Father, we blessed Your Holy Name, we are grateful for another opportunity to drink from the fountain of life in Christ Jesus. Glory be to Your Name. We thank You for Whom You Are, we worship You, we adore You.

Let everything that has breath blessed the Name of the Lord. You are Worthy O Lord, invisible God, You are a Miracle worker. Father, we praise Your Name. Bless the week ahead of us. Let us see Your glory in its fullness. Manifest your power in our lives, that the world will know that You are our God.

Beloved, we are in the final lap of this month. I hope you are taking position to conquer and manifest God’s glory in your life and situation.

Taking about life and situations. Often things we are confronted with things that are beyond our power, understanding and we begin to wonder where is God? Why are you encountering these challenges? Will God ever see you through? These and many more the devil will be whispering in your ears and your mind and sometimes from your eyes even if you decide to shut the above two.

I have to develop one principle in my walk with God. I may not look like it, but I will never give up concerning what God has spoken concerning me. I will never allow the devil to cheat me and I will be casted out like he did Adam and Eve. I must hold on until God come to my rescue, for surely He will come (Ps 50:3).

So whatever be it, hold on to it, so long as it is written, it can never be broken; for what is written cannot be broken. Praise the Lord. And as we position ourselves in the last lap of the month through our praying and fasting, beloved, pray as never before.

Pray as if everything depends on your praying; also work as if all depends on your working. God will surely manifest His power. He is not a wicked father that will allow His children to suffer. If we the earthly parents desire good for our own children; what about Him Who have the power to do all things, will He not do much more for us? Praise the Name of the Lord!

Listen to what the Word of God called you- A Royal Priest. You are not just a priest but you are a priest from the lineage God’s kingdom- Jesus Christ. Shout Alleluia!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises

of the One who called you out of darkness

into His marvelous light.—1 Peter 2:9

If you are a Christian, you are a priest, chosen by God. As a member of the royal priesthood you have constant access to the King. If there is ever a need in your life, you don’t have to find an intermediary or enlist another priest in order to gain a hearing from the King. Your position as a royal priest allows you direct access. This privilege describes your position as a priest.

However, priests also have a function. It is the responsibility of a priest to work within a priesthood. Scripture does not promote the practice of individual priests, each with a separate ministry. Rather, priests function together (Lev. 9:1). An unbiblical sense of individualism can isolate you from functioning within God’s royal priesthood as He intended.

The priest represents God to the people, but he also takes the people’s concerns to God. Is there someone around you who desperately needs the intercession of one of God’s priests? Perhaps someone will only come to know God by seeing Him in your life. Our world hungers for an expression of Christ as He really is, living out His life through His people.

It is dangerous to put our job above our calling by God. We are called to be priests first, and to hold a job second. When we get these out of order, everyone around us is denied access to the Father through us. God may have called you into a secular job as a vocation, but more importantly He has appointed you to be one of His royal priests.

As an ambassador of the heavenly kingdom, are you representing Your Father very well? Is your life manifesting this ambassadorial vision or are still concern with only issues that borders around you and your family. God give this, God give me that. Your prayer circles round your nuclear family not even for friends and relatives not to talk of your state or country. May God show us mercy that we start from today to maintain our priestly calling even as we live out our secular call.

Every time the Lord calls an individual, He sanctify the individual before sending Him. So it means that the time of “calling” differs from the time of “sending”. How do I mean? There are certain things you must know about God before He will send you into the field. Our patriots Abraham is a classical example. When God promised him a child, it took God a while to fulfill the promise, why? Because God needed Him to understand Whom He actually is. He needed Him to know the Nature of God, that even though it tarries it will surely to pass as He has spoken.

Someone suffered because he asked the same question Mary asked when the angle told her she is going to bear a son, the difference between this two personality was that one is just hearing about God’s goodness while the other is a priest, who has been offering sacrifice before God and the angel he encountered told him that he is Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God. It then means that he is same angel that has been presenting all his sacrifices before the throne of God, how come he is doubting what God can do. (Lk 1:20; 57-64). It was also recorded that when he saw him he was troubled showing that he knew that he was an angel of God (vs 12).

So when you shout that you are a royal priest, be careful of your actions and inactions. Am not trying to scare you but for you to know your position in Christ Jesus.

Until you have come to certain knowledge in the Lord, He will sanctify and therefore send you:


Sanctify them by the truth;

Your word is truth.

As You sent Me into the world,

I also have sent them into the world.—John 17:17–18

God will always sanctify you before He sends you. The Father set aside the twelve disciples and made them holy by the Truth, His Son. As they related to Jesus, the Truth (John 14:6), the disciples were refined by that Truth and were prepared to be sent out to preach the gospel. Jesus challenged their ambitions (Luke 9:46–48), chastised their lack of faith (Matt. 17:19–20), refuted Satan’s influence (Matt. 16:23), and denounced their pride (Matt. 26:33–35). When Jesus had finished preparing them, the disciples were sent out in such power that their world was never the same again.

Satan will try to convince you that your sin renders you useless to God. That is a lie from the author and father of lies. As soon as you sin, the Deceiver will whisper, “You failure! You are now of no use to God.” This can bring a deep sense of defeat and hopelessness to a Christian. Yet, there is no freedom that compares to a soul set free by God’s grace. When God’s people allow God’s truth to realign them to God’s will and God’s standard, then the power of God will be released through them the same way it was through the first disciples.

The Truth will set you free. The Truth is: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9), and we are restored to usefulness to God.

Do you sense the call of God in your life? Ask God to help you to when to go for Him. Remember you will only have His backing when He is the one sending you.

Beloveth, As you welcome Christ today afresh in your life, begin to listen and obey Him even as He direct your footstep. You will not miss it again as you obey His voice. You are blessed and this week is blessed in the name of Jesus.

Do your part for the Lord, forward this message to some of your contacts and you will be richly blessed.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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