Glory Glory Alleluia…Glory Glory Praise the Lord…. Glory Glory Alleluia… Glory Glory Praise the Lord…. Glory Glory Lord… we give You glory… We give glory Lord… Glory Glory Lord, You are a Mighty God!// O Lord we are very very grateful, for all You have done for us… O Lord, we are very very grateful and we say Thank You Jesus…. Thank You my Lord!!!// He is alive forever; He is alive! My Jesus is alive forever; He is alive Amen!!!
What a Mighty God we serve… heaven and earth adore Thee… angels bow before Thee… What a mighty God we serve…. Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee we give Thee Praise thank you most High God for all the great things You have done for us… there is none like Thee… there is none to be compared with Thee… Alleluia to Your Holy Name… Ancient of days… Hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth…
Father let Thy revival come again in midst and do that which only you can do… gracious Father we worship and adore Thou Holy Name…. blessed Your Name O God…. in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth…. let revival come again in our midst…. Let it come with fire… Let is come with power…. Let it come with auction that breaks every yoke…. alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!…. Praise the Living Jesus alleluia!!!!!
Beloveth today we will pray and ask the Holy Spirit to come and revive us again…. in the place prayer…. in our working place…. In the Market place…. Let the Spirit of revival come down up on us and do that which only Him can do….
On the Pentecost day the Spirit of the Living God came down as tongues of fire upon the Apostles and the receive power and afterward do mighty things in the kingdom…. Today we let us pray that as was in time of old let us see same today in our amidst in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pray that revival will come in our mist today as we pray, beloveth…is there anything difficult for God to do.. He can do it again if we ask Him… so let us pray down revive again in midst today and all shall be well… Praise the Living Jesus…
How can revival come again in our midst? John 15 has the answer…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Jesus said I am the true Vine and my Father is the husbandman… abide in me and I in you,,, as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me…. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.(Jn 1-5).
Beloveth… abiding in Jesus is the revival that you most pursue with vigour and with all sense of sincerity… Praise the Living Jesus….
Come along with us for more:
Lord, I have heard the report about You; Lord, I stand in awe of Your deeds. Revive [Your work] in these years; make [it] known in these years. In [Your] wrath remember mercy!—Habakkuk 3:2
Only God can restore life to something that has died. If you find that your heart has grown cold to God, that the spiritual life of your family or church has waned, call out to God to revive you, for only He can give life. It is not your activity but your relationship with God that brings life!
Spiritual fervor can ebb if left unattended. We all begin our walk with the Lord enthusiastically, with an excited sense of anticipation. But over time, busyness creeps in. We become distracted and let our sin go unchallenged. We may take our relationship with God for granted and not notice the gradual decline until we find ourselves drained of spiritual vitality.
This descent can happen in your church just as it does in your personal life. Do you remember a time when the Holy Spirit was moving mightily in your church, and the members sensed God leading in an exciting direction? Are the services now lifeless and the power of God only a memory?
At a time like this it is futile to try to bring back life yourself. You can organize many activities and exhort those around you, but only God can resurrect what is dead. If God has initiated something in your life, or family, or church, only He can sustain it or revive it. If you sense that the spiritual vigor has gone out of your life or the life of your church, this is God’s invitation to pray.
He wants you to intercede with Him so that He might revive His work. Jesus said that He is Life. It is unnecessary to remain spiritually lifeless when He has promised vibrant, abundant life if you will claim it.
Beloveth…are ready to pray down revival in down in our midst toady…. The Spirit of God is already here to hearken and to give answers to our prayers…
(Song) First it was fragrance… than it turns to fire… my worship is weapon…. this is how win my battle….
Our Father in heaven, again we come before your presence to be revived again…. O! Lord look with pity upon us and help us where we have burn out…. Revive us again, let Your Spirit come upon afresh and honour us … beautify us again Father so that Your Name will be glorify in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!!!!!
Is someone asking for God’s mercy… let us pray…
Further Reading: Jas.5:16, Rev.16:15, 1Jn.4:8, Jas 4:8, Deut.11:18
Remain blessed in the Lord.