When I come into Your Presence.. Lord, am happy! When I come into Your Presence… Lord, am glad… in Your Presence there is anointing… the Spirit of God surrounds me in Presence anointing breaks the yoke!!!!!!!!!!! You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name….
Heavenly Father we come before Your Presence with our heart full of joy and rejoicing… You are God Who promises never fail… Who Word never fall to the ground… Eternal Rock of Ages… Hallow be Thy Name… Let Your Kingdom come … Thank You for victory over death… Thank You for raising Christ from dead… Thank You for taking the keys of Hades and death from satan… Thank You merciful Jesus… for granting us the grace of eternal life… This is overwhelming amazing…. Praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia! Join us to sing…
I am so glad that Jesus loves me… Jesus loves me… Jesus loves me… I am so glad that Jesus loves me… Jesus loves even me…!!!
Beloveth… He is alive!!! Jesus is risen … He is no more in the grave… The tomb is empty… the cloths well folded… O my Saviour arose; eternal life guaranteed… Praise the Lord…. (Mk.16:1-4)
Dry bones are coming back to life… graves are opening… peace are being restored…. Hopes are being restored… battles are being won… our victory is establish… What an outstanding joy and testimonies in our lives because Jesus died for mankind and He is risen according to God’s Word to us…
What more can we say… that the Living Stream is overflowing over our souls and making us a wonder… alleluia somebody….
Beloveth…are you happy! Are you rejoicing! Are you celebrating! Can you give a shout out unto Jesus… Yes we want you to raise your voices high and give God a shouting ovation…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth… we are of the household of faith in Christ Jesus….it will shock you to know that satan has held many in captivity…through what we will be considering today… Yes! “Cultural forces” which tends to move us away from the plan of God and hold us bound in one cultural rite or the other…
Paul the apostle warned us to be mindful of getting ourselves entangled again to bondage of which the Lord has sets you free from… praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!!!!!!!! Him who knew no sin … He made Him to be sin on our behalf; that we might become the righteousness of God in Him… Praise the Lord… (Gal.5:1, 2Cor.5:21)
Beloveth no greater love than this that Christ went to the cross died and resurrected so that… I may live…. Yes I may live and died no more… let us Praise the Name of the Lord again as we sing again…
I am so glad that Jesus loves me… Jesus loves me… Jesus loves me… I am so glad that Jesus loves me… Jesus loves even me… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth what are those cultural forces that can hinder us from serving God or being what God wants us to be?
Come along with us for more:
Our Greatest Danger — Cultural Forces
“Our greatest danger comes not from cultural forces we oppose, but from those we embrace.“
Most of us would not embrace such obviously denigrated values as abortion upon demand, unbridled pornography and violence in the media, soft laws on drug use and drug peddling, etc.
But is it possible that we, like the frog slowly boiling to death in the kettle, are unknowingly and perhaps unwittingly being seduced to embrace cultural values that violate Biblical Christianity? For example:
- Our immobility for Christ that indebtedness and contractual entanglements have fostered? (Romans 13:8; 2 Timothy 2:4; Proverbs 6:1-5)
- Our mediocre and callow approach to carefully analyzing, comprehending and applying the Word of God to our lives? (2 Peter 3:16b; Ezra 7:10)
- Our insatiable quest for recognition and affirmation? (Matthew 23:5-10)
- Our relentless drive for material possessions and financial security? (1 Timothy 6:7-10)
- Our abstruse judgmentalism of others? (Matthew 7:1-5)
- Our dalliance with sensuality through literature and the media? (2 Timothy 2:22)
- Our resistance to living a life of sacrificial service to others? (John 15:12, 13)
The night before the cross, Jesus prayed thus to the Father on behalf of His disciples: “My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth.” (John 17:15-17)
Jesus knew that only through the cleansing power of His Word would the disciples survive the Enemy’s seduction of worldly forces… a bewitchment that is blithely embraced today by much of the Body of Christ.
And it is precisely because of its deadly seduction that the Christian community’s compromising embrace of contemporary cultural values is infinitely more lethal than the more obvious sins the world attempts to foist upon us.
Beloveth… May God help us to keep away from all these subtle evils… and help us seek Him ceaselessly in Jesus Name… may the risen Christ shine His light in our heart and make us to stand firm in Him in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of Jesus…
Happy Easter Monday…. As our Lord Jesus arose… the angel told the women that came early to grave to anoint Jesus’s body that “He has gone ahead of them to Galilee…” are you going to meet Jesus at Galilee?
Beloveth… Galilee can be right there in your sitting room, office, in bedroom, in that car… right there where you are… beloveth just tune you mind to Jesus and meditate on His Word…. You will receive from Him that which you are trusting and believing Him for…
The resurrection power that rose Jesus Christ from the grave will do same to you and all that are yours in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!
Beloveth… every Spoken/Written Word of God or His Promises to us will surely come to pass… Is there any Word you have received or you are trusting God for… hang on there… don’t ever give up… keep on holding on to His promises and it shall be well with you… Praise the Lord… alleluia…
Further Reading- Gal.1:1-24, Col.3:2, Rev.2:10, Joel.3:16, Exo.33:19, Ps.86:15,17, 1Thess.1:10, 2Cor.7:1, Isa.48:17, Eph.6:10…
On this note we declare this week open and blessed and by God’s grace we will all return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.