Come and see the Lord is good, Come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do come and see the Lord is good. He gave victory, He gave me peace of mind, Come and see the Lord is good, Come and see the Lord is good// O! lift Jesus higher, O! lift Jesus higher, the Lord is good, I will lift Jesus higher, everywhere I go I will lift Jesus higher.
Father in heaven above, we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we honour You, we give you Praise, we give you adoration, Ancient of days, who is like unto Thee, there is none to be compared with You, You are Great Lord and you do great things for us. Glory be to Your Holy Name in the highest.
Thank You for the gift of new week. We bless Your Name. We thank You because we believe that You will walk before us and make every crooked path straight, every mountain and hill low and every valley to be level (Isa 40:4).
Beloved, how are you doing? Hope great? Glory be to God in the highest. Faithful is our God. He faileth not but abideth with those whose hope in Him. He’s been too good to us all through this. If you ask me God is good. This month has been wahoo!
He did that which no man can do for me. I don’t know how to bless His Holy Name, but with a grateful heart I will yet Praise Him. Great are His works. And I believe you also have testimonies. Praise God.
Before us today is a topic that is debatable, not exhaustible, and controversial and what have you. But is interesting to clear issues here, no matter what name you give sin. SIN is sin. While I was making some search in the dictionary I was shock to see that the antonym of sin is goodness. Beloved, it means that if one is committing sin then the person you are devoid of good.
It went further to categorize sin as a crime and wickedness it means therefore that when we are committing sin we doing wicked act before God. In God there is no evil, so if one committing sin you are wicked before God and there is no good in you.
Beloved this is dictionary expression of sin. Then what did the Word say about sin and how is it categorize. Like I said earlier, you can give sin any Name but one thing is sure sin is sin and nothing short of sin. Praise God. For everyone who commit sin does not have path in God.
When our first parents sinned in the Garden of Eden, God gave an instance judgment based on the law given to them.
Thank God that Jesus came to and set us free from eternal damnation. It means having redeemed us from sin, if we go on sinning then we are entangling ourselves deeper in sin and creating room God’s judgment.
Befloved, it is fearful thing to fall into the hands of God. so be warned and stay off the last judgment.
Hear what David said in Ps 32:1-2 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile (Psalms 32:1-2 (KJV).
Can the above be said of you? We must like David be able to say same by repenting of our sins and be Holy. Let goodness be part of life style.
We also brought to you a man like you and I, who sold himself out for the gospel of our Lord Jesus. He is good model for us to emulate, so make sure you read through. Praise God.
Let ‘s discovered more:
Everyone who remains in Him does not sin; everyone who sins has not seen Him or known Him.—1 John 3:6
The Bible makes two things clear about sin. First, living a lifestyle of sin indicates that you are not walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, regardless of what you say about your spiritual condition. You cannot regularly spend time studying and meditating on God’s word, praying and walking in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and persist in sin.
Second, if you do not hate sin the way God does, then you do not truly know Him. There are those who continue in their sin yet insist that they love God and belong to Him. John makes it clear: If you have a lifestyle of sin, you have not seen Him and do not know Him. You may have prayed a “sinner’s prayer,” or made a commitment in your church, or been baptized, but the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life is that you are defeating sin.
This does not mean that you will never sin, but it does mean that you refuse to make sin a lifestyle and you immediately seek forgiveness when you sin (1 John 1:10). It means that you are opposed to sin, as God is, and you allow the Holy Spirit to eradicate every trace of sin in your life. It means that when you sin, you immediately confess it and repent of it and do whatever is necessary to avoid repeating your sin.
If you find yourself falling into sinful habits or not grieving over your sin as you once did, this indicates that you are not abiding in Christ. Return to Him in repentance; restore your fellowship with Him, and you will once again experience victory over your sin.
Here come of the Lord’s general of His time, we travelled far and wide for the sake of the gospel preaching and rescuing men from hell. Beloved what are doing for the Kingdom. If you are save, are you representing God where He keep you or sabotaging the Kingdom business by the way you live.
May God help us to be true children of His, we should be light according to the Word of God. Is that who you truly are? Let’s keep going:
Five Impressions From The Life Of Billy Graham
In a day when worthy role models are in scarce supply, and public spiritual leaders are suspect, Billy Graham looms as a man of God. Probably no individual has so influenced the direction of conservative Christianity in the 20th Century. Recently I completed two books on his life, and five impressions stand out:
- He sees the big picture while keeping the vision and approach simple — Graham has always pushed out the walls in asking, “How can we reach more people?” “Is there a better way to do it?” He refuses to get bogged down in the details at the expense of the larger picture.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish… Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest‘? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest… ” (Proverbs 29:18a – kjv; John 4:35)
- He refuses to get enmeshed in petty religious factions — When Graham came on the scene in the 1940’s, conservative Christianity was embroiled in doctrinal factions and in fierce skirmishes with liberals. Graham has avoided these entanglements by staying focused on the larger issue of winning the lost.
“You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men? For when one says, ‘I follow Paul,‘ and another, ‘I follow Apollos,‘ are you not mere men?” (1 Corinthians 2:2, 3)
- He refuses to criticize others or defend himself — He has been the object of fierce criticism by ultra-conservatives who take exception to involving “liberals” in his crusades. In reading about Graham, I was repeatedly struck by his gracious response to their vitriol.
“When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” (1 Peter 2:23)
- He exhibits integrity in the use of money — He takes steps to ensure that his books are regularly audited by a public accounting firm and that the results are published for public perusal. The money he has made from his 16 books has been given away to charity and related causes. His home, salary and personal lifestyle are modest.
“If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else‘s property, who will give you property of your own? (Luke 16:11, 12)
- He refuses to take any credit for how God is using Him. In fact he has often stated,
“When I get to heaven, the first question I am going to ask God is, ‘Why did you choose to use a farm boy like me?'”
“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips.“
Beloved, are you among those who are claiming grace for their sinful nature. Who claim that it is not easy to live without lying, stealing, cheating and all sorts? I may not have mentioned yours but you know you are committing sin before God, the word of God is condemning your action. You must repent and come back to God else you die and go to hell.
Beloved, no impurity will be found in heaven so make haste while it is day least night come and it will be too late to repent.
Repent from your sin and do it no more. The sin of Adam and Eve is a sin disobedience that earn then deportation from the Garden of Eden. What sins are we seeing in our land today? Beloved it will be terrible on that day.
Repent and make heaven that is the only thing that is safe and secure. Praise the Lord.
If you are yet to give your life to Jesus. Please click here for a prayer of repentance.
Remain blessed in the Lord.