What shall we say unto The Lord,
All we have to say, is Thank You Lord.
Thank You Lord x2
All we have to say is, Thank You Lord.
How Wonderful is Thy Name O! Lord, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. The heaven and earth standeth sure by your decrees. By the Word of Thy Mouth, it firmly rooted. When we consider the Works of Thy hand, we shudder with fear of Your Awesomeness.
Let glory, honour, adoration be ascribe unto You Alone Who is worthy of our praise for-ever and ever more. Amen!
Father, we are grateful for the gift of a New Month. O! how wondrously You are in the previous month, we are so confident that You will prove Yourself again in this new month in every areas of our lives in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Beloved, what a glorious moment we had last month, this month is not promising anything less. Therefore girdle your cloak around you as we celebrate the New Month, the month of August, Our Month of “Dominion in the Lord” (Gen 1: 26).
Beloveth, are you excited in the Lord? Am sure someone is dancing already, someone is so excited and he is pouring praises unto the King of kings.
The glory bestowed upon you last month can no longer be hidden. You are shinning forth, in fact your path is shining brighter and brighter every day. The Lord is endowing you with the power to possess your possessions. In that stead, The Lord is inviting you to come and reign with Him.
Dear friend, what an enviable position and honour to occupy with your Maker.
Let us then approach His throne with a holy fear and great reverence, let us bow in humility before God, Who lifted us up from the dungeon and made us to sit in the heavenly place far above principalities and power.
Also, don’t forget that the number “eight” signifies “new beginning”. Whatever was you case before now, the Spirit of God is changing you from one glory to another glory and the He wants YOU in-Charge; not your situation, nor your circumstances. Praise God. Alleluia!
Earlier, you are enslaved in sins and wicked acts, but now the great transaction done on your behalf have whisked you off from hell and translated you into His marvelous light of salvation and made you a slave to righteousness.
Beloved, your right standing with God guarantee’s your dominion. Are you ready to have dominion? Than come and have the keys delivers to you as we go through the message below:
And having been liberated from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.—Romans 6:18
Before you were a Christian you were a slave, in bondage to sin. Even when you did not want to sin, you were unable to do otherwise (Rom. 7:15–24). When God saved you, He freed you from sin, but you remained a slave. Now, rather than being bound to sin, you are bound to righteousness. In every area of your life you are obligated to do what honors God.
There are some who believe that when Christ sets them free, they are free to do whatever they want. That is not so. The apostle Paul realized that when he began following Christ he became a “bondservant” of Christ, and his life was no longer his own (Rom. 1:1). Now, rather than being enslaved to sin, he was enslaved to God and His righteousness.
When people mistreated him, he had forfeited the right to respond from his natural feelings but was compelled to offer a righteous response. When he was tempted, he was no longer free to succumb to his feelings. Paul could not enter the workplace and act selfishly. He understood that, as a slave of righteousness, he was obligated to live a holy life, honoring his Master.
Righteous living is not an option for a Christian. Nor is it something we must try to do over time. It is an obligation, mandatory for every child of God. Our freedom in Christ is not freedom to do what we want. It is freedom to live righteously, something we could not do when we were in bondage to sin. Now that we are free to live righteously, we must allow the Holy Spirit to produce in us a holy, sanctified life (1 John 3:7).
Not easy to a carnal minded man but so easy to a regenerated man. Beckon on the Holy Spirit to help you, He will surely do that.
In this month of dominion, I have a strong faith that you will not be left behind in unbelief and the twin evil “doubt” will not be our partner. You have to stay out of it, if you must occupy the place God have reserved for you.
There is a reader of this devotion, whose heart is pounding as fast as he is reading and wondering how on earth the theme of the month will ever come to past in his life.
Never mind, He who created the world out of nothing will sure prove Himself in that situation. His hands are not shortened neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear you but your iniquities shall be a barrier “so watch it”.
Has the Lord said it; so shall it be. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it, thus saith the Lord of Host. Do not be afraid. Read more
“Ah Lord God, behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee.” Jeremiah 32:17
At the very time when the Chaldeans surrounded Jerusalem, and when the sword, famine and pestilence had desolated the land, Jeremiah was commanded by God to purchase a field, and have the deed of transfer legally sealed and witnessed. This was a strange purchase for a rational man to make. Prudence could not justify it, for it was buying with scarcely a probability that the person purchasing could ever enjoy the possession.
But it was enough for Jeremiah that his God had bidden him, for well he knew that God will be justified of all His children. He reasoned thus: “Ah, Lord God! Thou canst make this plot of ground of use to me; Thou canst rid this land of these oppressors; Thou canst make me yet sit under my vine and my fig-tree in the heritage which I have bought; for Thou didst make the heavens and the earth, and there is nothing too hard for Thee.”
This gave a majesty to the early saints, that they dared to do at God’s command things which carnal reason would condemn. Whether it be a Noah who is to build a ship on dry land, an Abraham who is to offer up his only son, or a Moses who is to despise the treasures of Egypt, or a Joshua who is to besiege Jericho seven days, using no weapons but the blasts of rams’ horns, they all act upon God’s command, contrary to the dictates of carnal reason; and the Lord gives them a rich reward as the result of their obedient faith.
Would to God we had in the religion of these modern times a more potent infusion of this heroic faith in God. If we would venture more upon the naked promise of God, we should enter a world of wonders to which as yet we are strangers.
Let Jeremiah’s place of confidence be ours—nothing is too hard for the God that created the heavens and the earth.
Beloved, what is that thing the Lord is nudging to do but you are so afraid to take a step? Believe God, believe His Holy Name, step out and have dominion in the name of the Lord.
Don’t forget “Open Your Mouth Wide and I, The Lord Will Fill It” (Ps 81:10; Isa 45:23). On this note brethren, we welcome you once again to your Month of “Dominion”. Go in this might and do exploits for the Lord, subdue the kingdom of Satan and bring down the walls of corruptions, sins and decays in your live and those around you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.