I lift up my voice, I will joyful sing, not for what He has done but for Who You are. You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing, is to praise You Lord. He reigns, Jesus reigns. He reigns forever more.// Lift  Jesus Higher, lift Jesus higher, lift high for the world to see. For He said, if I will be lifted up above, I will draw all men unto me.

Our Father we thank you. Blessed be Your Name Lord, You are a Wonder to behold; too Awesome to ignore. Father, You are too much. Thank You watching over us all through the week, the good health You granted us and diverse miracles of healing and deliverance, Provisions. Thank You Father, we bow down before Your Throne.

Dearly beloved, how was your week? Good, I guess. Praise God. Today is our PCL, and the Spirit of God will help us to meet every need in Jesus Name and someone will be singing alleluia at the end in Jesus Name.

Have you been blessed this week with our ministration? My prayer for you is that each visit will produce result miracle. You will receive a net breaking miracles as the Spirit of God will expound the Word as you read in Jesus Name.

Beloved, our sonship in God is of power and not in word (1Cor 4:20). Fear has torment we often hear. It creates anxiety, which often result in panic. It is terrible thing to experience. It has the tendency to paralyze its victims. It is among the chief weapon use by Satan to stop destiny. But beloved, we serve a Living God, beautiful for all situation.

God is more than able to do all you will ever think or imagine. Are you in captive because of fear? Are you being tormented because of fear of the unknown? Is your today looking uncertain? I have good news for you. The Spirit God is here to set you free from every bondage – sin and fear.

You must walk in the freedom gotten for you by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Don’t go back to bondage (Gal 5:1). Stay far from those sins that easily beset you.

Do you that in spite of fear that torment you, your Spirit man is unshakeable? Your Spirit man is in tune with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is aware of what the future holds for you and therefore will not be shaken when things are not moving the way it should unlike your flesh. It has no access to what God is about doing except when there is a physical manifestation of same.

But there is a way out for you. We will by Spirit of God proffer some solutions that will be helpful in time of need. Firstly, you have to get into the realm of the Spirit. The Word of God is says you must live in Spirit (Gal 5:25). Wow! When you live in Spirit, Satan will have no hold on that individual that live in the Spirit.

Secondly, you pray/speak in tongues, Satan does not have understanding about this language. You speak mystery and therefore you communicate with the heavenly and Satan is put to shame. Praise God!

Thirdly, make sure you live daily exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. Fourthly, Unforgiveness must be far from you if you want to go far. Satan will constantly bring your way those things/ person that offended you and revenge will be upper most in your heart and the Spirit of God will not operate in an atmosphere of unforgiveness, conceit, provocation . He will constantly cause fear into your life but you know what! You must daily take a pill from the Word to come against it.

When the enemies shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against it (Isa 59:19).

Another solution over fear is that you must not allow Satan to have the finally say. If he brings any suggestion to you or raise any question. Always counter it with the Word of God. What is the Word saying concerning your situation? Use it against whatever is at stake, beloved, you will overcome. Say it loud to yourself. Mention two or three bible verse to counter what he is saying.

Remember, you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wicked in high places (Eph 6:12). You must have the Word strong in your heart and you must also above all be ready to believe every Word you read even if you are not looking it. Trust God that it will come to past in your life. Abraham did it (Rom 4:3).

Beloved, our dominion is not in word but in the power. God gave us love that cast out fear. He also gave us sound mind/ judgment. Sound mind dear beloved, is your portion in the Lord not fear or bondage. So stay liberated; stay free yoke of slavery (fear, sin).

Be bold for Jesus. Go in power; not in fear:

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.—2 Timothy 1:7


The only fear that God encourages in a Christian’s life is the fear of God (2 Cor. 5:10–11; Heb. 10:31). Fear of people does not come from God. The problem is that many Christians fear people more than they fear God. Their fear hinders them from pleasing God because they waste their efforts appeasing other people.

Timothy was a young man, timid by nature, and probably not strong physically (1 Tim. 5:23). He knew of Paul’s frequent trials and persecutions. He knew that he, too, might suffer those same persecutions. Paul reminded his young colleague that fear of others does not come from God.

Fear causes us to stop and question what God has clearly told us to do. Perhaps we were confident in our obedience until persecution came; now we doubt whether we heard God correctly. Most fear is fear of the unknown. We do not know what lies ahead of us, so we become apprehensive. Our imaginations can magnify problems until they seem insurmountable. We need a sound mind to see things in proper perspective. That is why God gave us His Holy Spirit, to enable us to see things as God sees them.

Fear is no excuse to disobey God. There is no reason to live in fear when you have the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit within you. Fear will enslave you, but Christ has come to set you free.

Ask God to free you from any fear you are experiencing and to open your eyes. As He reveals the reality of your situation, He will enable you to continue in obedience.

May the Spirit of God help us to see things/situations the way God see it. Probably, the next message will help you to stay free forever as you read again what is saying concerning everywhere you have failed before now. If the Son of Man set you free; you are free indeed, don’t let Satan hold you in bondage again. Let’s get going:

 Spiritual Failure

How do you deal with your spiritual failures?

  • Despair?
  • Self-condemnation?
  • Self-flagellating?


  • Confession: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
  • Acceptance of His grace: “If Thou, Lord, shouldst mark iniquitieswho could stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee, that Thou mayest be feared.” (Psalm 130:3, 4)
  • New determination: “A righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.” (Proverbs 24:16a)

How you choose to deal with your spiritual failings probably has something to do with your view of God, either as a condemning Tyrant, or as a loving Father.

Here’s how Francis of Sales, a Seventeenth Century mystic handled his failings:

“Well my poor soul, here we are in the ditch again – in spite of our earnest resolve to stay out of it.

“Ah well, let us get out and be on our way; and we will do well enough, God helping us.”

Unless we comprehend and appropriate a measure of His grace amidst our personal struggles with sin, we will despair of the Christian life. Those pilgrims who end their spiritual journey well have learned to drink freely of that grace. How about you?

Good question, if you ask me. Have you learnt to apportion His grace over your situation and circumstance or you allow Satan to hold you at a corner with self- condemnation, despair and self-flagellating.

Think and think again. Our God cannot change. He love you with an everlasting love. What He said He will do; He will surely do. So let’s go with that confidence.

Glory be to God. I richly blessed, what about you? Someone is being set free right now and I pray you stay free forever. The power of God is breaking that demonic hold against your life in Jesus Name. Someone is receiving a sound mind right now in Jesus Name. No more fear in Jesus Name. The Spirit of God is clothing someone now with His power and glory in Jesus Name. If you that person shout alleluia!   Jer 29:11.

Remember, stay liberated; stay free from yoke/ slavery forever. the fearful will not inherit the kingdom of God (Rev 21: 8). Have a wonderful weekend. See you next week by God’s grace.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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