I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love.// I will lift Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up your Name, I will lift up Your Name, above every othe gods. 2x.

Yes Lord, Your Name is higher exalted above every other names. Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise father You reign. Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign.

Thank You for the gift of just concluded month, thank you for the gift of new month. Thank You for this week, it’s been wonderful, is been glorious, it’s been great. It was challenging but You wrought victory for us, I worship You, I bow before you glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.

Beloved, I hope the week was good for you? I believe by now you have zero into the theme of this month. “Your month of New Songs.” Glory be to God on high. Is going to be May to remember because God our Lord will deal kindly with us and will help us to live a triumphant life in Jesus Name.

The Name of God is a strong tower the righteous run into and are blessed. Yes! That was the teaching of yesterday. Our God promised us protection all through this month. And we are glad to be in the Lord’s armies.

Today, like a plead we all have to pelage “ My Choice is His Choice. We no longer do the things we want but we must make sure that for ever choice we are making must be the choice of God for us.

By grace e delivered us from the works of darkness. Now we must ensure that we don’t entangle ourselves in any way to the works of darkness again by always aligning ourselves to the workings of the Holy Spirit.

Yes God choices for us must be good and must lead us to an expected end. In the Name of Jesus, satan and cohorts must not chose our lots for us. Their choices will cause problems in our lives so we must be careful to keep away from everything evil and shun the way of darkness. Praise the Lord.

When we align ourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit the resultant effect is “peace and prosperity.” Remember yesterday teaching on tribulations. When we accept Jesus as pour Lord and savior, satan charges over us with his arsenals.  But we don’t need to worry about the doing of the evil ones because Jesus has promised us victory and victory we must have,

Beloved, being at with the world is enmity with God. Therefore we must be careful what we engage ourselves into. You cannot serve God and mammon at the same time, the Word God was clear about it so be careful the way you live your life and make God your top priority always.

Knowing Jesus as your personal Lord and savior will being  many struggles in your life but you stand up for what is right. Never allow satan to box you in a corner. Stand for Jesus forever.

As you enter into your season of new songs beloved, don’t forget your God who save you and make you walk on dry ground through the Red Sea of your live. Always remember the God who give you the land you labour not for possession. Beloved don’t forget the God that made  your enemies to kill themselves for your sake in Jesus Name.

That same God you must align your choice with His choice today if you want to go far. Come for more discover:


“He shall choose our inheritance for us.” Ps. 47:4


Our enemies would allot us a very dreary portion, but we are not left in their hands. The Lord will cause us to stand in our lot, and our place is appointed by His infinite wisdom. A wiser mind than our own arranges our destiny. The ordaining of all things is with God, and we are glad to have it so; we choose that God should choose for us. If we might have our own way we would wish to let all things go in God’s way.

Being conscious of our own folly, we would not desire to rule our own destinies. We feel safer and more at ease when the Lord steers our vessel than we could possibly be if we could direct it according to our own judgment. Joyfully we leave the painful present and the unknown future with our Father, our Saviour, our Comforter.

O my soul, this day lay down thy wishes at Jesus feet! If thou hast of late been somewhat wayward and willful, eager to be and to do after thine own mind, now dismiss thy foolish self, and place the reins in the Lord’s hands. Say, “He shall choose.”

If others dispute the sovereignty of the Lord, and glory in the freewill of man, do thou answer them, “He shall choose for me.” It is my freest choice to let Him choose. As a free agent, I elect that He should have absolute sway. Glory be to God on high. Let’s keep on going:

 Personal Peace And Prosperity


According to Christian philosopher Francis Schaeffer, peace and prosperity are the two preeminent values of American Christians. As believers many of us seem to believe God to be the “Omniscient Bellhop” Who roams heaven, anxiously waiting to respond to our every whim.

If you doubt your concern over personal peace and prosperity, analyze the content of your prayers these past two weeks. What percentage of them focused on your personal well-being and what percentage were spent agonizing over the winning of the lost or the maturing of the saved?

But did not Jesus promise us PEACE? “My peace I give to youThese things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace… ” (John 14:27; 16:33)

How then do Jesus’ (and Paul’s) other statements fit in with our near obsession for personal well-being:

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earthbut a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)

We are afflicted in every wayperplexedstruck downalways carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus… ” (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)

Following Jesus means entering Satan’s territory and attacking his strongholds. And that may spell the sacrificing of our personal comfort: Running the risk of trauma over peace; poverty over prosperity.

If you question this to be true:

  • Stand up for morality in your neighborhood or at the office. Openly question the rightness of soft porn or abortion.
  • Speak out at the office for ethical business practices that if implemented, introduce the real possibility of cutting into personal and corporate profits.

Could it be that at the moment we become openly identified with Christ and His values, we will begin to understand Paul’s unsettling statement, “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12). Hardly a recipe for personal peace and prosperity!

Yes though no recipe for personal peace and prosperity but a life in Jesus is without crisis. So I choose to be with Jesus and have the peace He gives than be in the world with its tribulation. Let us rise up our voice and sing new songs to the Lord of lords and the King of kings.

Let us this day make our choice to be His choice and it shall be well with us in Jesus Name. Read Ps 97and 47 to see why you must allow God to make your choices for you.

Have a wonderful week end. See you next week by God’s grace. Glory be to Him alone in Jesus Name.

Join me as I sing this song unto our God.

My life time, I will give God my life time. 2x

If I give God my life time, He will take care of me,

He will never let me down, if I give God my life time. 2x

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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