O Great Father in heaven, hallow be Thy Name. How Wonderful, how Precious Thou are! Great is Thy Faithfulness that is new every morning. Thank You for the wonders of each day, the miracles therein. Father, we are grateful and we return all praise and adoration to You Alone.

Blessed Redeemer, who is like unto Thee; who can be compared with Thee. In heaven and on earth, You are Mighty. From everlasting to everlasting you Name is same. Glory be to You.

Beloved, how do feel when remember that your Father is the owner of the entire universe, How you feel knowing that Your Maker have all authorities subjects to Him. Let me confide in you, it make me feel so great and happy, knowing that He that keepeth me neither sleep nor slumber. He is never overwhelmed by any situation, even when I choose to panic other than rest, He whispers “be still” and covers me with His peace that passeth all understanding. Thank You Lord for Your Faithfulness.

We all desire to do something great for God. We strategize to hit it big for the Lord. Some plan for gigantic project to put the Name of the Lord on it but is that what God wants from us? We neglect some small but important things that is required of us from the Lord and plan to make it Loud.

It will shock to know what God wants from you, just come along with me to read for yourself.

Doing Something Great For God

Most of us would like to do something great for God!

  • Like Billy Graham, or
  • Mother Theresa

We err in our thinking however, by equating “greatness” with bigness or notoriety:

  • Preaching to 100,000 people in a stadium, or
  • Winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Perhaps it is our hope that by doing some great work for God we can quell our sense of inner spiritual hollowness. That somehow a great work for God might help us transcend the mundane sameness of our daily existence. This kind of reasoning is at best, flawed:

God’s work, Jesus reminds us, has nothing to do with bigness or notoriety. Rather,

The work of God (is) that you believe in Him Whom He has sent.” (John 6:29)

THE GREAT WORK OF GOD IS TO BELIEVE GOD: Simple faith that God can be trusted… whatever the circumstances.

  • Into a tough marriage? How’s your faith that God will give you the needed grace?
  • Squeezed in a rough business situation? Are you trusting God for wisdom?
  • Pressured to compromise higher ethical standards to compete? Are you believing God to make up the competitive difference?

It is difficult for us to understand the fact that God simply is not impressed with grandiose Christian activity. What does impress Him is uncomplicated, quiet faith… Faith that stands up amidst the most trying of life’s circumstances. Faith that is evidenced by peace over panic… rest over restlessness.

 Want to do a great work for God? Then just believe Him. Trust Him. Rest in Him.


Have you seen the great work required of you by God, is simply to “believe in Him, believe Him in that sickness that He will make you whole, in that situation that is not palatable believe that He will turn your lemon to lemonade. Glory! As difficult as it seem, Believe God that it is possible, His Name is possibility.

As your mouth confesses and your heart believe so will it be unto you according to the Word of God. So begin to make good confession over your life and situations and God will make your life beautiful.

“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rom. 10:9

There must be confession with the mouth. Have I made it? Have I openly avowed my faith in Jesus as the Saviour whom God has raised from the dead, and have I done it in God’s way? Let me honestly answer this question.

There must also be belief with the heart. Do I sincerely believe in the risen Lord Jesus? Do I trust in Him as my sole hope of salvation? Is this trust from my heart? Let me answer as before God.

If I can truly claim that I have both confessed Christ and believed in him, then I am saved. The text does not say it may be so, but it is plain as a pikestaff, and clear as the sun in the Heavens: “Thou shalt be saved.” As a believer and a confessor, I may lay my hand on this promise, and plead it before the Lord God at this moment, and throughout life, and in the hour of death, and at the Day of Judgment.

I must be saved from the guilt of sin, the power of sin, the punishment of sin, and ultimately from the very being of sin. God hath said it — “Thou shalt be saved.” I believe it. I shall be saved: I am saved. Glory be to God for ever and ever! If you are yet to accept Christ click here to receive Him now!

Are you making the above confession; is your heart believing that all your prayers and fasting this month will deliver the desired result. Are confessing that whether the devil likes it or not you must succeed this year. You must breakthrough and any devil that is saying “no” to God’s “yes” in your life must stumble and die. Enough is enough and an end has come to all your challenges. The Lord will lift you up far above all principalities, powers and rulers of darkness for where He is; you also will be.

Praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia! Amen! It is done in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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