Who is like unto O Lord! who is like unto Thee O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in glory, doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.// Who is wonderful is Jesus, who is glorious is Jesus, who is Majesty is Jesus, who is powerful is Jesus shout alleluia alleluia, shout alleluia alleluia.

O Lord my God how excellent is Your Name, in all the earth how Precious You are Lord! thank You Father, Thank You for all You have done for us, You gave us life, You gave joy, you gave us peace, glory be to Your Name on high, You are God of all creature, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, hosanna in the highest. Thank You Father, thank You Lord, Thank You for answers to prayers, Thank You for Your Goodness that enduerth forever, Thank You for mercies and compassion, Thank You for being God indeed to us glory be to Your Name on high.

Father, we come in Your Name, do that which no man can do in Jesus Name. Have Your way again and teach us something new in Your Word in Jesus Name.

Beloved, are you doing today? Are getting your bearings right, are you hitting your target on point? Remember many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord God delivers him from them all. Do you believe that God is Mighty enough to deliver you from the pains and affliction that plagues your life even today? Beloved, faith is now!

When David and his men came back to Ziklag only to discover that everything they had including wives, children and livestock was gone and the city set ablaze, they wept until they had no more power to weep. David was greatly distressed for the people wanted to stone him, but David encouraged himself in the Lord and enquired at the Lord saying, shall I pursue after the troop? Shall I overtake? And he answered him pursue: for thou shall surely overtake them, and without fail recover all and David went with his men according to the Word of the Lord to him through the priest- Abiathar, Ahimelech’s son. (1 Sam 30:1-9,18-20. 21-31).

Beloved, are distress as David was because of things that has befallen you? Are you helpless about how things are going and you think that an end is around the corner? Do you feel like giving up and ending it all just because of wickedness in the high places? Those who you trusted and helped in the past are making mockery of you? Do you think there is hope again for you?

Can you do what David did? I woke up this morning and as if they were lying in wait for me to rise and all I could see is what is not working well, things that are not picking up despite all what I am doing. Do you know what I say to myself “I will rather encouraged myself in the Lord than waste a single minute thinking about it. So I went straight to study the Word and pray thereafter.

Beloved, it pays to look intently unto the Lord like we studied yesterday, and I am saying the same thing to you “look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith.” God does not forget, He will always remember. Though you may not see it but God is seriously working things out for the glorification of His Name, soon it will manifest and you will rejoice about it.

The Spirit of God is speaking to us this morning that we cannot do it on our own except by Him. Just get up from that despondency situation and Praise God and as you do you will receive fresh auction from the Lord, new ideas will drop in on what you must do, the Lord will make a way for you even in that wilderness, favour is coming your way as you praise the Lord today. The Lord is releasing His angels on your behalf that will end that sorrow, goodness and mercies is coming your way if you believe. Just get up and get going.

The Spirit of God made it clear to me that what God rewards in us is “Faithfulness.” Are faithful in what you are doing? Keep on, the Lord will reward you. You will soon shout out in joy, laughter will fill your mouth and you will dance for the Spirit of God will help you.

Keep working, don’t relent, be faithful, also listen as the Spirit of God gives you directions and soon you will laugh for it pays to enquire of Lord, to seek Him and to Praise Him even when all is failing. He will come and will not keep silent the Lord will visit that situation and it will soon go into the sea of forgetfulness as the Lord liveth.

Do not ever speculate in life dearly beloved, take your bearings from the Word and it shall be well with you. I don’t know whose Word it is “encourage yourself in the Lord” David did and he also inquired from the Lord and the Lord spake into his situation and the result was a “Bumper Restoration”

The Lord is going to do same to someone today who will believe what the Lord is saying. Whatever you have lost, whatever the cankerworm had eaten, whatever the caterpiller had eaten and the palmerworm had destroyed, the Lord will  restore all. There will be no loss, you will pursue and you will overtake and will recover all. David did recovered all not one was missing; He even took spoil which he distributed to his brethren (1Sam 30:19-31).

The Word of the Lord came true for David so will that same Word come to past in your life and my life in Jesus Name, but remember always enquire from the Lord when you get to a cross road don’t ever use a dead reckoning –prediction and estimation, don’t think it out yourself rather seek God, enquiry of Him, use divine reckoning and you will get to your destination in peace and not in pieces in Jesus Name.

Come along for more discoveries:

2 Chronicles 17:1-18:34, Psalm 89:46-52, Proverbs 19:8-9, Acts 25:23-26:18

No Need for Dead Reckoning

In fact, I myself supposed it was necessary to do many things in opposition to the name of Jesus the Nazarene.—Acts 26:9

The place where we can see life as a whole is in the sanctuary of God, or, if you prefer, in the presence of God. There we are reminded of things we have forgotten or ignored. See how the Good News Bible translates Acts 26:9: “I myself thought that I should do everything I could against the cause of Jesus of Nazareth.” Here you see the root of Paul’s problem: “I myself thought.” And is not that the underlying cause of many of our problems too? We say, “I myself thought …” instead of asking: “What does God think?”

Sometimes sailors will attempt to establish the position of their ships by estimating the distance and direction they have traveled, rather than by astronomical observation. This is called “dead reckoning.” It is sometimes necessary in foul weather, but it is fraught with peril. One mariner has said: “Undue trust in the dead reckoning has produced more disastrous shipwrecks of seaworthy ships than all other causes put together.”

There are people who attempt the voyage of life by dead reckoning, but there is no need. God has charted the map for us with loving care in the Scriptures, and our plain duty is to study the chart so that we might become better acquainted with His purposes and His ways. For the better we know the Scriptures, the better we will know God. We cannot ignore the facts of history or science—they help—but if our perspective is not drawn from the Scriptures it will lead us astray. We must not rely on dead reckoning but on divine reckoning.


O Father, just as the art of navigation requires definite and fixed points from which to take a bearing, so does my voyage through life. I am grateful, dear Father, that in You I have all the fixed points I need. Amen.

Further Study

Jdg 17:1-6; 21:25

What was said of the children of Israel?

Can the same be said of us?

Beloved, you read it all, never think it you yourself, always seek out what God is saying per second so that you will sail through with ease and not having so much difficult going through life, may God help us all in Jesus Name.

Faithful is God and you also must be faithful to what God has called you to do. May God reward us according His Word to us in Jesus Name.

Put your faith in God; also work as to profit and honour God (Jas 2:22).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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