Excellent Jehovah, Wonderful Jehovah, there is no one greater than Jehovah love divine. All the glory must be to the Lord, He is worthy of our praise, no man on earth should be glory to Himself, all the glory must be to You Lord. To You Lord be all the glory, to You Lord be all the honour to You Lord, be all the glory, all adoration to you O Lord.
I serve a God Who answer prayer, I have a God Who answers, Jesus is my God, Who answers prayer x3, forever more.
Beloved, prayer is the lifeline for every child of God. How effective is your prayer life? How often do you pray? Remember is until you call, you will receive answer. So how often do you call? We must ensure that we have a direct access always to our Father Who art heaven. You have peace even in the storms because you will know the mind of God concerning it. That peace enkindles your faith which cast out fear. Don’t forget fear is a torment and you must not allow it to rule your mind neither your life. Praise God!
Recently I got a realm on how the Holy Spirit direct an individual. When you have a close relationship with Him, He whispers to your inner mind, alert you of any danger ahead, tells you what to do and how to go about it but when He directs you and you don’t heed to His counselling or directions. He will seldom speak to you and each time you need Him, you must call on Him to lead you.
Someone is asking, how do I know if is the Holy Spirit that is speaking to me? Please note, The Spirit of God will not tell you anything that will contradict the Word of God. For instance the Holy Spirit cannot tell to steal or kill. God knows how to avenge His cause (2 Kig 19:35; 2 Chr 32:21; Isa 37:36).
He will not prompt you to dress half naked all in the name of being trendy neither will He instruct you to cheat in any disguise all in the name of being smart. And so many other life issues like that.
So we must be in prayerful mood all the time, so as to receive from the Lord what will guide us living a sin free life and embrace God always. Why? Sin hinders prayer.
Beloved, always ensure that our oil is full, so that will not cry like the five foolish virgins when the bridegroom arrives. Also note that, not all oil is fit for this services.
Today’s devotional is a must read for every child of God that wants to go far with God. Discover more as you read on:
“As for me, I will call upon God; and the Lord shall save me Ps. 55:16
Yes, I must and will pray. What else can I do? What better can I do? Betrayed, forsaken, grieved, baffled, o my Lord, I will call upon thee. My Ziklag is in ashes, and men speak of stoning me; but I encourage my heart in the Lord, who will bear me through this trial as He has borne me through so many others. Jehovah shall save me; I am sure He will, and I declare my faith.
The Lord and no one else shall save me. I desire no other helper, and would not trust in an arm of flesh even if I could. I will cry to Him evening, and morning, and noon, and I will cry to no one else, for He is All-sufficient.
How He will save me I cannot guess; but He will do it, I know. He will do it in the best and surest way, and He will do it in the largest, truest, and fullest sense. Out of this trouble and all future troubles the great I AM will bring me as surely as He lives; and when death comes, and all the mysteries of eternity follow thereon, still will this be true: “the Lord shall save me.” This shall be my song all through this autumn day.
Is it not as a ripe apple from the tree of life? I will feed upon it. How sweet it is to my taste! Read further:
“Oil for the light.” Exodus 25:6
My soul, how much thou needest this, for thy lamp will not long continue to burn without it. Thy snuff will smoke and become an offence if light be gone, and gone it will be if oil be absent. Thou hast no oil well springing up in thy human nature, and therefore thou must go to them that sell and buy for thyself, or like the foolish virgins, thou wilt have to cry, “My lamp is gone out.”
Even the consecrated lamps could not give light without oil; though they shone in the tabernacle they needed to be fed, though no rough winds blew upon them they required to be trimmed, and thy need is equally as great. Under the most happy circumstances thou canst not give light for another hour unless fresh oil of grace be given thee.
It was not every oil that might be used in the Lord’s service; neither the petroleum which exudes so plentifully from the earth, nor the produce of fishes, nor that extracted from nuts would be accepted; one oil only was selected, and that the best olive oil.
Pretended grace from natural goodness, fancied grace from priestly hands, or imaginary grace from outward ceremonies will never serve the true saint of God; he knows that the Lord would not be pleased with rivers of such oil. He goes to the olive-press of Gethsemane, and draws his supplies from Him who was crushed therein.
The oil of gospel grace is pure and free from lees and dregs, and hence the light which is fed thereon is clear and bright. Our churches are the Saviour’s golden candelabra, and if they are to be lights in this dark world, they must have much holy oil.
Let us pray for ourselves, our ministers, and our churches, that they may never lack oil for the light. Truth, holiness, joy, knowledge, love, these are all beams of the sacred light, but we cannot give them forth unless in private we receive oil from God the Holy Ghost.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu