Why am I saying this, because nothing last forever. There is a time appointed for everything under heaven, therefore you don’t have lose heart concerning that issue of concern in your life. All you need do is to trust the All- Knowing God. Hear what the following brethren said about God after considering what was written in Isa 8:17.

Hold fast to Him in spite of logic, and yet not quite blindly. Be not torn from thy grasp upon the skirts of His garments by any wrench of atheistic hypothesis that seeks only to hurl thee into utter darkness; but refuse not to let thy hands be gently unclasped by that loving and pious philosophy that seeks to draw thee from feet of God only to place Thee in His bosom. (James Hinton)

What heart can comprehend the Name of God? Or, searching, find Thee out? Who art within, a quickening flame, A presence round about. Yet though I know Thee (God) but in part, I ask not, Lord for more: Enough for me to know Thou art, to love Thee and adore (F.L.Hosmer).

Beloved, that sigh of relief is coming from the knowledge of the truth you just discover or remember about God from the above extract. Is also encouraging perseverance in our walk with God with whom all things are possible. Let us consider our brother Job, who went through horrible times in his life time but towards the end of his trial exclaimed the text below. He has been hearing about God but now he saw Who God truly is. Someone reading this devotion before the end of this year will see God in His true self.

You will also read about “the eyes of Jesus”. How watchful is this “eye” over your deeds; over your action. Be careful about how you live for there is One upstairs watching every step you make, every action you take and every word you utter even the unspoken word in your heart.

Let go for this discovery:


I had heard rumors about You,

but now my eyes have seen You.—Job 42:5

In his time, Job was the most righteous person on earth. He was so godly that the Lord took pleasure in pointing him out to Satan (Job 1:8). Yet, despite his love for God and his diligent obedience to His commands, even Job had not fully come to know God. The blessings God had given to Job had not revealed everything about God’s character. There were characteristics that Job would come to realize only through adversity. So the Lord allowed Satan to test Job through suffering.

Although Job lost everything he had, even his seven children, Job discovered that God was still with him. Though he faced the most difficult and bewildering tribulations imaginable, Job came to understand that God was infinitely wiser than he (Job 42:1–4). As Job endured the insensitivity of his friends, he learned that God is the only One who is absolutely trustworthy. Job learned much about God through his anguish. Finally, he confessed that at first he had only heard about God, but now, through his suffering, he had come to see God (Job 42:5).

When you are in the midst of your trials, your Lord will reveal His character to you in ways you never knew. You will experience His strong and comforting presence. Like Job, you will learn that your Lord will remain, even when everyone else abandons you.

You will see God more clearly as He takes you through the dark times. Then you will experience God in ways you had previously only heard about from others.

What about the eyes of Jesus what are those things only His eyes can see:

The Eyes Of Jesus

Forget the IRS or the SEC. It’s the searing eyes of Jesus we need to be aware of.

I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I sawsomeone like a son of man, dressed in a robewith a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, AND HIS EYES WERE LIKE BLAZING FIRE.” (Revelation 1:12-14)

Yesterday I had lunch with a senior officer of a conglomerate who is intimately knowledgeable of the inner workings of the organization: Keeping double books, the cannibalizing of one company to shore up another, and the manipulation of reports to satisfy SEC and IRS scrutiny are all standard practices.

The CEO and CFO (who are also the controlling shareholders) determine senior management procedures. They are also professing Christians, who are known around town for their involvement in Christian missions and other programs related to the Gospel.

This senior officer went on to tell me that because of their hypocrisy, the non-Christian executives in the conglomerate mock anything that is labeled “Christian” and view the CEO and CFO with great contempt. Clearly, these two men have become stumbling blocks to their non-Christian employees. As he talked, I thought of the Scriptures’ warning:

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead mens bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” (Matthew 23:27-29)

If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6b)

[When] the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of mens heartsWhat you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” (1 Corinthians 4:5b; Luke 12:31) (See Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 14:25)

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neitherthieves nor the greedy norswindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10)

QUESTION: On the inevitable, and forthcoming day of judgment for believers, will your current business and professional practices withstand the searing, and all-knowing eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ – Let alone the more immediate prospect of an inspection by the SEC or IRS? (2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:11-15)

Are there specific changes you need to make at this time relative to your business practices? Or in your personal life?

Hope the preparations are still on. Be careful and wise. Above all, you need to found out about what and how will Jesus wants you to prepare for His coming. Watch out in the subsequent write ups.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Have You Done What You Know to Do?


