Glory be to God in the highest Amen! glory be to God in the highest Amen!! for His mercies enduerth forever Amen! for His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!! // Who is like unto Thee o Lord who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Among the gods Who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Father, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give you Praise… We worship Your Holy Name… We bow before Your Majesty and we say Thank Jesus for all that You are doing for us… You are God… and You changeth not… glory be to Your alone!!! Merciful Father we come not before men but before You and we ask that Your mercy speak for us today! We ask that Your mercy plead our case … O Lord we ask that Your mercy will overshadow judgment and plead our case in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… good morning.. How are doing beloveth… I am that woman that God has shown mercy! Praise the Lord!!! And today in this altar of prayer, Mercy will plead your case before judgment Throne of God in Jesus Name!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes mercy will deliver and make a way where there seems to be no way in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth what is it that you desires the mercy of God… can you table it before the Lord… Can you cry to God who showed mercy to the woman with the issue of blood and was delivered her from twelve years of afflictions… the same Jesus showed mercy to Lazarus at the tomb and he that was dead came back to life…. yes the enemy thought it was over for you… but God is say to someone arise and come forth…. God is speaking to that situation now and He saying to that affliction stop now in Jesus Name…

I don’t know what you want God to do for you but you need to hear this, the God that answers by fire is saying that conditions you are trusting Him for is receiving answers right now in Jesus Name… God is lifting you up from obscurity to light now in Jesus Name… they said you will not rise again, they are lying.. For this is the Word of God is saying to you… God is saying you are not only raising; He is also putting laughter in your mouth… You will laugh again… in Jesus Name… you will shout of joy again in Jesus Name… God is saying you will celebrate again in Jesus Name…  Somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth … maybe your problem with God promises in your life is possible what the topic of today is saying- “He seems to be on a different Time Schedule….from yours…”

Come along with let discover more:

 One Of Our Problems With God Is That He Seems To Be On A Different Time Schedule

Living as we do in the fast-paced world of deadlines and a “Time is Money” paradigm, the idea of waiting around for God to do something comes off as impractical, mystical, and… well — Irritating. We can identify with the guy who prayed for patience, “Lord, I want patience, and I want it now!!

And yet… that is often what God expects us to do: Wait. We have to admit that His sense of timing often mystifies us:

  • He calls Abraham, promises him a great nation and then waits 25 years before allowing him to have his first son, Isaac. (See Genesis 12, 16).
  • He allows the Nation Israel to languish under Egypt’s heel for 430 years of slavery before calling Moses to their rescue. (See Exodus 12:40).
  • And when He finally does call Moses, He first has him out tending sheep for 40 years. (See Exodus 2, 3)

Certainly we can concur with God’s statement, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways… ” (Isaiah 55:8)

So let me ask you: Are you usually rushed? In a hurry? Driving toward a goal? Anxious about getting things done?

Could it be that from time to time you get out in front of God by pushing things your way… accomplishing your agenda on your time table?

Our Sovereign Father who knows the end from the beginning, promises to make “All things beautiful in His time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Everything God intends, will happen: Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand.” (Isaiah 14:24)

Perhaps we need to be reminded that the Scriptures usually equate rushing with sinning:

It is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who makes haste with his feet errs.” (Proverbs 19:2)

So take heart dear friend in Christ. Rest in the Psalmist’s admonition to “Let go, relax, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Our loving Father is profoundly interested in every detail of your life. He will see you through to the end… if you will let Him do it His way and on His timetable.

Beloveth… you have read it and I know by now other individuals who also “waited” for God’s own timing in the Bible is pop-up in your brain… but hear this “All God have planned and intended for you must surely come to pass… nothing will hinder it (them) in Jesus Name…

Beloveth we have to pray now and ask God to give us the persevering Spirit… ask God to teach your heart to Trust Him… ask God to help your see through His Eye… Ask God to help you to Believe Him … and as you do… you will be led by the Spirit of God on what to do… Do not slack in the place of work rather as you work you trust Him for His increase… for His blessings… for His lifting in Jesus Name… may God have mercy upon us we pray in Jesus Name…

O Father full of mercy and compassion… arise and come forth for my sake and have  mercy on me.… look at the Blood of Jesus on the Cross and deliver me… O Lord come and deliver the oppressed, the hurting, the despair, and the down cast … they are looking up to You… Come and make a Name for Yourself in Jesus Name… arise O Lord… let Your Name be glorify in Jesus Name….

Further Reading- Isa.60:20, Matt.6:8, Ps.57:2, Jas 1:6, Ps.9:18, Ezek.34:26, 1Cor.2:4, Job.28:28

Beloveth let us pray………….

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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