All the glory must be to the Lord, for He is worthy Praise, no man on earth should be glory to himself, all the glory must be to the Lord 2x. who is wonderful is Jesus, who is marvelous is Jesus. Who is precious is Jesus? Who is powerful is Jesus, shout alleluia, (alleluia), shout alleluia (alleluia),
Father, we thank You we bless You, we adore You for Who You are. Thank You for a beautiful week ahead of us, we worship You Father, we lift Your Name above every other Name, be Thou be exalted in Jesus Name. Thank You for what You have planned for us this week, we give you Praise O Lord, be Thou magnify forever in Jesus Name.
Have Your way again today, do that which only can do, arise Father and let every gathering of our enemies be scattered forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, wow! Is a beautiful day, it started with showers and I did like that part but the weather is beautiful even upon till now is still cool. Isn’t God wonderful? Yes! He is. He made every season for the benefit of mankind. He orchestrated everything to fulfill His promise at creation, having put the vegetations, trees, animals, streams and rivers and so He then made man in His image to tend the garden. Yes! to tend the garden, though that was short live as the enemy of our soul came and deceived Eve and usurp dominion given to us but our Infinite God so love us and sent His Son to redeem us from slavery and made us co-heir of the kingdom (Gen 1:28-30, Jn 3:16).
What can you say of this? Love, dearly beloved, is only love that would have made Him to save us from everlasting damnation which satan has exposed us to through the sin of disobedience. Praise the Lord!
Jesus having loved us and saved us from sin and eternal destruction leaved us with a command “to love one another.” He added a caveat to it, “Just as I have loved Thee.” I think from my many years of experiences “love” is the hardest thing for men to exchange. I mean true love even among spouse, any witness in the house?
You will know through love or sincere love when you are face with challenges of life. Most of your acclaimed lover will go hiding but here Jesus commanded us among other things to love one another. And this was exactly the life of the early Christian when no one among the brethren lacked. They sold their belongings and brought it into the pool so that the new community that was formed after the Pentecost will lack nothing (Acts 4:32).
But is that same today? Am sure you will agree with me that the worst treatment you have a ever received was from a Christian brother or sister but it ought not to be so among us. we are to love one another and extend same to others who are yet to come to the full knowledge of Christ, we are Christ Ambassador and as such should be a sweet savour unto Christ. Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, if the code of God’s character is love, how much more it should be ours also (SOS 2:4, Isa 11:10, Jn 3:16, Jn 10:10-15). Come along with as we discover more:
2 Samuel 23:8-24:25, Psalm 71:1-8, Proverbs 15:18-19, John 13:12-38
Our Code Is a Character
I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another.—John 13:34
What other teacher has taken the Ten Commandments and had the right to add another commandment to them? But this is precisely what Jesus did, as we see from our text today. “I give you a new commandment,” He says. “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another.”
The Old Testament and other religious writings enjoined loving one another. What was new was this: “As I have loved you.” Our Lord’s conduct—”as I have loved you”—produced a new code for the human race. Paul, writing to the Philippians, catches the spirit of it when he says: “Treat one another with the same spirit as you experience in Christ Jesus” (Php 2:5, Moffatt). Here morality reaches its high-water mark. From the moment Jesus uttered the words that are occupying our attention, there came into human life something more than a code—there came a Character. Now, therefore, our code is a Character—the Character of Jesus.
When someone asks me if I believe in the Ten Commandments, I say: “Yes, and very much more besides. I believe in Jesus.” The Ten Commandments are an injunction—and a God-given one. But Jesus is an injunction plus an inspiration. To follow an injunction is to obey imposed morality, but to follow a Person and do the things He does is an inspired morality. One is legalism, the other love. One binds you, the other frees you. One makes you feel trammeled, the other relaxed and spontaneous. Our code is not a commandment but a Character. One greater than the commandments is here.
O Christ, Your law lays upon me an injunction, but Your life entering into my life inspires me to live up to that injunction. It is this that makes Your yoke so easy. I am deeply, deeply grateful. Amen.
Further Study
What was the basis of Christ’s love?
What is the basis of our being able to fulfill the Royal Law?
Can you sincerely said that you been loving as Christ commanded us? Here is another opportunity to show case love to our self, family, body of Christ and your neighbors. Am sure you may be wondering why I wrote “self”? I tell you some do not like themselves else you will not see things like suicide and the likes. Some even out of envy stop even where their helps come from. Some refuse to give their life to Jesus even when they know that the end thereof is “Hell”
For such people I invite you now to accept Christ now and enter into a relationship with Jesus wherefore you will have eternal rest in the bosom of the Lord Jesus by clicking here.
May the Lord infuse His love in your life and make you willing to obey this command which He declared henceforth should be our character. I know that some people are unloving but beloved don’t let them lure you to hell. Ask God to help you to obey Him, He is helping me; He will also help you. On this foundation we declare this week open and by the grace of God will return with greater testimonies of how God helped us. Praise the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord!