Glorious God, Beautiful God…Excellent God… I bow before Your Throne…. Glorious God, Beautiful God…Excellent God… I bow before Your Throne….I bow before Your Throne…are a Glorious God…// I am thanking You for Who You are… what You have done in my life… Lord… I am thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…

Our Father we bless You Holy Name… alleluia to Your Holy Name… Who is like unto Thee Father… blessed are You Lord… be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name… Thank You O Lord… for who You are… blessed be Thou Holy Name Father in Jesus Name.

Beloveth…how are doing today… hope you are fine… Our God is a Good and Great God… doing beautiful things in our life and all that are ours … if you are seeing it just be patient …pray that the Spirit of God will open Your eye to see … Hagar cried with her baby in the wilderness and God heard the voice of the child and God opened her eyes to see a well …. Gen.21:17.

Beloveth… is only through the help of God that the journey to your destiny will be establish at a good time… if God has not come to rescue Hagar… the boy would have died of thirst .. his destiny aborted… and the mother would have died of heartbreak… who knows but for God’s timely intervention… beloved…

Looking at Hagar story… when she ran out of her mistress house when she was still pregnant … the angel of God met her and gave her a promise … yes! a promise for her son (Gen 16:10)…. Beloveth… if God was not with her and kept watch over her … (because that was her perception of the God she saw) vs.13… Thou God seest me… Beer-lahai-roi (well of the Living One who sees me)….

Do you know that God seeth all that you are going through… He not only see or knows.. He also remembers…

When eventually Hagar gave birth to her son and named Ishmael and was sent out of her mistress house… she suddenly forgot the promise she received for her son when she ran out water and kept him down to die… going a stone throw away from him… she forgot but God remembered… and because God remembered He came to uphold His promise to her son…

Wow! Isn’t God wonderful… beloveth.. I don’t know which you promise or what request you are trusting God on but I know that God will not leave us nor forsake us… I know that God will be faithful even when cease to be faithful… I know that God’s Word will not fall on ground without performance…

Where have you fail before now?… What is that, that is questioning God’s Word/ promise in your life… beloveth know yea that God will not fail… to come true for you… When the timing is right… all His promises will come to pass… yes! Nothing will hinder it… nothing will stop His Word/ promises to come to past…

All you need do is to remain submissive to Him beloveth and see Him bring to past His Great promises to pass in your life, career, business and ministry to past… most importantly be on the lookout where He wants you to play your own part… then He will always play His own part… that is assured… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!

Come along for more:                                                             

“Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! But at Your word, I’ll let down the nets.”—Luke 5:5

No one knows how to help you in your times of failure as Jesus does! He will not overlook your shortcoming or simply encourage you to do better the next time. He will give you victory in the midst of your failure.

Peter had fished all night without success. His was not just a meager catch; he had caught nothing, even though he was a skilled fisherman. Jesus could have said, “Peter, don’t worry about your empty net. You’ll soon be in a different business anyway.” Instead, Jesus told him to launch out into the deep and to cast out his nets for a catch. How humbling it must have been for Peter! Here was a carpenter telling this outspoken fisherman how to fish!

Jesus often gets your undivided attention when you fail. He sometimes takes you back to your place of defeat in order to build something good into your life. You may assume He must not want you to continue because you failed so miserably in your attempt. Perhaps your problem was that you relied on your own strength instead of the Master’s.

Maybe you failed in a relationship. Jesus will not allow you to abandon it; He will help you learn from your failure and experience the difference He can make when He guides your relationships.

When you try in God’s strength you may discover that success is indeed within your grasp. If you have recently experienced failure, you may be on the brink of receiving a profound revelation from God!

Can you shout a big alleluia… did you read that one… Jesus will not leave you where you failed… rather he wants your attention first…then He shows you what you ought to do…

Beloveth… going back to your point of failure mighty be a tough one but if that is what God is saying running away will not help you…rather it will delay your miracle… you are to experience like we see in Peter’s case… Peter went back and casted his net and the net caught a fish he never caught in his entire fishing career…

Beloveth… God is about to remember you … Hagar related with God based on her experiences God who seeth me…. what is your own experiences of God? Go before Him in that same attitude and see you miracle come through for you…. God perform His Promise to Hagar… you have a better covenant … Blood of Jesus … He will perform His Promises to you too…

This is a year of breakthrough… are you positioning yourself for same… or are like Eli… waiting on God to do what He seems right… beloveth that is a dangerous one… humble yourself before God …God resist the proud… but he lift up the humble…

God is remembering you to do you good… in each of the cases above … He was just “more than enough” and so will He do for you too…. Alleluia somebody….

Further Reading: Gen 16:7-13, 1Sam 2:18, Gen 21:14-21

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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