I will lift up Your Name 3x, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. Holy Spirit You are welcome in this place 2x Omnipotent Father have mercy on us thou art welcome in this place. Let the living praise the Lord 2x.

Almighty Father thank You. Thank You Lord for saving us from the assault of the evil one. Thank You for sparing us from what only You knew would have happened to us but Your Mighty Hand held us on. We bow before Your Throne and we worship You O! Lord. Thank You for preserving us Lord. Thank You for ever and ever.

Beloved, praise the Lord, at last the long awaited week is here with us. The high ways are busy and the all shops are overcrowded with buyers. Wow! Is gonna be a wonderful time all over the world, getting super ready for the arrival of “babe Jesus” into our world. Someone is excited, praise the Lord!

I ask this question to you “is that the reason for the season?” Let me leave it at that for now, we will still come back to it at the due time.

We have few weeks to the end of the year. Our topic today is posing a question to us. Have you giving an answer to it or you are still thinking over it? As the year is gradually coming to an end, with so many prayer point marshalled out at the beginning of the year, some fulfilled and some yet to come to past, the Spirit of God is asking you this day, “have you done what you know to do?” someone is asking Evangelist, are not taking it out of context. Not at all, am not taking it out of context but rather I want to find out from you how faithful you have been in what your hand had findeth to do?

Have you done what you know to do? Is very important we examine our work or put in another way, conduct audit checks on our conducts or modus operands and be sure we have done or doing all we know to do and then you will see God working out the remaining part He knows how best to complete.

But first, God must see your obedience to all He has commanded you to do, not your murmuring, your rationalization or procrastination.

Beloved, sometime we run into losses in cost of doing what we are supposed to do or what God instructed you to do. Do I have such a person in the house this morning, I will encourage you to read on and discover what was said concerning such a period as such.

Our God is still in the business of doing good, yours will not be an exception. It must come to past according to His promises to us. The Lord Who made you for a purpose will not abandon you until He fulfill all that concerneth you.

So, for the person who knows to do good and doesn’t do it, it is a sin.—James 4:17

It is never a minor thing to know God’s will and not do it. God calls this sin. We can make excuses for our lack of obedience: “I’m just not ready yet” or “I’ll do it later!” or “I don’t think it will make a difference” or “I can’t afford to!” We rationalize, we procrastinatate; yet, in God’s eyes, rationalization and procrastination are nothing more than disobedience.

At times we deceive ourselves into thinking that good intentions equal obedient actions. They do not. A good intention without corresponding activity is disobedience. When we encounter God and He gives us a direction, it is not enough to write down the date in our spiritual journal, or even to tell our friends and church of our “decision.”

God’s call is not to “make a decision” but to obey! Deciding to obey is not equal to obeying! (Matt. 21:28–31). Loudly affirming the necessity of obedience is not the same as obeying (Luke 6:46). Making commitments, even publicly, is not the same as obeying our Lord. Substituting our own good works is not the same as obeying.

God told King Saul to wait until the prophet Samuel arrived. Instead of waiting, Saul took matters into his own hands and offered a sacrifice. Saul discovered, to his deep dismay, that other acts of supposed piety do not take the place of obeying a clear command from God (1 Sam. 15:22). As with Saul, God expects you to obey everything exactly as He tells you. Only obedience satisfies God’s desire for obedience!

Beloved, what have God committed into your hand that you are dragging your feet to fulfill? What has He instructed you to do and you are thinking is too lowly for you? I want you to know that the vision you are expecting depend so much on the fulfillment of the one revealed to you.

So get going, the year is not over yet, is not time to retreat.   The “God of suddenly” will yet visit you. Position yourself; be at alert. Every area you deserve victory must fully be delivered before this year is over.


“And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this.” 2Chronicles 25:9

A very important question this seemed to be to the king of Judah, and possibly it is of even more weight with the tried and tempted O Christian. To lose money is at no times pleasant, and when principle involves it, the flesh is not always ready to make the sacrifice. “Why lose that which may be so usefully employed? May not the truth itself be bought too dear? What shall we do without it?

Remember the children, and our small income!” All these things and a thousand more would tempt the Christian to put forth his hand to unrighteous gain, or stay himself from carrying out his conscientious convictions, when they involve serious loss. All men cannot view these matters in the light of faith; and even with the followers of Jesus, the doctrine of “we must live” has quite sufficient weight.

