Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and  see the Lord is Good… there is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good// Glory be to the Lord, Alleluia… Glory be to the Lord Alleluia! I will shout alleluia… Alleluia!!! Alleluia Ehhh ehhh…

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give You praises, all honour belong to You faithful Jesus… for You are good… You do miracles so great… there is no one else like You… there is no one else like You… Thank You Matchless Jesus… Alleluia!!! Amen!!!

Faithful God O! Faithful God… faithful God O Faithful God… Only deserve the glory in Our lives… only You deserve the glory… O faithful God… Alleluia!!!

Beloveth… Our God is a Good God… His though towards are good and not evil… to give us an expected end… Everlasting King of Glory… Hallow be Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!!

We received an unprecedented promise yesterday from our Father… “Manifold Blessings”

Please join us to shout J-E–S-U-S… IGWEeeeeeee. Somebody shout Alleluia!!!

The book of John chapter 10:10. Says “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that might have it more abundantly…”(KJV) …While (NLT2) says “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life…

What the devil, satan, enemy does in any man’s life is to destroy…. But my King, My Messiah, my Prince of Peace… giveth life more abundantly… Alleluia

The Lord promise us manifold blessings this month… beloveth he also gave us His Word that will bring it to pass… the Lord will you Spirit of Wisdom and the Revelation (Insight), He promised us Light from on high which will over flooded our hearts… all gear towards understand who God is, which also build up our confidence in Him… alleluia

The more understanding you have about God,… the easier it is for you to walk with Him… So we need to build our confident in God through various experiences we have from encounters, miracles, hope and mercy…

The Power of God is too high for our comprehension beloveth… The Power that raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him where God is far above any ruler or authority, or power or leader or anything else…not only in this world but also in the world to come….

Our Father puts all authority in His hand so what are talking about…. Our confident is in Him Who is far above and He is sitted with His Father in heaven

Beloveth what can He not do… to bring to past His promises to us… Alleluia… (Rom.8:32).

I don’t know where you are trusting God to restore you… hear this child of the God… The God we serve is able to do more than you ever imagine…

Beloveth the Lord is healing you at that particular area in Jesus Name… by the grace of God we bring ministrations that will attend to your every need…. Amen…

Never despair is our topic for today…. Don’t give up … The Lord is speaking to someone reading this right way…. keep your on eyes on Christ the Solid Rock…. And you will be shock in what God will do alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!… Alleluia!!!

Come along with us for more:

Never Despair

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.” Mal. 4:2

Fulfilled once in the first advent of our glorious Lord, and yet to have a fuller accomplishment in His second advent, this gracious word is also for daily use. Is it dark with the reader? Does the night deepen into a denser blackness? Still let us not despair: the sun will yet rise. When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest.

The sun which will arise is of no common sort. It is THE sun — the Sun of Righteousness, whose every ray is holiness. He who comes to cheer us, comes in the way of justice as well as of mercy, comes to violate no law even to save us. Jesus as much displays the holiness of God as His love. Our deliverance, when it comes, will be safe because righteous.

Our one point of inquiry should be — “Do we fear the name of the Lord? Do we reverence the living God, and walk in His ways?” Then for us the night must be short; and when the morning cometh, all the sickness and sorrow of our soul will be over for ever. Light, warmth, joy, and clearness of vision will come, and healing of every disease and distress will follow after.

Has Jesus risen upon us? Let us sit in the sun. Has He hidden His face? Let us wait for His rising. He will shine forth as surely as the sun.

Beloveth, aside receiving the Spirit of Wisdom, Revelation, of Power, the sun of righteousness is risen with healings in His wings… the power of satan is broken and the flood of light is being release over us Amen!!!

We are coming to the light of Christ… Those who are lost are coming back to home… Any one trusting God for healing of the body and soul is receiving same right away in Jesus Name Alleluia

Do you need your Job restored … The Power of God is creating a space for you…. Same is happening to Job seekers in Jesus Name… Women that wants are carrying their babies in Jesus Name… this year will not pass you by… you will restored according to God’s promises amen…

Whatever you are trusting God to restore in your life…. Jesus is more able…

Never despair; keep your eyes of faith on Christ Jesus…. the Lord will surprise you beyond your imaginations in Jesus Name.

Further Reading Jer.50:3, 1Jn.1:2, 1Pet.4:14, Rom.12:2, Gal.2:20, 2Cor.7:1, Heb.4:14, Isa.45:23, Mic.3:8.

Seeing you on Monday by God’s Grace and a Spirit- filled weekend…. Alleluia Somebody

Remain blessed in the Lord…

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