How wonderful is Your Name O! Lord!, how wonderful is Your Name O! Lord! How wonderful is Your Name O! Lord!, how wonderful is Your Name O! Lord! How wonderful is Your Name, How wonderful is Your Name, How wonderful is Your Name O Lord! How wonderful is Your Name, How wonderful is Your Name, How wonderful is Your Name O! Lord!// when I come into Your Presence Lord am happy, when I come into Your Presence Lord I am glad, in Your Presence there is anointing Your Spirit will surround me in Your Presences anointing breaks the yokes, in Your presence anointing breaks the yokes.

Beautiful is our God! Excellent is His Name. He is Mighty man in battle, He is the Ocean Divider, He is Unchangeable Changer. He is the Great I AM, The Alpha and Omega, The One Who is and He is yet to come. He is our Great Redeemer, The Brighter Morning star, He is everything to me. Let us celebrate our God because He is able to do He has promised to us, Great is His faithfulness, blessed be His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

I will magnify the Lord, (I will magnify the Lord) He is worthy to be Praise (He is worthy to be Praise) I will glorify the Lord (I will glorify the Lord) He is worthy to be Praise, hosanna blessed the Lord, honour to the Lord,  let the Rock of my salvation be exalted. Hosanna blessed the Lord, honour to the Lord,  let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.

Thank You Father, Thank You Son , thank You Holy Ghost, blessed be the Name of my God who seated in the heavens above, Praise the Lord!

Beloved, good morning to you from the throne of grace this morning, how are doing? Hope you made to God’s presence yesterday and fellowship with other brethren, Praise the Lord! it is always good to worship God in the beauty of his holiness with other saints of God, for God taketh pleasure in his people (Ps 149:4-5). Praise the Lord!!!!

What a great privilege to be in God’s presence this moment to drink from the fountain of life and to be nourished by His Word. Beloved every Word of God is Yea and Amen! Therefore when we receive the Word of God, we must agree with it as it was spoken and accept it without doubt that which is spoken to us will perform that which it was send forth to do. Praise the Lord!

Beloved, an overcomer must have something to overcome else there is no need for the Name. The things to overcome can either be an obstacle, temptations, doubts, or believe. The ability to overcome can never rest on the one who is to overcome rather it will resting on the one who will help you to overcome, therefore if a man is wearing pride as a necklace than it will be very difficult for that man to fulfill God’s plan and destiny. Praise the Lord! We are nothing outside Jesus, for you to fulfill destiny you must be engrafted in the Jesus (vine) (Jn 15:1,4-8).

 Until a corn dies it cannot bear fruit, likewise until a man abideth in the Holy Spirit and the carnal man is crucified and the mortal body changed by the risen of salvation such man will never fulfill destiny (Jn 12:24). Are you will to die to bear much fruit according to the very Word of our Jesus Christ? Then salvation has to your house today for your thirst having brought you this far, such as you seek yea the Son of man (Lk 19:9).

If you saying exactly that then you are in line to receive the promise of God for us at such a season like this, If you believe that salvation is not of work why then is it difficult for you to also believe that keeping that salvation and your progress in life depend sole by grace not works. Our righteousness and works cannot save us but only the blood of Jesus can.

Beloved, we are going to learn more about “grace” today, make sure you are in tune with the Holy Spirit so that you will have full understanding of what the Spirit of God is saying, please come along with us:


Isaiah 37:21-39:8, Psalm 116:1-7, Proverbs 23:33-35, Ephesians 2:1-22

Sovereign Grace          

For you are saved by grace through faith … it is God’s gift.—Ephesians 2:8

In order to understand grace, we must see it in relation to a Sovereign. As one writer puts it: “Grace is bound to be sovereign since it cannot by its very nature be subject to compulsion.” This is why we often refer to it as free grace. There is no reason for grace but grace.

I believe the old definition of grace cannot be improved upon: “Grace is the free, unmerited favor of God.” At the heart of all true communion with God there lies this gripping truth: God took the initiative. He is more inclined toward us than we are toward Him. We cannot earn His affection. We have simply to receive it. Always the initiative is from God.

When you originally came to Him, you came because He first drew you. The very faith by which you lay hold of Him is not of yourself; it is, as our text says, “God’s gift.” Every step you make on your spiritual pilgrimage is possible because of His grace.

I know this teaching affronts many modern-day men and women because they like to feel that they can “work their passage to heaven,” as one preacher puts it. This is like someone in debt for a million pounds trying to get the one to whom he is indebted to accept his resources of a few pence as being sufficient to clear the debt. Listen to the Word of God again and let it sink deep into your soul: “For you are saved by grace through faith … it is God’s gift.” Grace is a gift. You do not have to achieve but simply receive.


O Father, once again my heart is moved as I realize it was not my merit but Your mercy, acting in grace, that drew You to me and me to You. All honor and glory be to Your mighty and everlasting name. Amen.

Further Study

Rm 5:1-21; Tit 3:7

How does Paul define grace?

Write out your own definition of grace.

Beloved, are still struggling to accept the free gift (grace)bestowed unto us by God or are you excited as I am?

You read it again “grace is free, unmerited favour of God” beloved, God took the initiative at this time to shower us with His grace so enter into it or keeping asking question or keep doubting and miss out.

I am not ready to miss out on this gift. Did you read that it is “free” and it is also “favour.”

You don’t work for a gift neither do you work to be favoured. I have receive many favour from man oftentimes they are free however some may be of work done for such a person. But when God chooses to favour a man, it is usually receive as a promise made to one that lived righteously before God not necessary for the one who is receiving it as that time. People like Noah (Gen 9:8-11) Abraham (Gen 15:4-6), like David (Ps 89:20), Paul, a murderer and persecutor of the Christian (Acts 9, Eph 3).

Is can only be grace that could have done that not works because they have no works to show before they receive the grace from God. Beloved, God is in our midst to do same, I am already in line to be favoured what about you? It is grace season, key into it and be blessed than you will manifest God’s glory.

The sovereign grace shall work for us, believe ye and thou shall be saved. On this note dearly beloved, we declare this week blessed and by this same sovereign grace we shall return by Friday testifying of God’s goodness and favour. Praise the Lord!

Read Rom 1:16-18.

Remain blessed in the Lord

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

Matt 9:28- believ ye that I am able to do this


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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