You deserve the glory and honour…Lord we bow and worship Your Holy Name …You deserve the glory and the honour…Lord we bow and worship your Holy Name…for You are God ….// All honour, All glory, All power to You(repeat several times). Holy Father we worship You… Precious Jesus our Saviour. Holy Spirit we wait on You! Holy Spirit we wait on You! Holy Spirit we wait on You!

Heavenly Father we worship You, we give You Praise Lord, be Thou glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name…Thank You for answers to our prayers Father …You are an answering prayer God, in You rest all the power to adore and worship ..glory be to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name…Amen

Beloveth, today is Holy Thursday… Wow! it is very significant day in the life of every child of God….this event happened at the Upper Room when Jesus shared His last wine and broke bread with His disciples… Peter having been gifted as their spokesman spoke again but this time…He spoke of self and not by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as usually the case…

Beloveth still at the upper room not quite long after Jesus expressed disappointment on one of the twelve… later they went on to dragged who is superior or greatest among them, Jesus again spoke up… “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they exercise authority upon them are called benefactors…but ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as He that doth serve …but I am among you as He that serveth….”(Lk 22:25-27).

Beloveth are you in service or to be served? Jesus said “I am among Thee as one that serve… where are you?

Coming down to the topic of today beloveth, ‘Tested yet secure.’ We saw in our pervious teaching (The Unthinkable). Our Lord Jesus was cursing the one who is to betray him. In the very word of Jesus He said “but ‘woe’ unto that man by whom He is betrayed (Lk 22:22).” But in today’s teaching even without Peter asking Jesus was praying for Him…. Peter told Jesus not to worry because nothing we separate him from Him…but Jesus said before the cock crew, you will deny me three times. “Simon, Simon , look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Vs 31-32).

Beloveth, what is the difference between the two cases at hand… Judas was bent on carrying out his evil plan despite all the warnings from Jesus, he repented not but still left the table for further negotiation… but Peter spoke out of zeal but his zealousness was not back up with grace…

The Lord search the heart- Jer. 17:10, Ps. 7:9. Our Lord Jesus knew ahead what is going to happen when He is gone. He prayed for Peter and gave Him instruction to restore others which include you and I …also note that Jesus died and He is risen and is at Right Hand of His Father interceding for you and I….what a glorious privilege we have…

Beloveth, the prayer of Jesus made the difference in Peter’s life…His prayer restored him. His prayer safe-guarded him throughout His ministry. His prayer showed Peter the way to the cross and salvation to all the people up till the end of the world… Beloveth, Jesus prayer for Peter availeth much…while a curse from Him means everlasting damnation… Judas hang himself ..He committed suicide…. which side are you? Are you on the Lord sides?

Join us to discover more:

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”—Luke 22:31–32

Jesus dearly loved Peter. Jesus spoke to him specifically and said, “Simon! Simon! Satan has made a request to sift all of you (plural) as wheat. But I have prayed for you (singular), that your faith will not fail. And when you (singular) have returned to Me, strengthen your brothers.”

Even as Jesus faced His imminent arrest and crucifixion, He took time to strengthen Peter for what was to come! He assured him that God had set limits on Satan’s influence. He expressed His confidence that even though Peter’s faith would falter, he would overcome, to the point of strengthening others. Since Jesus Himself was interceding for Peter, Peter might fail for a moment, but his life would ultimately be victorious.

Jesus is fully aware of every temptation and test you will encounter, and He stands ready to deliver you (1 Cor. 10:13). He intercedes for you just as He did for Peter (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25). Temptation might catch you by surprise, but Jesus is already interceding with the Father on your behalf.

Remember that temptation is not a sin. When you are tempted, turn immediately to Jesus. He will take you to the Father, and you will overcome the temptation, for Jesus has overcome everything you can face in the world (1 John 4:4). When you are tested and are secure in the intercession of Jesus, you, too, will be able to strengthen others.

If you are grappling with temptation, Jesus is interced-ing for you with the Father even now. Be steadfast and encouraged!

