Blessed be the Name of Lord, He is worthy to be Praise and adore, so we lift our Holy hands in one accord, singing blessed be Thy Name, Lord blessed be Thy Name O blessed be Thy Name of the Lord! x2// Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good, Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good.
Our Father in heaven, we blessed Your Holy Name, let the heaven rejoice and Your Holy Name be Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name. thank You blessed Redeemer, Thank You for the gift of another day to worship and glorify Your Holy Name. You are the Ancient One, You are more than what we call You Lord, let Your Name be Praise forever in Jesus Name.
Have Your way Lord Jesus, do that which no one can do for us, give us your power Lord and let us manifest again the power of the Pentecost at our days O Lord! put Your fire again in our bones may we manifest Your glory every day in Jesus Name. Arise O! God and be God indeed to us we pray Thee in Jesus Name.
Beloved, I bring you goodnews, the Lord said that I should tell you that “You are Safe and Sealed” do you believe that? When you are delivered from the power sin and death through the death of our Lord Jesus on the Cross, the Lord delivered you and keep you safe and put His sealed on you. do you know what that means?
Dear beloved, you are the apple of God’s eyes. No evil is permitted to come near you nor near your dwelling place, everything pertaining you is safe and sealed with the blood of Jesus, The blood of Jesus crucified on the Cross at Calvary cleans from all sin and keep you secure for when He shall come again to take you as bride for himself.
Are you preparing towards that or you are just living any how you like. Beloved, we must live with consciousness that we have a place we are going, we are not of this world though we live in it. The promise of the Father unto us this month is the Amazing Grace to sustain us and keep us from all sins and evil, that we go not back to our vomit rather we must fic our eyes ever on Christ and keep moving forward and backward never
Beloved, holiness is the safest way to keep your seal intact. Don’t play around with sin, it will stain your robe again, keep on the right and you will enjoy God’s deliverance and shame will cover as many that thinketh themselves wise.
Come along for more:
1 Samuel 13:23-14:52, Psalm 64:1-6, Proverbs 14:5-7, John 5:1-23
Safe and Sealed
He will show Him greater works than these so that you will be amazed.—John 5:20
In Ephesians 1:13, we see that those who “heard” and “believed” were “sealed”: “When you heard the message … you believed in Him, you were also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.” Does the “sealing” take place at conversion or at some point beyond it? I believe it takes place at conversion. A seal is a mark of ownership, and when the Holy Spirit comes in to regenerate our beings at conversion, He produces the assurance in our hearts that we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.
I know that some believe that the “sealing” takes place subsequent to conversion, such as at one’s baptism by total immersion, or at a crisis point of sanctification, or, as some would describe it, when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. But how insecure life would be if we had to wait for “this” or “that” experience in order to know that we are safe in Christ.
One historian says that it was customary in Ephesus for certain traders to send their slaves into the marketplace to make purchases for them and, once the transaction was complete, the slaves would mark the item with their master’s seal, whereupon it was delivered to the master’s home. In something of the same way, the Holy Spirit in our own hearts seals, once and for all, the question of His ownership over our lives, and also acts as a pledge, or guarantee, that one day we will be safely delivered to our Father’s home in glory. In Wales, many years ago, I heard a frail old Christian say: “The envelope (meaning his body) may be a bit tattered, but the letter inside is quite safe.” It is!
O Father, what endless blessings follow the coming of Your Spirit into my life. I am saved by grace, sealed by the Spirit, and supported by eternal love. What more could I ask for this side of glory! Amen.
Further Study
Jn 5; Rm 8:16; Gl 4:6; 1Jn 4:13
How does the Holy Spirit “bear witness”?
What confidence does this give us?
Beloved, are you rapture ready? Don’t be carried away with the frivolous, make sure you invest in eternity daily, live as if you are living your last for we knoweth not when the Lord Jesus shall appear again in glory, will you be safe and secured for Him to take you home?
May God help us all in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.