Glorious God…. Beautiful King… Excellent God I bow before Your Throne…2x…. I bow before the Throne…  worship at Your feet… bow before the Throne … You are a glorious God……// I just wanna Baba ooo Eseooo… I just wanna say Baba oooo Ese!

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee…we worship and adore Your Holy Name… O Lord Who is like unto Thee…Who can be compared with Thee… blessed be Thou Holy Name… Ancient One… we bow at Your feet Lord… We come to honour again Whose Name is Everlasting…. Father accept our thanks… Amen!… Amen!… Amen!!

Come and have Your Way as we come to drink at the Fountain of Life today…. help us to see You Just as You are… kill unbelief… remove doubt… take away pains… focus us on You…. The Name that is above every other names…. Alleluia to You Father… be Thou exalted o God forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth… are you identifying with Job …. Have seen God by yourself… have experience God in such a dimension that you have a Name that when you call Him with… He  will associate it with you only…..

If you are yet to come to level in your relationship with then there is still more land you need to conquer… Abraham had an encountered with God and he call Him Jehovah Jireh… When God came to Moses He introduced Himself as I AM THAT I AM….

Beloveth… do you have any experience that had made you to have a special Name for God… have you encountered God that you have a place you always want to be so that you will see Him again and again…

Yes it happened to our brother Job and said… I has heard rumors about you, but now my eyes have seen you….

That is relationship… brother Job came to this affirmation after he had encountered God and he repented in response God spoke kindly to Job… God blessed Him… and restored all that he had lost back to him….

You and I know it was a tough one when you read the account of Job in the Bible… it take grace to stand with God after all he went through…. but not for Job … through Job proved God True… (Job 1:1,8).

Beloveth… do have any experience(s) that you have a special Name for God….. is possible you were sorely afraid and in the midst of it..god arose for you…. the Apostles had a testimony to share (Matt.8:25)

Beloveth… if you are yet to encounter God to that level ask for that God to help you pass through it because until you do… you will remain babe in the God’s school of faith… and is only through faith that we will come to the true knowledge of God…

Truly there is a part of God that can only be known through experience… there is true about God that only be revealed through our fellowship with Him … ask God to help your faith…. And your testimonies will be full… 

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I had heard rumors about You, but now my eyes have seen You.—Job 42:5

In his time, Job was the most righteous person on earth. He was so godly that the Lord took pleasure in pointing him out to Satan (Job 1:8). Yet, despite his love for God and his diligent obedience to His commands, even Job had not fully come to know God.

The blessings God had given to Job had not revealed everything about God’s character. There were characteristics that Job would come to realize only through adversity. So the Lord allowed Satan to test Job through suffering.

Although Job lost everything he had, even his seven children, Job discovered that God was still with him. Though he faced the most difficult and bewildering tribulations imaginable, Job came to understand that God was infinitely wiser than he (Job 42:1–4).

As Job endured the insensitivity of his friends, he learned that God is the only One who is absolutely trustworthy. Job learned much about God through his anguish. Finally, he confessed that at first he had only heard about God, but now, through his suffering, he had come to see God (Job 42:5).

When you are in the midst of your trials, your Lord will reveal His character to you in ways you never knew. You will experience His strong and comforting presence. Like Job, you will learn that your Lord will remain, even when everyone else abandons you.

You will see God more clearly as He takes you through the dark times. Then you will experience God in ways you had previously only heard about from others.

I believe this will be somebody’s testimonies in Jesus Name… that God will reveal Himself to you in every step you take in Jesus Name.…

Further Reading more: Gen 22:14, Exo 3:14, Ps 61:1-4

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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