The Lord is able to give thee much more than this is a very satisfactory answer to the anxious question. Our Father holds the purse-strings, and what we lose for His sake He can repay a thousand-fold. It is ours to obey His will, and we may rest assured that He will provide for us. The Lord will be no man’s debtor at the last. Saints know that a grain of heart’s-ease is of more value than a ton of gold. He who wraps a threadbare coat about a good conscience has gained a spiritual wealth far more desirable than any he has lost.

God’s smile and a dungeon are enough for a true heart; His frown and a palace would be hell to a gracious spirit. Let the worst come to the worst, let all the talents go, we have not lost our treasure, for that is above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God.

Meanwhile, even now, the Lord maketh the meek to inherit the earth, and no good thing doth He withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Did you read that no good thing will He withdraw from them that walketh uprightly. Are you glad about it this promises? Are you tapping into this promise? The Lord will perfect all that concerns you. be alive for Jesus, rise to every good work especially at this season of great tidying. Great news will come your way before the end of this year. So watch out; be alert!

This week is declared blessed in the Name of Jesus! Go and return with testimonies by the end of the week. Amen!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Following Leads to Honor


How excellent is Your Name O God 2x, how excellent is Your Name 3x (repeat). Come praise the Lord all yea servants of Lord …., . Who have the finally say Jehovah has the finally say! In my life; in your life, who has the finally say, Jehovah has the finally, Jehovah turns my life around 2x He makes a way where there seems no way, Jehovah has the final say.

Father we thank You for everything you have made both great and small. The earth and all that is within it. Thank You for Your goodness and mercies endureth forever. How great are You Lord! How powerful are Your acts among all that You have made. We recognize Your Majesty forever and ever.

Beloved, how has it been with you? Trusting God that it is well with you. No matter how rough this part of eternity is, we must make it to the end in Jesus Name! Let us learn to be patient in our walk with God. Like we said earlier in the week, God operates in eternity not in time. Let us cloth ourselves with patient and He will work out our salvation whatsoever be it.

By the grace of God, we will be rounding up the week today and am sure you have scaled another level during the course of week through the Word of God that come through this ministry. Thank God for His faithfulness over us and His strength and grace abound on us for every good works. To Him alone be all the glory and honour forever and ever.

In yesterday’s faith clinic, we learnt about “Trust and Do”; “Do and Trust” which laid emphasis on our looking up to God in everything we do and hope for. I have discovered that as you keeping trusting and obeying all that God has commanded you to do, the Spirit of God also help you even in those things you have no thought about, fight your secret battles for you and make a way even where there is no way.

Trusting and obedience leads to following God not knowing where it will lead you but at the end you will be honoured (Gen12:1; 39:9; Ex 2:2-3; Phil 2:5-11). So many of our fathers in the old testament have testimonies to share with regard to these and also the Apostles of the New Testament days. They were duly rewarded, there was no regret whatsoever.

Let me take you back at the promise of God before the arrival of Jesus on the scene. In Jeremiah 29:11 God said “for I know the plans I have for you…. to give you an expected end.” Beloved, can anything be more interesting than knowing that God holds your destiny and the way to it lays in God’s hand and not that uncle or aunty or one person that thinks without him/her you cannot make it. Is also interesting for us to know or remind ourselves of what we learnt earlier in the week about how God specializes in “orchestrating new ways” when the enemy the devil and cohort has blocked one.

Is so interesting also to know that God being God can bypass nature and bring what He wants in your life to pass (Lk 1 :34-35, Ex 2:2-3). Are you called barren and you are believing God for a babies and the doctors reports are saying otherwise? Either your husband has a low sperm count or you have no womb or the fallopian tubes are block.

I have goodnews for you. God does not need sperm for you to bring about your miracle babies. We have a testimony in the bible and what is written cannot be broken. I sense in my spirit someone saying it is a one-off miracle but hear me there is no one-off miracle with God.

He is no respecter of person, what He does for one He can still do it for another just as it is pleasing to Him. Therefore be sensitive in your spirit, trust in God to bring all that concerneth you to pass all to the glory of His Name while the blessings remains ours. Praise God somebody!!!!!!!!!!

