I will magnify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise! I will magnify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise! The Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord! let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the rock of my salvation be exalted// glory be to the Lord alleluia! glory be to the Lord alleluia! honour to the Lord alleluia! honour to the Lord alleluia! glory be to the Lord in the highest alleluia!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, thank You for making us part of the living in the land of the living. Thank You for showing forth Your praises in our lives and situations, thank You for manifesting Your power and grace in our lives O! Lord! You are indeed God, my alleluia belongs to You, great are you Lord! You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign, thank You and glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus in Name.
Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name! Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name! Let the Spirit of the Lord form heaven comes down, Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, who are you without the Spirit of the Living God? What can you do aside the strength of the Lord in you? We have the Word giving us a position on that in the book of John chapter 15:1-8.
The reason why God created us was for to glory in us (Eph 1:1-14). Beloveth God made us for His own pleasure therefore will not allow the evil one to mess up his plan. Note that whatever it be the Lord in His Mighty power will back you up so that you falleth not.
Beloveth be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, never give up, keep standing in the strength of the Lord and it shall be well with you.
Our God is good and great God, no power in heaven not here on earth can withstand Him. He is more than what we call Him. Praising the Lord always! Praising the Lord always, Praising the Lord with all our might, Praising the Lord with all our might always! Alleluia the Lord is good, alleluia the Lord is good! alleluia the Lord is good, yes He is good to us.
Alleluia to my God! thank You Father for giving me a new song. Thank You for let the enemies triumph over me, thank You Father for being God indeed unto all that You created, glory alleluia to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name.
Beloved, this is our last PCL in the month of November, isn’t God wonderful to us? we started with Him and He is with us all through, never leave nor abandoned us, He keep us safe in his abode, He met all our needs and keep us rejoicing in His Holy Name! alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient One, the One Who is and is yet to come, blessed be His Holy Name forever and ever Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
My his strength be more than sufficient for us to pull though every challenges in our lives in Jesus Name. may it help in our kingdom pursuit and work in Jesus Name, may the strength of the Lord do for all that we cannot do in Jesus Name Amen, Amen!!, Amen!!!
Come on for more:
Strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.” Psalm 68:28
It is our wisdom, as well as our necessity, to beseech God continually to strengthen that which He has wrought in us. It is because of their neglect in this, that many Christians may blame themselves for those trials and afflictions of spirit which arise from unbelief.
It is true that Satan seeks to flood the fair garden of the heart and make it a scene of desolation, but it is also true that many Christians leave open the sluice-gates themselves, and let in the dreadful deluge through carelessness and want of prayer to their strong Helper.
We often forget that the Author of our faith must be the Preserver of it also. The lamp which was burning in the temple was never allowed to go out, but it had to be daily replenished with fresh oil; in like manner, our faith can only live by being sustained with the oil of grace, and we can only obtain this from God Himself.
Foolish virgins we shall prove, if we do not secure the needed sustenance for our lamps. He who built the world upholds it, or it would fall in one tremendous crash; He who made us Christians must maintain us by His Spirit, or our ruin will be speedy and final.
Let us, then, evening by evening, go to our Lord for the grace and strength we need. We have a strong argument to plead, for it is His own work of grace which we ask Him to strengthen—”that which Thou hast wrought for us.” Think you He will fail to protect and sustain that?
Only let your faith take hold of His strength, and all the powers of darkness, led on by the master fiend of hell, cannot cast a cloud or shadow over your joy and peace.
Why faint when you may be strong? Why suffer defeat when you may conquer? Oh! take your wavering faith and drooping graces to Him who can revive and replenish them, and earnestly pray, “Strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.”
Beloveth, we will not be like the foolish virgins but like the wise who had an extra oil for the Masters return. Do not neglect the place of prayer. Pray always, and faint not, hold on to the finished work of Calvary and is shall be well with you. The Lord searches the heart, may He found you standing when He calls checking- (Jer 17:10).
May you lean on Him always and never let your water dry up, go to fountain each morning and have a good drink. Beloved, be filled with Holy Spirit Amen!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend; don’t forget to pray for the new month for God’s ultimate revelations to His handmaid, see you on Monday by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in Lord.