Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne… We bow before the Throne we worship at Your Feet, we bow before the throne You are a glorious God! we bow before the throne we worship at Your feet…we bow before the throne You are a glorious God…. I am thank You Lord for who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thanking You for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba….

Our Father we bow before You in worship…Thank You Almighty for Who You and what You continue to do in my life and situation, we worship You O Lord forever and ever… forever You will be (forever You will be) The Lamb upon the Throne… the Lamb upon the Throne I gladly bow my knees…(I gladly bow my knees)…to worship You Dear Lord!!!!!!!

Thank You for the gift this week…(worship)You are Awesome in this place Mighty God!!!! You are Awesome in this place Abba Father!!!! You are worthy of our Praise to Thee O! Lord we pray…You are Awesome in this place Mighty God!!!

Unto Thee O Lord! do I lift my hands! Unto Thee O Lord do I lift up my praiseeee! O my God! I trust in Thee! let me not be ashamed let not my enemy triumph over me!!!!!!!!!

Our Father we bow in worship, let our humble sacrifice of Praise be accepted to You O Lord …let it be a sweet smelling sacrifice unto Thee in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, how are doing today…needless to say is one of my exciting moment in the ministry, the PLC…the Real Essence of our Being…doers of the Word not hearers alone…Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes! He is alive…no more in the grave…He has conquered death for death could not hold Him captive… He has conquered Hell for He obeyed His Father even to the death on the Cross…He is now sitted with Father interceding for us till we meet Him glory…Praise the Lord beloveth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(1 Jn 3:1)

Beloveth… good morning…so please to have you here once again this week … incidentally we have been taking our teachings of this week on prayers you need to pray over your work…bearing in mind that the work you are doing or wherever you are in engaged on should glorify God and not self… we must be ready to use our place of trade or work to serve God…be God to those you meet…represent God every where you find yourself… that way you become God’s ambassador, His oracle and His Legs and Hands and He will use you… so our career/school cannot be an obstacle to God’s service… it is not suppose to hinder us in serving God either rather it should be a altar to serve the Living God. Alleluia Amen!!!

Beloveth Jesus traverse the earth doing His Father’s Will and not His even when He was tempted at the last minute to the Cross He submitted to the Will of His Father despite it cost…

In today’s teaching, we will also be seeing another servant of God who carried out his destiny assignment despite the distraction he met on the way… He ran his race as planned by God and that pleased God…as against doing God’s work his way…he followed God guidance for him and that glorified God rather than self…..

Beloveth we hope that this teaching will go along way to help you in as you run the race set before you… You will please God in that place where He placed you… and He will accomplish His purpose through you in Jesus Name…

Come along for more:

Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a rainstorm.”—1 Kings 18:41

Success can distract you as you seek to follow God’s will. Elijah’s primary assignment was to announce when a drought would begin and end (1 Kings 17:1). God had told him to proclaim to king Ahab that the drought was an act of judgment upon a people who worshiped idols rather than God.

In the middle of Elijah’s assignment, a spectacular thing happened. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and called fire down from heaven, putting hundreds of priests of Baal to death. This was one of the most awesome displays of God’s power recorded in Scripture. Elijah could easily have focused strictly on that event. Fire falling from heaven is much more spectacular than a rainstorm!

When something spectacular happens, we can easily be sidetracked. If Elijah lived today, he might have begun a “Calling Down Fire from Heaven” ministry! The dramatic is far more appealing to us than obedience to the mundane. Destroying hundreds of Baal’s prophets would appear to be a climactic victory for any prophet of God. Yet Elijah persisted in his assignment. He announced the coming rain. This had been his primary message, and he delivered it.

If you aren’t careful, you may become so distracted by the successes you experience that you never complete what God originally assigned you to do. Will your success today cause you to disobey tomorrow?

Beloveth a good question to answer… obedience to God’s Will takes away hiccups on our path to our destiny…. When God sent us He will send us for a specific assignment … let us run with agenda given to us rather than bring  God into our chosen assignment …may God help us in Jesus Name.

Father Abraham did missed his primary assignment…bring forth Isaac… Moses did….calling the children of God stiff- necked and out anger rather than speaking to the rock; he hit the rock…. David did … he killed Uriah out of lustful desire other than taking care of God’s people in his care…that brought sword in his home…  lots wife disobeyed God and that cost her life…. beloveth is countless but these are just few…to some grace speak for them …

Noah fulfilled God’s assignment in his life and his family was saved…. Joshua fulfilled his assignment and he was proud to be associated with his family in serving the Living God…

Beloveth what will be said of you… and your home? Is God being glorified or you are fronting your success card rather than fronting God through your success…may God help us to get it right always in Jesus Name…may we define success in God’s way rather men’s way in Jesus Name…

Beloveth if are ready and willing to go all the way…offering your success back to God and following His instructions and directive rather than yours then join us to pray this prayer:

Father… You have has plan for me from the very beginning. Increase my confidence in You, not in myself, I just want to be obedient to live the life You created me to live.

I confess that it is so easy to get sucked into the world’s definition of success- to believe that my paycheck and my position define me. Lord, I know that none of those things will satisfy me. Fill my heart so much that none of the things  of this world can even compete with my affections for You.

Give me a heart that desires to know Your truth, and give me courage to live Your truth. Make me steadfast and immovable. Help me deny myself and follow you each and every day. You are the only foundation that will not fall. Ruin any of any plans that build on any other foundation, Lord and bring me back You.

God, remind me often that the greatest faith moves are made out of obedience, not merely ambition. Make it my ambition to do good quietly and to trust You whenever and wherever You lead.

I love You, and I trust you…Amen!!!

Beloveth…. May God help us in Jesus Name…. a willing heart is what God is looking at…. be persistence in your quest and God will see you through in Jesus name.

Have a wonderful weekend….see you on Monday in Jesus Name…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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