Beloveth, this message is very key to our Christian walk …oftentimes we are full of strength and vigor for the Lord but without notice the tempter sneaks in and if your heart is not guarded you fall/fail… we are better than the apostles of old. Despite all the Bible teachings and instruction some people have made themselves tools or objects in satan’s hand…may God deliver us at the hour of our temptations in Jesus Name…may we like Peter receive grace to finish our race successful in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… I was tested recently and it is by His grace alone I am standing today still as a minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus…. Jesus held me up and ensured my goings… on Friday while I was ministering my laptop shut down …because there was no electricity supply I taught my battery went flat but it supposed to show me sign of going off but it did not…so I try putting it on again but it didn’t come up and I left it to attain to it later when power is back.. So on Monday I put on my system to minister, it did not respond so my journey starts… I went for repairs and after the power button came up…the battery refuse to charge so I was left to use it as desk top and that won’t be okay for me… considering some circumstances that are beyond my control…

Beloveth, I asked God what I am to do as it is since I have no plan to buy another laptop…He didn’t respond…but when I was going back on Monday I felt the Spirit of God with me and helping me home because I was like hopeless and I keep asking myself what should I do…who do I call now for a new replacement whether second hand or brand new…who shall that be… so I engaged my Father in discussion of a child and Father …. Asking Him what next…do I hang up the ministration till I got another laptop or in fact I asked Him how do I go asking for resources for a laptop…what will they think about me…everything now people say in the Name of God… hummmh . But in spite of all I still feel His Presence strongly nugging on . So I decide to make another trial and see what will come out of it… we go changing of the battery nothing happened but there is a miracle on the way… eventually I got someone who can fix it but his charges was high.. He also encourage me to change the screen because it has lines on it but I have another plan not now…I just want it to come on so that the work of God will not suffer in my hands….

Beloveth, the Lord searcheth the heart of men including mine…long story short when the repairer was done with repairing my laptop… he gave me a brand new casing much modern than what I came with…I was shouting Jesus, Jesus asking him what He wants me to do because he first handed over the my laptop with every where open at first I was shocked and was deeply pained then he brought another laptop and gave me and I ask him whatis this for? and he said, ‘this is for you’… I was shocked and I went on my knees and start Praising God Who helped me and kept me in the time of my temptation…He did not allow me to fail..or for people to start saying “where is the God she is preaching about…in fact I asked God where is my lifting as He has promised…but God showed up…He replaced the laptop gloriously..He upgraded my laptop because this new laptop has a webcam and micro phone inbuilt which the former one does not have … my laptop was bought sixteen years ago…

Beloveth, God came through for me and as I was walking back home …I now knew of His Word which said “I will walk on hinge feet’ indeed I walk home rejoicing and celebrating God’s goodness… the tempter came on board but God turned it to my favour…He change my laptop at no significant cost…I paid only the cost of repairs and went away with a brand new laptop … are you celebrating Jesus with me.. He lifted me up and I cannot but say “Thank You Jesus.”

Beloveth, how truly is your Christian life? Listen during my discussion with the repairer, I simply told him , sir please help to fix this laptop…I need it for ministrations… please don’t let God gets angry at me…just help me not to abandon the ministry that was committed into my hands…being a child of God, it hits him…but you know he is just a man, he is not going to do it free of course I know but I don’t have what is requesting for…but he ask me to drop it…and come back in an hour’s time. So hear his very words….madam when I was done fixing the problem with your laptop and was coupling it back…The Holy Spirit did not allow me…I felt Him nudging me to change the casing for you….don’t forget he might have open my documents to verify my claims, I was not there but is natural for him to resist the Holy Spirit, so I guess when he saw the contains of my word documents he cannot but obey the Holy Spirit leading…

Beloveth, Jesus prayer is still as effective as it was from the beginning …it upheld me and I failed not…my lifting came and I am still expecting more in Jesus Name.

Yours is on the way…remember God leads you on and you follow…if I have stop looking for help after the first day nothing would have happened but God is seeking for that man whose heart is strong and pant after Him…are you the one? Your ‘lifting’ is on the way beloveth… keep holding on till your help come… I did and God sent His help …Praise the Lord…so I ministering with my brand new laptop (chuckle), Praise the Lord… Lord’s provision! Wow!!!

Test…and Secure by Jesus Alone….Our God is good; all the time.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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