Behold what manner of man the Saviour has bestowed unto us,2x behold what manner of man the Savoiur has bestowed unto us,2x. that we may be called the sons of God, that we may be called the sons of God 2x.// You are the Lord that healeth me You are the Lord my Healer, You sent Your Word and healed my disease, You are the Lord my healer 2x.
Our gracious Father we thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name, we exalt You for who You are. Worthy are You Lord, You are worthy to be Praise. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, You are worthy to be Praise and adore, Lord we lift our Holy hands in one accord singing blessed be Thy Name, blessed be Thy Name, blessed be Thy Name of the Lord.
Thank You for a new and a blessed week ahead of us, Father in heaven o God, who is like unto Thee, how matchless is Your Name. Let the heaven rejoice and the people be glad that Jesus reign!!!
Yes! let be glad before the Lord’s of lords, the King of kings, the Ancient One, the Beginning and the End, the One Who is and is Yet to come, blessed be Thy Name forever and ever Amen.
Beloved, how was your weekend, mine was beautiful and the Lord surprised me in the area of my job, I so excited that He showed up and help me. In one of Joyce Meyer book while writing on fear, she said she has learnt to “do it afraid.”
I have written so much about “fear” and “faith” this year. And one of the weapon to avoid stagnation is this very secret I let out from the bag now, “do it afraid.” It will kill you neither will it hinder you forever rather you will learn your mistake and move forward. So beloved I have learnt to stand in the place of my weakness because He promised to show up at that point, so rather giving excuses I will rather stand there and before long God will show up.
In this case He showed up and I got two different styles that was exotic and elegant woo!!!. Please join me to give to the Lord. and today I move a step further and I have ask Him to help me and He has promise to do exactly that, Praise the Lord.
Beloved a beautiful week /day ahead of us and the last week of the wonderful month of Divine Intervention, has the Lord show up in any way to you? Don’t give up keep listening for He will surely do, He has done it for me and am still waiting for more visitation before the end of the month even beyond in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, in succession we are going to consider God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. It will not be complete if we run this month without giving a special teaching on them. So we will taking off with God the Father today.
Briefly, God the Father is God also known as Godhead. He is Elohim- meaning strong. The existence of God many doubted but can only be seen as ignorance at their own part, (Ps 14). He is right there in the very beginning as depicts Gen 1:1 even to Rev.
However, the attributes of Godhead are set forth in order by Moses in Exo 34:6, also in Deut 6:4, 10:17; Num 16:22; Ex 15:11, 33:19; Isa 44:6; Hab 3:6; Ps 102:26; Job 34:12, they are also systematically classified in Rev 5:12 and Rev 7:12.
God’s attributes are spoken of by some as absolute, i.e., such as belong to His essence as Jehovah, Jah, etc, and relative i.e., such as are ascribed to Him with relation to His creature, those can be imparted in degree to His creatures : goodness, Holiness, Wisdom, etc and incommunicable which cannot be so imparted: independence, immutability, immensity, and eternity. They are by some also divided into natural attributes, eternity, immensity, etc.; and moral, holiness, goodness, etc.
Beloveth, we must in all we do and will ever do declare God’s faithfulness. We must confess that He reigns. We must always declare that God is reigning and will reign forever more. We must forget that God is above all A Holy God.
Come along with me for more:
1 Kings 7:1-51, Psalm 72:15-20, Proverbs 15:28-29, John 17:1-26
Not Just a “Father”
Holy Father, protect them by Your name.—John 17:11
John Calvin said: “That God’s name should be hallowed is to say that God should have His own honor of which He is so worthy, so that men should never think or speak of Him without the greatest veneration.”
One of the things that saddens me about the contemporary Christian church is the way that some believers refer to the Almighty in terms that drag Him down to a “good buddy” relationship. They refer to the great God of creation as “The Man Upstairs” or “My Partner in the Sky.” When people talk about God in such low-level terms, they do Him an injustice. And it’s not so much the terms but the image of God that lies behind those terms which is the real problem.
We must, of course, strike a balanced note on this issue, for Paul himself teaches us that the Holy Spirit in our hearts prompts us to call God not merely “Father,” but “Daddy” (Rm 8:15). Too much of the “Daddy,” however, can lead us, if we are not careful, into sloppy sentimentalism. I believe this is why, after the phrase “Our Father,” Jesus introduces us to another aspect of God—hallowed, holy, reverenced be His Name. It is right that we think of God in familiar terms such as “Daddy,” but it is right also that we remember that our heavenly Father is a God of majestic holiness and unsullied purity. A. W. Tozer was right when he said, “No religion has been greater than its idea of God.” Jesus put it into proper focus when He addressed God, not only as Father, but Holy Father.
My Father and my God, help me gain a healthy and balanced view of Your person, so that while I enjoy the familiarity of Your Fatherhood, I am exceedingly conscious also of Your holiness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
Heb 12:1-14; Ex 15:11; 1Sm 6:20; Isa 6:3; Rv 15:4
Where are we to look?
How do we become holy?
Beloved, let us know and address God as He should not just anyhow. May we have reverence for Who God really is, Your mercies O Lord, grant unto us as we worship You forever. Amen!
On this note we declare this week open in Jesus Name and we will return at the end with more testimonies in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord