Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name…We bow down before Thee… Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name…We bow down before Thee…// You are Messiah…. You are Messiah … You are Messiah (You are Messiah)… You are Messiah the Rose of the valley… You are Messiah… The Bright Morning Star…You are Messiah… The Lily of the valley… You are Messiah!
Thank You for Your unspeakable gift of Your Son… Jesus Christ Our Emmanuel to us… the dying world… O God we are grateful… we are thankful…. we are happy… we are rejoicing, we celebrating…glory alleluia… Thank You Father in Jesus Holy Name we give thanks….
Beloveth, how are faring this morning… hope you are doing fine… great is the faithfulness of our God… He is ever ready to make us glad… in whatever situation you are passing through beloveth be clam and wait for Him…. at the fullness of time which is always the best time…Our God will show up… Yes..He will show up and you will be happy… so be still and know that I am God say the Spirit of the Most High God…
Beloveth… having prayed… do you back up your prayer with faith…even as small as mustard seed… You will see our God’s glory…radiating in your life and situations…. Is not about you; is all about God… The Almighty, He is our All-in-All…. Praise the Lord somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth like our topic depicts this morning…. are you facing opposition either at home, office, business environment, ministry, the God you serve and call is saying this to you today… “I GOT Your BACK fear not.”
I don’t know what is making itself king over you… opposing and oppressing you… The Lord is saying to you today… “Fear not… “I AM with you”….”I will help you,” Beloveth, satan is not happy when you are flowing cool in the spirit, Tongue speaking, doing God’s work, when you are in God’s Will… fulfilling destiny… he will come to make you feel sad, failed, unhappy, murmur, bitter, ungrateful…wanting to give up….
Remember “satan is not fighting you because you are weak…he is fighting you because you are strong” so you have to keep holding on to God… Till He comes through for you… satan also limits your prayer because through that he will limit you…
True life experience… someone who is suppose to partner with me in prayer… kept complaining that I pray too much… and I kept wondering how and while is it effecting him… not knowing that they have a plan to terminate my life and my prayers keep speaking peace to me and confusion to their camp… so he summons up courage to ask me what type prayer do I always pray… I keep long hours in the place of prayer still he will not hear me utter a word…”
Beloveth… oppositions comes in different ways… that is one of my opposition and I know you have yours… but be encourage this day, have faith in God through what His Spirit is saying to us “I GOT your BACK…Fear not”
Most of early men and woman of the Bible had opposition while looking for the promise city where the builder is God… so you are not alone…God is with you in all of it…
Our Bible story text also show case God’s faithfulness in the life of Joseph and Mary the earthly parents of Jesus … the angel of God told them what to do… to stay of the wrath of the King Herod to preserved the life of Jesus…(the power of revelation) Do you think God is doing less concerning you? Not at all… like He was in the beginning; so He is even up till now and forever… Amen!!!
Where do need God’s help… to fight your enemies? Keep reminding Him in your prayers and He will come through for you… beloveth… God is not unmindful of that situation(s), He is about to do it…engage your faith as that is the only currency that birth miracles…. Alleluia somebody…
Come along with us for more:
After they were gone, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Get up! Take the child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. For Herod is about to search for the child to destroy Him.”—Matthew 2:13
Whenever God clearly speaks to you and you obey His will, you can expect to face opposition. Spiritual assaults and attacks by the ungodly are not always signs that you are out of the will of God; they may even indicate that you are in the very center of God’s will.
Mary’s husband, Joseph, was a righteous man who feared God, yet his obedience to God forced him to flee for his life to a foreign country. Joseph’s hardship came, not because of his sin, but because of his obedience. Although Joseph and Mary were forced to move to another country, they remained in the center of God’s will.
Jesus warned His disciples to expect persecution from the world as they obeyed the Father. He reminded them that they would not face persecution alone, for Jesus, too, had faced the hostility of the world and had been victorious (John 16:33).
Don’t become discouraged when you face opposition. Opposition may indicate that you are acting in obedience to God. Do not let opposition cause you to doubt God’s will. Examine your heart. If you have done what you know He has asked you to do, trust Him to see you through the antagonism that comes from those who are not walking with Him.
When they encountered persecution, the disciples did not ask God to remove their opponents, but to give them boldness as they faced opposition (Acts 4:24–31). God’s will for you may involve hardship, as it did for His Son (John 15:20), but He loves you and will not allow you to face more than you are able to handle.
Praise the Name of the Lord… I want to know that satan is fighting daily to stop me from the spreading of the gospel of our Lord Jesus through the various channels opened to us … but you know what… he has failed and will continue to fail by the Mighty Name of Jesus…. I cannot be hindered not at all…by the mercy of God and by His Divine Power; He will uphold this ministry till He comes… Amen… say AMEN!!!!
I know you mighty be having some challenges, beloveth don’t give up… God is with you, fighting your battle… keeping you from falling but you must continue to hold on to Him… alleluia!
Listen to this when the children of Israelites came to the Red sea and they were crying what did God instruct Moses to do… “ God said Move forward”… (Exo14:15-16) likewise as you are facing opposition… is not the time to shrink or retreat in fear… you have to bolden and move forward… yes.. you are unhindered by the grace of God… (that is the rod in your hand…use it and part your Red Sea…) Push forward…and you will push through…
God did not remove the Red Sea; He parted it… Sometimes God doesn’t remove your problems (oppositions) He makes a way through them…alleluia somebody.
Join us to sing this song….
As long as I have breathing, I will always worship you… here is my worship..all of my worship… Receive my worship…all of my worship….
Further Reading- Rom.12:11, Neh.8:10, Col.4:2, Ps 62:8, 2Chr.25:9,2Cor.5:17, Isa.41:13,Ps119:117, Heb.13:14, Eph1:13, Eph.6:10, Heb.10:25…Gal.3.26
Remain blessed in the Lord.