You are Glorious ehhhh!!! You are Wonderful ehhhh!!!… You are Glorious Lord…Wonderful Lord You are Glorious ehhhhhh….// I am Thanking You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am Thanking You for Who You are… What You have done Dan Sakari Baba!!!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we magnify You we give You Praise and worship…. adoration to You Father… Who is like unto Thee Jehovah… Matchless Jesus Hallow be Thy Name…let Thy Kingdom come and Your Will be done here on earth as it is in heaven… be Thou glorify Father in Jesus Name…
Come and have Your Way in our lives today again… move us higher… take us deeper in You… Help us we our strength is failing and let Your Name alone be glorify in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… we are here to pray for the last time this month… what a beautiful way to end the month… in God’s Presence… what am awesome way to have dominion in the coming month… as we pray we will not faint, we will be weary, we will be tried… we bind every spirit of buy and selling while praying… we declare that heavens be open unto us and hear us… and the earth will give it increase in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth the topic before us was the foundation of the ill from the beginning of creation…. And today, it is getting not less rather it is on increase…. Some class of people finds joy in passing bulk… They believe that excuse can make the difference… However… that is not true and has never been true…
When Adam and Eve committed sin the Garden of Eden… Adam was quick to remind God “The woman you gave me” but that did not deter God in meting out the punishments due to the offence/sin committed…
Same way Saul reminded Samuel that the people were dispersing so he offered a burnt offering unto the Lord rather waiting for him… that infuriated God and the kingship of Israel was taken away from his Father’s house… he disobey clear cut instruction but blame his action on the attitude of those with him (1Sam.13:8-14).
Beloveth…. God is urging us to start living a life of responsibility…. Making sure we live right… by taking right decisions, making mistake and owning up to it…repent where necessary….
Beloveth, little wonder called David a man after His heart… when prophet Nathan told him about masterminding the death of Uriah… David repented of his sin… and God forgave him… for too long Jacob play pranks with God but for once he told God who he truly was; God blessed him by changing his Name from Jacob to Israel… he inherited the blessings God promised Abraham….
Beloveth… on this last day of the Awesome demonstrations of God’s power… someone ”who will truly come out from among them” will be bless by God… so ready to come before God in repentance, in humility, in worship and adoration will be blessed by God…
If you ready and willing to obey God join us as we sing this song…. Come and take Your place in my life…. come and take Your place in my life…. in my life come and take come Your place in my life come and take Your place….
Join us to discover more:
Then the man replied, “The woman You gave to be with me—she gave me [some fruit] from the tree, and I ate.”—Genesis 3:12
Adam and Eve did everything they could to avoid taking responsibility for their sin. Adam blamed his wife: “She gave me of the tree.” He even pointed an accusing finger at God, saying it was “the woman, whom You gave me.” Eve blamed the serpent saying: “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” God ignored their excuses and announced the judgment they would face as consequences for their disobedience.
One of the dirges of mankind is that we refuse to take responsibility for our actions. We want to blame others for our problems: Our parents did not raise us well; our friends let us down; our pastor was not a good enough preacher; our children are rebellious; our employer is not sensitive enough; our spouse is not understanding; there is not enough time in the day . . . the excuses are plentiful! Yet forgiveness and restoration cannot happen until we accept full responsibility for our actions.
An obvious indication that we have not genuinely repented is that we make excuses for our sinful behavior. Nowhere in Scripture does God excuse one person’s sin because of someone else’s actions. If we make a habit of blaming others for our failures, we will not reach a point of honest repentance.
God will hold us accountable for our own actions, not others (2 Cor. 5:10). Strive always to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own sins. It will free you to receive God’s forgiveness and to press on to spiritual maturity.
Beloveth… this topic is very important thing to address before God else… repent where you need to, if you have matters to settle with God don’t lose this opportunity go before Him and receive forgiveness and ask the Spirit of God to help you going forward that you may not fail or fall before God.
Also ask God for His blessings in the new month… let God show forth like always from the beginning of the year…. Ehhhhh I see God giving us bottom pot blessings…. I see God crowning our year with fatness and with wine…. Someone is breaking through finally from all satanic afflictions and oppressions …. Am hearing alleluia in our camp, beloveth there sounds of victories…. Stretch forth your hands as you pray and see the Wonder Working God demonstrating His power in your behalf…. Amen!!!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee we give You Praise… come and finish Your work in our today… Arise O God and manifest Your Power once again we pray in Jesus Name….. Amen!!!
Further Reading- 1Cor.2:4, Ps.119:76, Prov.11:4, Num.22:6, Ps 29:11…
See you next month in a glorious way…. Alleluia…..
Remain blessed in the Lord.