Praise the Lord o my soul and all that is within me praise His Holy Name!!! Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me Praise His Holy name…He has done great thing, He has done great thing… He has done great thing He has done great thing… He has done great… He has done great thing Praise His Holy Name. Jesus You are so good..i will forever follow you..there is nothing You cannot do… I will forever follow You…You are so good….
Praise the Living Jesus alleluia! our Lord is good…all the time… Faithful is our Father, in heaven He is our God, on earth He reigneth forever, even in the sea He is Lord! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Father for all the good good things You have foe us, You are doing and will yet do in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, our God is a Good God; Yes He is… Praise the Lord somebody!!! Our God is a Good God; Yes He is. Praise the Lord somebody yes our God is a Good God! I don’t why He loves me so… I don’t know why!
Thank God for the gift of revelation He bestowed on us that will walk in power, leap over the walls, jump through the troops… Praise the living Jesus!
Beloveth, do you know that you a chosen race, royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for His possession so that may proclaim the praises?
Can you offer Him a clap offering? What an awesome privilege granted unto thee by your Maker! What a wooing package that was extended to you and I are you. Are you ready to say yes O yes? Are ready to accept this pleasant gift from above?
Beloveth, do you know that how far you know determines how far you go… that is why we are most grateful to God for realizing to us the gift of “Revelation”. On our own we can do nothing but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can do all things…
When you discover through revelation knowledge of God about who are in Christ Jesus, you will not be afraid what satan and his cohorts can do to you or all that concerns you.
If God has choose you beloveth, who can say otherwise? If God calls you a priest, who can say you are not? If God says you holy, why do you let yourself be entangle in sins again? Beloveth, you are called to proclaim His praise!
Do you know that the host of angels in heaven praises God? The twenty and four elders before the Throne of God are doing just the same thing God has chosen you to do here on earth? What a privilege bestowed on us beloveth… can you give God a clap offering?
Beloveth, when you walk in revelation of who God made and called you to be you will walk in dominion, dominion guarantee fruitfulness… Gen 1:28, 9:1-3,7. So we must ask God at this season to give us a revelational knowledge of who you are that beloveth is a key to your breakthrough, join us to discover more:
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.—1 Peter 2:9
If you are a Christian, you are a priest, chosen by God. As a member of the royal priesthood you have constant access to the King. If there is ever a need in your life, you don’t have to find an intermediary or enlist another priest in order to gain a hearing from the King. Your position as a royal priest allows you direct access. This privilege describes your position as a priest.
However, priests also have a function. It is the responsibility of a priest to work within a priesthood. Scripture does not promote the practice of individual priests, each with a separate ministry. Rather, priests function together (Lev. 9:1). An unbiblical sense of individualism can isolate you from functioning within God’s royal priesthood as He intended.
The priest represents God to the people, but he also takes the people’s concerns to God. Is there someone around you who desperately needs the intercession of one of God’s priests? Perhaps someone will only come to know God by seeing Him in your life. Our world hungers for an expression of Christ as He really is, living out His life through His people.
It is dangerous to put our job above our calling by God. We are called to be priests first, and to hold a job second. When we get these out of order, everyone around us is denied access to the Father through us. God may have called you into a secular job as a vocation, but more importantly He has appointed you to be one of His royal priests.
Beloveth, have you seen your function and benefit as a priest? Are you doing that at the moment? if not why not? it is God’s desire that you take your position in His kingdom serious and occupy that position without failing in your duty post.
Don’t let your secular work overshadow your spiritual call. Ask God to teach how to function effectively in the work he committed into your hand. Is also important you discover your calling through the leading (revelation) and help of the Holy Spirit.
Praise the Lord somebody!
Remain blessed in the Lord.