Let the Living water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind..all care and burden unto Thee I come….// I will lift up Your Name I will lift up Your Name I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name..i will lift up Your Name above every other Name… O! Lord!

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name we adore Thee we give You Praise thank You Jesus for all the great and Mighty things You are doing for me… thank You for Your love, kindness, peace, grace and favour upon me Father… be Thou exalted O Lord… alleluia to You O God… be Thou glorify in Jesus Name…. Amen….

Alleluia Amen! Alleluia Amen! Shout alleluia Amen! Amen! Amen!

Beloveth…how are doing… Isn’t God Wonderful! Yes! our God is Mighty and Gracious alleluia somebody! yes another beautiful day in His Presence and He will surely bless us… for truly the way we came is our business but the way we will go is His business… alleluia…. somebody….so am excited that Jesus will do something great in our midst today… if you believe say Amen!!!

Yeah! The topic before us is so inspiring… beloveth… ‘Profitable’ is the only reason why businesses are open even the so call non-profit organization has something to gain it may not cash but reputation, recognition, fame… name it so the bottom line is that for everything we engage ourselves we have one profit or the other to gain so we engage….

Beloveth… if men in the secular struggle so much to make profit in their endeavours… what do you think the children of the God’s kingdom should do…. ‘Make Losses?’…. God forbids….

The Word of God is meant to profit us… as in trade…when you trade with it you have gain…Praise the Lord… so it is captured in our text for today….when we approach God’s Word, come with the mind to be enriched… Yes, come with the attitude that you will not go back empty rather you will enriched by the transaction of the Word… Praise God…

So many of us pick and chose the Bible verse or chapters to read but that not what it is meant to be … I have some catchy on Bible reading I hope it will bless you and reorient you on how you should read the Bible… go forward…. “God has sent you a TEXT (with the picture of the Bible showing here) please read it….” another one says “Lord fill me up; I’m on empty” (with a picture of fuel tank indicator falling beyond He – indicating empty). Another one says “Read the Bible to be Wise… Believe the Bible to be safe…. Practice the Bible to be Holy” (showing the Bible)…

Another interesting one says “The Bible is meant to be BREAD for daily us, not cake for special occasion” ehhhh….. come and read this and you stand your feet while reading your Bible…. It says, “ Study your Bible because satan studies you.”  then finally my beloved do you know that “ The bible is the story of two Gardens: Eden and Gethsemane. In the first Adam took a fall. In the second Jesus took a stand”

I guess you are giving God a standing ovation right where you are because you have made some new discoveries why reading, studying your Bible will be a MUST for you…. is someone bless ….. are you blessed….

Now that you know the benefits of studying the Word of God now you will not allow a single day pass without reading a verse….

Interesting… when you study God’s Word… You discover God’s promises… it counters devil’s threats…. Is somebody being blessed…..

Come along with us for more discoveries:

All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.—2 Timothy 3:16–17

All Scripture is profitable! Knowing this, we cheat ourselves when we do not access every book, every truth, every verse, and every page of our Bibles for the promises and commands God has for us. Because every verse of Scripture is inspired by God and gainful to us, we should not pick and choose which verses we will read and study.

We should not claim verses we like and ignore those that convict us! If we are to become mature disciples of Jesus, we must allow every Scripture to speak to us and teach us what God desires us to learn. Scripture enables us to evaluate the soundness of doctrines that are being taught. Scripture ought to be the basis for any reproof or correction we bring to another.

If you are not firmly grounded in God’s Word, you will be bombarded with an assortment of doctrines, lifestyles, and behaviors, and you will have no means to evaluate whether or not they are of God. You cannot develop a righteous life apart from God’s Word.

Righteousness must be cultivated. As you fill your mind with the words of God, and as you obey His instructions, He will guide you in the ways of righteousness.

Scripture will equip you for any good work God calls you to do. If you feel inadequate for a task God has given you, search the Scriptures, for within them you will find the wisdom you need to carry out His assignment. Allow the Word of God to permeate, guide, and enrich your life.

Beloveth… I believe you are blessed with the teaching of today… and as you put into practice all what you learnt… the Lord will open your eyes of understanding to His Word… Amen!!!

Remember “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, and training in righteousness…so that the man of God will be complete, equipped for every good work…….if you are agree with the Word of God “go and do likewise… Alleluia!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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