I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love….2x // You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share glory with anyone You will never share Your glory with anybody…almighty God… That is Your Name….
Our Father we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You for Who You are… You are the Mighty Man in battle… Thank You Jesus… alleluia to Your Holy Name… Great is Thy Faithfulness… O God… Great is Thy faithfulness… morning by morning new mercies I see.. all that I needed Thy Hand has provided… Great is Thy Faithfulness… Lord unto Thee….
Our Father Thank You for another privilege to be in the land of the Living… Glory be to Jesus… O Lord help us we pray Thee… as we go through this new week… that no evil will befall us… or harm us… O Lord… we worship Thee… we honour Thee… alleluia to You Ancient One…. we bow in worship O Lord… be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!! how are doing today… is a beautiful week… another day to celebrate the Lord for His faithfulness and mercy… Praise the Name of the Lord….
We are running the final lap of the month of May and my prayer for us is that everything the Lord has planned for you this month will be delivered in Jesus Name… Alleluia!!! There will be no carry over… your miracle baby will drop, your finances will turn-around, you are getting healed… Yes the Power of the Almighty God will deliver you in Jesus Name…
I serve a Living God… somebody sing… na you ooo… I serve a Living God somebody help sing… Na You dey reign…. Jesus na you dey reign… na you dey reign… na You dey reign….
Praise the Living Jesus Alleluia!!!
Beloveth we come with good news… A message of hope… to every soul that is at the verge of giving up… those that are weary and sad and despair… that you must not lose hope…. Yes… You must not lose “Hope…” Your hope should be place on Christ the Solid Rock Who is the Beginning and the End… In Him there is no turning of shadow or any variation in Him …. He is same yesterday, today, and forever… Beloveth… What He did for one He is able to do for another …. He is not partial or unjust…
Therefore… as this month is gradually coming to an end and your hope and aspiration for this month is yet to show up… we decree that the windows of heaven be open right now and pour blessings upon us…
Beloveth until God blesses a man… that man will remain poor/small… but when favour locate a man and the book of remembrance is open on such one…. then God’s blessing that maketh rich and cause no sorrow will follow suit Amen!!!
Somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth we must not lose hope especially on those things we are trusting God to do for us why… because Our God is Able to do…. Praise the Name of Jesus….
There are many reasons why you must not lose “Hope” in God… outside God there is no “Hope” but in God our Hope abounds… how.. someone wants to know…
Having hope in God is trusting God that what He promised you must surely come to pass; timing not withstanding…we have many reasons for believing that… here are some reasons why you and I must continually look up to God no matter what may be… 1. He knows you by Name… (Isa.43:1) 2. He will fight for you (Exo.14:14) 3. He thinks about you (Ps.139:17)… 4. He has plans for you (Jer.29:11)…5. He is your Refuge (Ps.62:6-8)… 6. He is always with you (Matt.28:20)…
Beloveth, they are more than these but for the sake of this writing, we will make do with these six reasons why you must have hope and trust in God…. Beloveth God got your back… so why be afraid… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia…
Having read these reason why our hope on God is on a solid Rock… then join us to exploit more reasons below:
On Not Loosing Hope
“The tragedy of man is not that he dies, but what dies within him while he still lives.” – Albert Schweitzer
Some years ago, the wife of a close friend walked out on the marriage, leaving the husband with their four children, all under 10 years of age. When this catastrophe struck, he had just completed his Ph.D., and was embarking upon a promising teaching career at a prestigious university. Desperate now for help in raising his children, he found it necessary to relinquish his position and return to the city of his parents to enlist their assistance.
Early one morning before driving his U-Haul truck of household goods the 1400 miles north, he stopped by to say good-bye. It was painfully obvious that he was deeply crushed by the desertion of his wife, and the uncertain future awaiting him. So we talked, wept, and prayed… and finally bid farewell.
And as he climbed into the cab of the truck with his four small children he looked down, eked out a smile, and said, “Well Dwight, I still have HOPE.” As his vehicle disappeared from sight I was reminded of the words penned by St. Paul:
“We… rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, HOPE. And HOPE does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 2:2b-5)
Today, eight years later, my friend and his clan are doing beautifully. The children give every evidence of maturing spiritually and socially into responsible adults. Recently he was appointed the head of his department in a respected institution of higher learning.
With the sparkle back in his eyes, it is apparent that he is experiencing God’s promise that “HOPE does not disappoint us… ”
So what do you do when the bottom falls out of your life?
- Allow that which lies within you to die while you are still alive? Or
- Choose to place your HOPE in the character and promises of God?
“Why are you downcast, O my soul?… Put your HOPE in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God… ‘For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.'” (Psalm 43:5; Jeremiah 29:11)
Beloveth… are you here… hope that does not disappoint is the Hope that is built on Christ… so if you are yet to accept Jesus as you personal Saviour… the time to do so is now….
If your hope is rest on Christ Jesus just know that time is not a hindrance to the plan of God in your life … if you are in season of life right now … pray that God will help you… Amen!
That the Holy Spirit will help you to come out triumphantly… at the end… in Jesus Name… The Lord will do it… in this month of new Beginning … He will fulfill His Word… in your life and my life in Jesus Name.
Further Reading- Rom.10:15, Jude.21, Isa.9:6 , Phil.2:13, 2Cor.3:17, Jas.5:15,
On this note beloveth we declare this week open and by God’s grace we will return at the end…with greater testimonies in Jesus Name….
Don’t forget to pray for the new month… It will do us good not evil in Jesus Name…
Remain blessed in the Lord.