Are you willing to follow Jesus? If you are, than according to His promise, where He is, you will also be. That sick bed is not where you meant to be, therefore arise and take you mat and go home because Jesus was never on a sick bed, claim your healing right now. Ask Jesus to work out your miracle now! You are not meant to be financially handicap, therefore let the flood gate of heaven be open unto you now and receive your financial blessings in Jesus Name. Whatever that had laid siege on your finances are giving way right now in Jesus Name. Beloved, you not meant to be alone, therefore the Lord is giving you your own home this moment, you are finding the bone of bones right away in Jesus Name, don’t bother much about “how”. Look up to Jesus, He will make you laugh!

Hear me, if Jesus said it, He will bring it to pass. Remember, you trust Him and believe what He has said through His servant and obey all that He will lead you to do and your miracle is guaranteed. Praise the Lord. Come on to discover more :

“If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honor.” John 12:26

The highest service is imitation. If I would be Christ’s servant I must be His follower. To do as Jesus did is the surest way of bringing honor to His name. Let me mind this every day.

If I imitate Jesus I shall have His company: if I am like Him I shall be with Him. In due time He will take me up to dwell with Him above, if, meanwhile, I have striven to follow Him here below. After His suffering our Lord came to His throne, and even so, after we have suffered a while with Him here below, we also shall arrive in glory. The issue of our Lord’s life shall be the issue of ours: if we are with Him in His humiliation we shall be with Him in His glory. Come, my soul, pluck up courage, and put down thy feet in the blood-marked footprints which thy Lord has left thee.

Let me not fail to note that the Father will honor those who follow His Son. If He sees me true to Jesus He will put marks of favor and honor upon me for His Son’s sake. No honor can be like this. Princes and emperors bestow the mere shadows of honor; the substance of glory comes from the Father. Wherefore, my soul, cling thou to thy Lord Jesus more closely than ever.

Are you yet to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, click here to do so now. This way, all these benefits will naturally flows to you. Is not about going to church, though is important. Is not about singing in the choir as important as it is, is more of your relationship with Christ. That is what will enthrone you forever.

Beloved, do you know that our God is omnipotent? He work wonders in the life of His children. I tell you this, our God, our Father is so sweet to behold, He will upturn and upturn all the antics of the wicked ones. He will put them to everlasting shame concerning your matter. You will yet rise and the time to arise and shine again is now. But you must be very careful the way you live as little foxes spoils the vine.

Beware about the lust of the eye, the lust of flesh and the pride of life so that all you struggle here on earth will not be in vain:

“He that cleaveth wood shall be endangered thereby.” Ecclesiastes 10:9

Oppressors may get their will of poor and needy men as easily as they can split logs of wood, but they had better mind, for it is a dangerous business, and a splinter from a tree has often killed the woodman. Jesus is persecuted in every injured saint, and He is mighty to avenge His beloved ones. Success in treading down the poor and needy is a thing to be trembled at: if there be no danger to persecutors here there will be great danger hereafter.

To cleave wood is a common every-day business, and yet it has its dangers; so then, reader, there are dangers connected with your calling and daily life which it will be well for you to be aware of. We refer not to hazards by flood and field, or by disease and sudden death, but to perils of a spiritual sort.

Your occupation may be as humble as log splitting, and yet the devil can tempt you in it. You may be a domestic servant, a farm labourer, or a mechanic, and you may be greatly screened from temptations to the grosser vices, and yet some secret sin may do you damage. Those who dwell at home, and mingle not with the rough world, may yet be endangered by their very seclusion.

Nowhere is he safe who thinks himself so. Pride may enter a poor man’s heart; avarice may reign in a cottager’s bosom; uncleanness may venture into the quietest home; and anger, and envy, and malice may insinuate themselves into the most rural abode.

Even in speaking a few words to a servant we may sin; a little purchase at a shop may be the first link in a chain of temptations; the mere looking out of a window may be the beginning of evil. O Lord, how exposed we are! How shall we be secured!

To keep ourselves is work too hard for us: only Thou Thyself art able to preserve us in such a world of evils. Spread Thy wings over us, and we, like little chickens, will cower down beneath Thee, and feel ourselves safe!

Mediate on all these as the Lord help you all through to live like Jesus your Master and the owner of your life. Praise be the Name of the Lord forever and ever. May we be honour at the end of our life here on earth in Jesus Name. See you next week by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

Trust and Do; Do and Trust


We are going higher every day, we are going higher to the Lord. We are dancing unto the Lord dancing alleluia 2x. Glory, glory alleluia, glory glory to the Lord 2x

Dear Father, what a privilege to be in this alive today to the glory of Your Name. Thank You Lord for watching over us as we lie down and waking us up again. Thank You Father for answers to prayers, healings and miracles of diverse form. Thank you for provisions and protection over all that concerneth us. Let all glory honour adoration be ascribe unto Thee forever more.

Beloved, hope you prayed into your life all those virtues mentioned yesterday in the devotional? It is so important that we keep revisiting until we can see all speaking in our lives. Do you know why it so important that we do that? Because you and I are epistle of Christ (2 Cor 3:3), we are aroma of Christ (Dan 2:46; 2Cor 2:15) and we must show ourselves pattern of good works (please read Tit 2:7-8) as nothing was found against Daniel (Dan 6:4-5), so we also ought to be. We must be filled with the Spirit of God (Eph 5:18).

Beloved, how trusting are you? Do you trust God enough to do all He has commended you to do? Put in another way, how easy is it in trusting God? You know, we all can confess that we believe in God but when we are face with the “real thing” how reliable are the Word of God to you at that moment? Can you be bold enough like the three Hebrew children to face our challenge head long even at the cost of losing our life, job, or security?

Let us remind ourselves that for God to intervene in any situation in our life, we must believe that He is and He diligently bless those that seek Him (Heb 11:6; 11-15).

Beloved, again how trusting are you? Can you believe God can intervene in that situation? What are trusting God for? What are standing in gap for? Is that your miracle babies or marriages? Are you trusting God for a financial breakthroughs?  Someone is believing God for healings and divine protection? Fear not, God is telling you to be still and wait patiently on Him. He will show up (Mk 6:56).

I was in meeting where a women testified of having her children a boy and a girl after twenty- four years of waiting on the Lord. God showed up and she had her son at her fifty-one birthday and the girl soon after. Beloved, our God operate in eternity not in time (Isa12:2).

Our trusting leads to our obedience. Are you obeying all God is commanding you to do? He is the one that giveth song even in the night, so be hopeful and upward looking, he will surely meet all your needs. Faithful is His Name. Praise the Lord!

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” Ps. 37:3

Trust and do are words which go well together, in the order in which the Holy Spirit has placed them. We should have faith, and that faith should work. Trust in God sets us upon holy doing: we trust God for good, and then we do good. We do not sit still because we trust, but we arouse ourselves, and expect the Lord to work through us and by us. It is not ours to worry and do evil, but to trust and do good. We neither trust without doing, nor do without trusting.

Adversaries would root us out, if they could; but by trusting and doing we dwell in the land. We will not go into Egypt, but we will remain in Immanuel’s land — the providence of God, the Canaan of covenant love. We are not so easily to be got rid of as the Lord’s enemies suppose. They cannot thrust us out, nor stamp us out: where God has given us a name and a place, there we abide.

But what about the supply of our necessities? The Lord has put a “verily” into this promise. As sure as God is true, His people shall be fed. It is theirs to trust and to do, and it is the Lord’s to do according to their trust. If not fed by ravens, or fed by an Obadiah, or fed by a widow, yet they shall be fed somehow. Away, ye fears!

I am hearing some dancing steps. Someone is so happy about all these promises and is showing appreciation through the movement of steps. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!

God our Maker will give you songs in the night:

God, my Maker, who giveth songs in the night.” Job 35:10

Any man can sing in the day. When the cup is full, man draws inspiration from it. When wealth rolls in abundance around him, any man can praise the God who gives a plenteous harvest or sends home a loaded argosy. It is easy enough for an Aeolian harp to whisper music when the winds blow—the difficulty is for music to swell forth when no wind is stirring.

It is easy to sing when we can read the notes by daylight; but he is skilful who sings when there is not a ray of light to read by—who sings from his heart. No man can make a song in the night of himself; he may attempt it, but he will find that a song in the night must be divinely inspired.

Let all things go well, I can weave songs, fashioning them wherever I go out of the flowers that grow upon my path; but put me in a desert, where no green thing grows, and wherewith shall I frame a hymn of praise to God? How shall a mortal man make a crown for the Lord where no jewels are?

Let but this voice be clear, and this body full of health, and I can sing God’s praise: silence my tongue, lay me upon the bed of languishing, and how shall I then chant God’s high praises, unless He Himself give me the song? No, it is not in man’s power to sing when all is adverse, unless an altar-coal shall touch his lip.

