Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne. We  bow before Thy Throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Thy Throne, You are a Mighty God.// I am thanking You God for Who You are, what You have done in my life God! I am thanking You God for Who You are! What You have done, Dan Sakari Baba!!!

Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Father among the gods, who is like Thee!!! You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!

Our Father we bow before Your throne to worship and adore Your Holy Name! Thank You faithful Father for Your Ever-Abiding Presence. You are God! You are not man! We worship and honour Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name! Thank You for another blessed day in the land of the Living! Alleluia to Your Holy Name! Be Thou exalted Father forever and ever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, we serve a very big God! Our God is a Big, Big, Big God!!! Let us lift His Holy Name up and honour Him for He alone deserves our Praise!

The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12).

Yes! Beloveth nothing can stand before the Word. No power or principality can withstand the Power in the Word- The Sword of the Spirit, our Lord Jesus – The Living Word. Wow alleluia somebody!!!

That was why when all the unclean spirits saw Jesus they cried out- Mk 9:26, Matt 8:29-31, Lk 8:26. Even up until this moment it is still happening, at the Name of Jesus every kneel bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. Alleluia somebody!.

Beloveth today’s topic is such that you must pay attention to. At the Name of Jesus all satanic oppression gives way. We must therefore make sure that we keep close to the Word, study and meditate therein. We must pray and continue in prayer as Jesus commanded to us to (Lk 18:1).

Satan fights with all his arsenals but at the mention of the Name of Jesus they will all surrenders. We should therefore put on the armour of God to ward off all the fiery dart of satan, then standing firm on the Word not letting the nets spread by satan and his cohorts to catch our feet (Ps 57:6, Ps 140:5).

Arise beloveth and stand strong on the sound doctrine you have received, not compromising the teaching and guidance of the Holy Spirit and as the day go by you will be matured to nurture others for the Lord.

You must resist the devil and run without looking back as did by those saints who have gone ahead of us. May help us all in Jesus Name! Amen!!!!

Let us discover more:


“Satan hindered us.” 1 Thessalonians 2:18

Since the first hour in which goodness came into conflict with evil, it has never ceased to be true in spiritual experience, that Satan hinders us. From all points of the compass, all along the line of battle, in the vanguard and in the rear, at the dawn of day and in the midnight hour, Satan hinders us.

If we toil in the field, he seeks to break the ploughshare; if we build the wall, he labours to cast down the stones; if we would serve God in suffering or in conflict—everywhere Satan hinders us. He hinders us when we are first coming to Jesus Christ. Fierce conflicts we had with Satan when we first looked to the cross and lived.

Now that we are saved, he endeavours to hinder the completeness of our personal character. You may be congratulating yourself, “I have hitherto walked consistently; no man can challenge my integrity.” Beware of boasting, for your virtue will yet be tried; Satan will direct his engines against that very virtue for which you are the most famous.

If you have been hitherto a firm believer, your faith will ere long be attacked; if you have been meek as Moses, expect to be tempted to speak unadvisedly with your lips. The birds will peck at your ripest fruit, and the wild boar will dash his tusks at your choicest vines. Satan is sure to hinder us when we are earnest in prayer.

He checks our importunity, and weakens our faith in order that, if possible, we may miss the blessing. Nor is Satan less vigilant in obstructing Christian effort. There was never a revival of religion without a revival of his opposition. As soon as Ezra and Nehemiah begin to labour, Sanballat and Tobiah are stirred up to hinder them.

What then? We are not alarmed because Satan hindereth us, for it is a proof that we are on the Lord’s side, and are doing the Lord’s work, and in His strength we shall win the victory, and triumph over our adversary.

The way to victory according to the Word of God which is also one of our cardinal points is in Prov.4:20-27. “ My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.  For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil. ” (KJV).

Are you ready to live by these Word as stated by God? Do not allow the Word of God to depart from your eyes, keep them in thy heart, is life unto thee and health to your flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; out of it are the issues of life. Beloveth look straight not turn right not left and move not your leg to do evil. May God help us all in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, we are overcomers in Jesus Name. As children of God nothing will hinder us nor stop us from “Going” for the Lord. Satan though he tries to hinder us; but in the Name of the Lord we will overcome (1Jn 5:4).

Beloveth ask the Spirit of God to guide you to do His “Will,” Ask for the in-filling of the Holy Spirit and pray without ceasing and as do the Spirit of God will cover you from the fiery dart of  satan. Praise the living Jesus alleluia!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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