Sweet Jesus sweet Jesus how wonderful You are, You are Precious than the morning star, You are precious, more precious than The lily that grow by the way, You are precious, more precious than gold. // Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee, O! Lord! among the gods Who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praising doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.
Come and see the Lord is good! Praise the Name of the Lord. glory and alleluia to my God Amen! Father in heaven O God Who is like unto Thee, You are God, You are not man. Great is Thy faithfulness O! Lord! Thank You Father for the wondrous things You have done for me, blessed be Thy Holy Name.
Beloved, isn’t God powerful? Isn’t our God Precious? Isn’t God marvelous? Yes He is! Let us offer a clap offering unto our God who deserves our best. Thank God for His mercies never end and His grace ever bounding. Praise the Name of Jesus!
Every living soul (every living soul) Praise the Lord! Every living soul (every living soul) Praise the Lord! Are you a living soul, I am living soul I will Praise the Lord! Every living soul (every living soul) Praise the Lord! The Most High reigneth, the Most High reigneth, The Most High reigneth in my life today, the Most High reigneth, the Most high reigneth, the Most High reigneth in my life today!
Beloved it is the living that can praise the Lord! Thank God you are among the living, so praise Lord! Alleluia!
The stage has been set for us as by the grace and mercy of God we have been empowered to go through the year, through the power of the Holy Spirit, leading us and bring us to our desired heaven at the end. We will not miss our way, we will not be stranded, we will not die while on this journey for the Hand of the Lord will be upon us to protect, to deliver, to watch over us, and to contend with our enemies.
The gift of the Holy Spirit was released upon us at the end of our High Praise to our God thanking Him for all His benevolences in Year 2019 and 2020 also, what a generous gift to us. Beloved, it is more than enough gift by our God to us.
God told Moses to tell the children of Israel that I AM sent you (Exo 3:14) God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself (2 Cor 5:19) and just few days back God release the Holy Spirit to us as Jesus did when sending His disciples forth (Act 1:8). Beloved in all of these scenarios is One God in three Person- God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Moses told “God do not let us go without your Presence,” what a request. After God told him that He will not go with them through their journey to the promised land because the stiff-necked of the children of Israel, Moses knew the dangers ahead without the Presence of God, so he cried unto God for mercy and asked for His Presence to go with them (Exo 33:1-3, 14).
Beloved, God is so gracious to us by granting us His Spirit to go with us in this year. We have not gone this way before, we don’t know what lies ahead of us and except God go with us to show us the smooth and bumpy on the way it will not be an easy journey.
Is possible we are having different things in our mind as what God will release unto us after the Praise gate but Faithful is our Father, for He sent not His angel to go before us neither did He chose to give us wealth without health. He chose not to give us success without righteousness, beloved He gave us Himself by releasing the Holy Spirit to go with us through the year, beloved what this means is that we will have bountiful testimonies, miracles will abound also as the Spirit of God will manifest greatly in our midst and within us. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, we are as stand on the truth rooted in Trinity- God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, nothing less do we stand on except on the truth that is found in the mystery of Trinity, Praise the Lord!
Come along with us as we discover more:
Genesis 5:1-6:22, Psalm 2:7-12, Proverbs 1:7, Matthew 3:1-17
On This Truth We Stand Beloved
[Jesus] … saw the Spirit of God descending … And there came a voice from heaven: “This is My beloved Son.”—Matthew 3:16-17
Those who accept Scripture’s teaching concerning God must be prepared to say that He is not only personal, but that He is a plurality of Persons—a Trinity. The doctrine of the Trinity, that God is one yet three separate Persons, is not easy to understand, but it is clear in Scripture. The term “Trinity” appears nowhere in the Bible (it was first used by Tertullian around a.d. 210), but its roots are deeply embedded in the Word of God. It is mainly a revelation of the New Testament, but there are glimpses of the truth to be seen in the Old Testament also.
“Let Us make man in Our image” (Gn 1:26). To whom was God speaking? Some say the angels, but nowhere in Scripture are angels seen as being involved in the act of creation or as being on the same level as God. Read Colossians 1:16 and it will become clear to whom God was speaking.
Other examples of the Trinity being mentioned in the Old Testament include these: “Man has become like one of Us” (Gn 3:22); and in Isaiah 6:8 God says: “Who should I send? Who will go for Us?”
“Go to the Jordan,” wrote Augustine, “and you find the Trinity. There at the baptism of Jesus, the three Persons in the Godhead are simultaneously in evidence. The Father is heard speaking directly from heaven, the Son is seen being immersed in the river, and John the Baptist beholds the Spirit descending upon the Christ.” Three in One and One in Three. On this truth we must stand, though we may not fully understand.
Blessed Trinity, Three in One and One in Three, my spirit joins with Your Spirit this day to worship You in spirit and in truth. Though sometimes darkness to my intellect, Your truth is nevertheless sunshine to my heart. Amen.
Further Study
Mt 28:16-20; Jn 14:26-27; 15:26-27
How were the disciples to baptize new converts?
How did Jesus confirm the truth of the Trinity?
Some people argues so much about the doctrine of Trinity, like we read in the text above at Jordan “there we find the Trinity at Jesus baptism- we saw Godhead speaking from heaven and God the Holy Spirit bearing witness as He descended on Jesus.
Are still in doubt about the Trinity? Please doubt no more as the Spirit of God is here with us to grant us understanding in all things and this one of them- Trinity. Praise the Lord!
Beloved, what a great blessings released to us by God Himself by offering to go with us all through the year. Beloved, maybe you are yet to understand what we received. In Exo 33:16 hear what Moses said – For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth (KJV).
Beloved, God granted his request with more reassuring promising – that He will go with them and He also granted his quest to show him His glory and to be merciful unto Who He wants to be merciful upon (Vs 17-19). I don’t know whether you understand the season we are in here, right from beginning of the year the Lord promised us “from glory to glory” in addition to it, He sent His Spirit to guide us, what a glorious year we are in for beloved, we are under the grace and the mercy of God as we are distinguished among nations, I believe you are dancing and praising God for all these promises received at the platter of gold. Praise the Lord.
On this note dearly beloved, we declare this week open in the Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and we will return at the end with testimonies in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.