It was a divine song, which Habakkuk sang, when in the night he said, “Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

Then, since our Maker gives songs in the night, let us wait upon Him for the music. O Thou chief musician, let us not remain songless because affliction is upon us, but tune Thou our lips to the melody of thanksgiving.

Yes! Tune thou our lips to the melody of thanksgiving we pray Thee O Lord! Build up our faith to hold tight on You, Lord. Give us the spirit of faith that we may withstand all fiery dart of the devil against our Christian testimony O my God. That Your people may praise Thee all the days of their life. Glory be You Lord!

Help us we pray Thee and bring to pass all you have promised us. Beloved, is done! Praise the Lord. (Read Ps 102; Isa 51; 2Cor 1:20)

Remain blessed in the Lord

Salt without Prescribing How Much


I have God that answers prayer x2 Jesus is my God that answers prayer that answers prayer forever more. You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your glory without anyone, You will never share Your glory with anybody, Almighty God that is Your Name. You are the reason am happy, You are the reason am singing, my God, You are the reason am singing.

Our Father we thank You for the gift of another day, thank Lord for waking us this morning and making us fit for our daily activities. Blessed Redeemer, we appreciate You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Thee forever more.

Beloved, faithful is our God; faithful to be praise. Are you are singing praises to the King of kings, for all He has done you including life itself? Let us not be ungrateful but in all things give praise for the finger of God you have seen soon you will encounter His “Hand.” Give God a shout offering this morning. Shout alleluia! Amen.

Salt we all know is use for preservation. We are the salt of the world, we dare not lose our taste least we will be a disgrace to our calling. As we will discover later in the message therein, salt was likened to the grace of God upon our lives.

In today’s devotional, we will once again encounter the power of “grace” in the life of a child of God. The place of grace in our lives is so important that we cannot do without it. In fact, the grace of yesterday is not sufficient for today therefore the need for daily intake.

This daily in-take can only be receive at the prayer altar; therefore the need for us to pray always and not be tried. There is no measure to grace and our Father will always give us in abundance if we dare to ask Him (Jer 33:3).

Let us therefore come before the Throne of God and receive grace to every good works. Sincerely beloved, without the grace of God in our lives we will despair in our walk with God.

We will read also other virtues apart from “grace” that will help us  succeed in our Christian race. Pray in these virtues in your life today and always for easy sailing in your Christian race. Let’s go there:

Salt without prescribing how much.” Ezra 7:22

Salt was used in every offering made by fire unto the Lord, and from its preserving and purifying properties it was the grateful emblem of divine grace in the soul. It is worthy of our attentive regard that, when Artaxerxes gave salt to Ezra the priest, he set no limit to the quantity, and we may be quite certain that when the King of kings distributes grace among His royal priesthood, the supply is not cut short by Him.

Often are we straitened in ourselves, but never in the Lord. He who chooses to gather much manna will find that he may have as much as he desires. There is no such famine in Jerusalem that the citizens should eat their bread by weight and drink their water by measure. Some things in the economy of grace are measured; for instance our vinegar and gall are given us with such exactness that we never have a single drop too much, but of the salt of grace no stint is made, “Ask what thou wilt and it shall be given unto thee.”

Parents need to lock up the fruit cupboard, and the sweet jars, but there is no need to keep the salt-box under lock and key, for few children will eat too greedily from that. A man may have too much money, or too much honour, but he cannot have too much grace. When Jeshurun waxed fat in the flesh, he kicked against God, but there is no fear of a man’s becoming too full of grace: a plethora of grace is impossible.

More wealth brings more care, but more grace brings more joy. Increased wisdom is increased sorrow, but abundance of the Spirit is fulness of joy. Believer, go to the throne for a large supply of heavenly salt. It will season thine afflictions, which are unsavoury without salt; it will preserve thy heart which corrupts if salt be absent, and it will kill thy sins even as salt kills reptiles. Thou needest much; seek much, and have much.

Yes! Come let us seek more of other virtues that will help us as we go along:

“I will make thy windows of agates.” Isaiah 54:12

The church is most instructively symbolized by a building erected by heavenly power, and designed by divine skill. Such a spiritual house must not be dark, for the Israelites had light in their dwellings; there must therefore be windows to let the light in and to allow the inhabitants to gaze abroad.

