I will exalt You Lord for Thou hast lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is Love…. I will exalt You Jesus…for Thou has lifted me…Lord above my enemies…your banner over me is love.. I will lift Your Name… I will lift up your Name…I will lift up Your Name …I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name above every other Name…// Let the Living water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come…. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Calling Father, Father, Father, Father, ..… Calling Spirit, Spirit, Holy Spirit of God…Spirit….
Yes! Call the Spirit of the Living God…alleluia… alleluia…alleluia… O God we worship and adore Thee… we honour Thee… We give You Praise Father… We glorify Your Holy Name…. Thank You Jesus … Thank You Father for what You will yet do, that which only You can do… be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen….
Beloveth…. we are going higher…we are going higher…we are going higher, higher, higher every day exceeding great…..I am going you higher…I am going higher…I am going higher, higher, higher every day exceeding great…. (what about you?).
Yes! our topic again today is an eye opener… what prayer truly is… prayer is a preparation…. Still don’t get it…
Come along with us… for this awesome discovery:
When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place.—Acts 2:1
Prayer does not give you spiritual power. Prayer aligns your life with God so that He chooses to demonstrate His power through you. The purpose of prayer is not to convince God to change your circumstances but to prepare you to be involved in God’s activity.
The fervent prayer of the people at Pentecost did not induce the Holy Spirit to come upon them. Prayer brought them to a place where they were ready to participate in the mighty work God had already planned.
Jesus told His followers to remain in Jerusalem until the Spirit came upon them (Acts 1:4–5). The disciples obeyed His command, waiting for God’s next directive. As they prayed, God adjusted their lives to what He intended to do next. As they prayed, a unity developed among them. For the first time the disciples used Scripture as their guide in decision making (Acts 1:15–26).
The day of Pentecost arrived, and the city of Jerusalem filled with pilgrims from around the world. When God released His Holy Spirit upon the disciples, He had already filled the city with messengers who would carry the Gospel to every nation. Prayer had prepared the disciples for their obedient response.
Prayer is designed to adjust you to God’s will, not to adjust God to your will. If God has not responded to what you are praying, you may need to adjust your praying to align with God’s agenda. Rather than focusing on what you would like to see happen, realize that God may be more concerned with what He wants to see happen in you.
Have you just read what prayer is all about….. So when next you go before God in prayer… you don’t keep on talking without listening…. You talk only when you have a burden or a burning desire you want God to hear about and then wait for His directive… oftentimes the directive will come while you are still in the place of prayer or as you are engage in some other things … you must tune your antenna up to heaven to receive from God what He has to say… Praise the Lord….
Is good to tell God your plans… but more importantly is for you to hear from God what plans He has for you…. He is a perfect planner….
Two things to take away from the Bible text…. Until the disciples aligned themselves in obedience to the commandments of Jesus, the power did not come… until they appoint another to take the place of Judas… the power did not come…. The power promised them by Christ came when this two things were in place and God chose a perfect timing to bring down the power of the Holy Ghost upon them… when the town of Jerusalem was full to its capacity…when there will be chosen vessels to carry the goodnews to different location…. Until then, the power of God manifested itself upon the Apostle…. so we got our part to play and god will definitely do His own part…. action and timing…Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what are those things you are trusting God for… what are things your spirit has been telling you to put in place and you are deferring it instead of obeying …. Beloveth what are those skills you are supposed to have acquired since a year or two years ago which is yet to be in place… what are those restitution you are suppose to make but you still think that God will understand ….
The Spirit of God is saying to you… I am waiting for you to do your own part then my part will be in place… stop confessing and claiming… put your hands to work… put your brain to work… think, think, and think until you receive breakthrough…
It pains my spirit when I read things like… Christians are the laziest being on earth… they don’t want to work rather they will be praying… though I am not against praying … rather I see prayer as a point of breakthrough… yes you receive or hear from God which direction or way or plan to execute in the place of prayer… then you get down to work…. beloveth even God is still working …or answers your prayer when you prayer… that is not working… my dear or don’t you get… so how come you His child will not work…
So when we get it right that prayer is a preparation to what God wants from us … then we align ourselves to God’s will… may the Holy Spirit give us more insight in Jesus Name…
Our Father, help us to see what you see in the place of prayer… in Jesus Name.
Let us pray…
Further reading: 2Chr.31:21, Ps 134:2, Ps 124:8, Rom.8:37, Rom.10:17
Remain blessed in the Lord.