These windows are precious as agates: the ways in which the church beholds her Lord and heaven, and spiritual truth in general, are to be had in the highest esteem. Agates are not the most transparent of gems, they are but semi-pellucid at the best:

“Our knowledge of that life is small,

Our eye of faith is dim.”

Faith is one of these precious agate windows, but alas! it is often so misty and beclouded, that we see but darkly, and mistake much that we do see. Yet if we cannot gaze through windows of diamonds and know even as we are known, it is a glorious thing to behold the altogether lovely One, even though the glass be hazy as the agate.

 Experience is another of these dim but precious windows, yielding to us a subdued religious light, in which we see the sufferings of the Man of Sorrows, through our own afflictions. Our weak eyes could not endure windows of transparent glass to let in the Master’s glory, but when they are dimmed with weeping, the beams of the Sun of Righteousness are tempered, and shine through the windows of agate with a soft radiance inexpressibly soothing to tempted souls.

Sanctification, as it conforms us to our Lord, is another agate window. Only as we become heavenly can we comprehend heavenly things. The pure in heart see a pure God. Those who are like Jesus see Him as He is. Because we are so little like Him, the window is but agate; because we are somewhat like Him, it is agate. We thank God for what we have, and long for more. When shall we see God and Jesus, and heaven and truth, face to face?

Is someone positioned to pray down this virtues into his/ her life today? Is only what you are desperate about that you receive therefore pray like blind Bartimaeus, cry like Hannah, seek God like Anna did and you will be remember by God who specializes in answering prayers prayed believing, prayed trusting.

In addition, pray for any other thing you are believing God for, it is not too late to receive that miracle marriages, miracle job, miracle babies are still been shared by the angels of God, that contract is not yet late, everything in your life that is undermining your Christian testimonies, the Lord will deliver to you, just ask in faith and God will grant your heart desires.

Father, answer the prayers of your children who are looking up to you for their deliverance. It is done! (Prov 15:29)

Remain blessed in the Lord.

…But Ruth Clave unto Her


I will lift Your Name higher, O Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift up Your Name higher. Glory Glory Lord, we give glory Lord, Glory Glory Lord, you are a Mighty God. I have a reason to praise the Lord x2 in my life I have a reason to praise the Lord x2.

Father, we thank You for Who You Are, how glorious, how wonderful You are Lord! Your Majesty reign all through the land, forever You are Lord! for You are enthrone forever! Nothing existed before You and nothing will last forever. Eternity is Your Name; Be Thou glorify.

Beloved, who is like unto our God? The Ancient of Days, the One is and Who is yet to come. Magnificence are His works, we are the works of His hands, blessed be the Name of the Lord forever and ever! God ways are everlasting and nothing can change it as we learnt yesterday.

Is worthy also to note that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no one cometh to the Father except through Him. So if you are reader of the devotional and you are yet to accept Christ please do so now by clicking here.

And now you have accepted Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour be ready for great and mighty changes that will come your way. Beloved, do know that “God makes a way even where is no way? And peradventure the devil and his cohort have block the way to your destiny, it may interest you to know that God will orchestrate a new way for you unknowing to your adversaries to lead you to your land of promise (Isa 43:19).

I had an experience last week and while going through that crisis period, I have plans to revisit that situation and make some remarks to the person directly involved. I got busy all through the week and had no time really to carry out my plan. In the midst of it I attended a program where the man of God during his ministration admonished us “to move forward,” but this time it sounded differently to me. While meditating upon the Word after the program I had an encounter that set me free on what have been a challenge to me and I believe God want to set me free from it and as many as that are reading this message I believe that is time your time also to gain command over this challenge also.

The Spirit of God told me not revisit that issue as I have earlier plan and upon my enquire, He made to understand that each time I go through a hurting situation and refuse to let it go and keep revisiting it either in my thought or through discussion, what am simply doing “is going round the mountain.”

 However, He instructed me to move forward by leaving behind me that situation whatever be it and ask God which way forward. He said, that way I will see the hand of God at work in my life and I will get to where am going faster and achieve what I intend to achieve. Finally, He said “you will not give satan occasion to either “torment you” or make you develop an “unforgiving spirit” toward the person or people involved. Do you get my analysis?

In summary, moving forward means, you leaving your failures, hurts, disappointments, name it, behind you and ask God how to get to where you are going even in that situation and before long God will show up because there is no bitterness in you neither is there any unforgiveness found in you. Praise God! Remember that our God specializes in the act of “orchestration” (Isa 43:19; 21). Someone is shouting now what is evangelist up to again and I will tell nothing but scripture.

The story before us is a simply but a powerful illustration of the God’s “orchestration skill.” Am very sure this is not your first time but this time I want you to go through this message with something in your heart “the Spirit of love”. Without receiving this gift in your life, you cannot practice what I just share with you and neither will you move forward in life easily.

When all hope was lost but for love Ruth followed Naomi and God who search the heart (Jer 17:10) reward her and give her hope in spite of the hopeless situation, however we will take beyond this, let’s read on:

“Orpah kissed her mother-in-law; but Ruth clave unto her.” Ruth 1:14

Both of them had an affection for Naomi, and therefore set out with her upon her return to the land of Judah. But the hour of test came; Naomi most unselfishly set before each of them the trials which awaited them, and bade them if they cared for ease and comfort to return to their Moabitish friends.

At first both of them declared that they would cast in their lot with the Lord’s people; but upon still further consideration Orpah with much grief and a respectful kiss left her mother in law, and her people, and her God, and went back to her idolatrous friends, while Ruth with all her heart gave herself up to the God of her mother in law.

It is one thing to love the ways of the Lord when all is fair, and quite another to cleave to them under all discouragements and difficulties. The kiss of outward profession is very cheap and easy, but the practical cleaving to the Lord, which must show itself in holy decision for truth and holiness, is not so small a matter.

How stands the case with us, is our heart fixed upon Jesus, is the sacrifice bound with cords to the horns of the altar? Have we counted the cost, and are we solemnly ready to suffer all worldly loss for the Master’s sake? The after gain will be an abundant recompense, for Egypt’s treasures are not to be compared with the glory to be revealed.

 Orpah is heard of no more; in glorious ease and idolatrous pleasure her life melts into the gloom of death; but Ruth lives in history and in heaven, for grace has placed her in the noble line whence sprung the King of kings. Blessed among women shall those be who for Christ’s sake can renounce all; but forgotten and worse than forgotten shall those be who in the hour of temptation do violence to conscience and turn back unto the world.

O that this morning we may not be content with the form of devotion, which may be no better than Orpah’s kiss, but may the Holy Spirit work in us a cleaving of our whole heart to our Lord Jesus.

How treacherously are you treating the Lord’s love to you? With Orpah’s kiss or with Ruth’s cleaving? Beloved, if the foundation is destroy what more can you do? Make Christ your foundation so that when temptation comes your way, you will stand the test and not give up. like gold you will go through fire and not burn up unlike hay and wood would:

“And lay thy foundations with sapphires.” Isaiah 54:11

Not only that which is seen of the church of God, but that which is unseen, is fair and precious. Foundations are out of sight, and so long as they are firm it is not expected that they should be valuable; but in Jehovah’s work everything is of a piece, nothing slurred, nothing mean. The deep foundations of the work of grace are as sapphires for preciousness, no human mind is able to measure their glory.

We build upon the covenant of grace, which is firmer than adamant, and as enduring as jewels upon which age spends itself in vain. Sapphire foundations are eternal, and the covenant abides throughout the lifetime of the Almighty.

Another foundation is the person of the Lord Jesus, which is clear and spotless, everlasting and beautiful as the sapphire; blending in one the deep blue of earth’s ever rolling ocean and the azure of its all embracing sky. Once might our Lord have been likened to the ruby as He stood covered with His own blood, but now we see Him radiant with the soft blue of love, love abounding, deep, eternal.

Our eternal hopes are built upon the justice and the faithfulness of God, which are clear and cloudless as the sapphire. We are not saved by a compromise, by mercy defeating justice, or law suspending its operations; no, we defy the eagle’s eye to detect a flaw in the groundwork of our confidence—our foundation is of sapphire, and will endure the fire.

The Lord Himself has laid the foundation of His people’s hopes. It is matter for grave enquiry whether our hopes are built upon such a basis. Good works and ceremonies are not a foundation of sapphires, but of wood, hay, and stubble; neither are they laid by God, but by our own conceit. Foundations will all be tried ere long: woe unto him whose lofty tower shall come down with a crash, because based on a quicksand. He who is built on sapphires may await storm or fire with equanimity, for he shall abide the test.

The song that goes thus “My hope is built on nothing else” is a song that should be on lips of every child of God.

Beloved, there is time for you to check what you are lay your foundation with before it will be late.

Remain blessed in the Lord.