God of mercy and compassion look with pity upon me. Thank You Lord for another day in the life of Your children, we are not worthy to call You by Your Name, but only say a Word and our souls shall be healed.
Thank You Father, for all that given me, I cannot but say thank You Lord. Father, You are more than what we call You, some say You are good, some say You are kind, You are more than what we call You.
Beloved, thank God for another fruitful week in the Lord. Appreciate the Name of the Lord, though that desire of yours might not have been delivered, but still thank God that you are still standing in Him, the cunny one has not taken you away from the family of God, praise God. Darkness has no path in you, beloved, shout alleluia.
Another path to “Greater Glory” is by giving to the poor among us. It is given that we will always have the poor ones among us. It is not a function that about how well you are applying the knowledge that you gained or the skill you acquired, beloved it is God that showeth mercy.
Sometimes, lack or poverty befalls an individual or family not because they are lazy nor they desire to depend on any one, but the workers of iniquities among them might programmed such into their life. It might be as result of spirit of error, the wicked ones has programmed into such life, before they will come out of it, poverty has overtaken them.
It might also be that the Lord wants to bring the individual back to Himself especially where they have missed it entirely. Someone is saying that God is not an initiator of evil, agree, but God can use anything to draw His own back to Himself.
I have seen the mighty fallen, but in all these, our God is too faithful to fail if you place your trust in Him.
A call to help the poor among us is not to deprive you of the goodies you ought to enjoy, sometimes God’s provision in our life is to help us meet another need He is sending our way. Real children of God have testified concerning these while some will never heed to such giving because of the have not total surrender their lives to Christ.
Why will God want us give to the needy among us? Firstly, is to show love by sharing each other burden so as to preserve such faith in His kingdom. Secondly, we are called to faithful with our resources. Thirdly, God’s abundant blessings in their lives of His children.
He is not going bless you so that you keep acquiring more mundane things but rather His blessings is to enrich others through your giving in their lives, which can come in divers ways like, training in school or skill acquisitions, in businesses or trading. Letting of an accommodation, or shop just to help such a person to stabiles, giving of clothes, food and all such things you might senses lacking in such ones around you.
In some cases, such people might have experienced natural disasters, war or economic induce poverty whereby the breadwinners either lost their means of livelihood or die in case of war or sickness. There are countless causes why the poor will always be among us.
Today, God want to reach out to someone through you. Let those round you see God through your act of love and care. Not just saying it but by doing it. Some are reluctant when it comes to giving, why someone asked.
They think their wisdom brought them wealth, so why share it with that good for nothing fellow, who cannot even think.
Bravo! I must say. Behold, I have seen the mighty fallen. Beloved, let us be careful in our utterances, actions and inaction. You can ignite the anger of God against you or your generations. May God help us. Let consider the message before us:
“The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing.” Ps. 41:3
Remember that this is a promise to the man who considers the poor. Are you one of these? Then take home the text.
See how in the hour of sickness the God of the poor will bless the man who cares for the poor! The everlasting arms shall stay up his soul as friendly hands and downy pillows stay up the body of the sick. How tender and sympathizing is this image; how near it brings our God to our infirmities and sicknesses! Whoever heard this of the old heathen Jove, or of the gods of India, or China?
This is language peculiar to the God of Israel; He it is who deigns to become nurse and attendant upon good men. If He smites with one hand, He sustains with the other. Oh, it is blessed fainting when one falls upon the Lord’s own bosom, and is borne thereon! Grace is the best of restoratives; divine love is the safest stimulant for a languishing patient; it makes the soul strong as a giant, even when the bones are breaking through the skin. No physician like the Lord, no tonic like His promise, no wine like His love.
If the reader has failed in his duty to the poor, let him see what he is losing, and at once become their friend and helper.
Ever afraid that your wealth will diminish, read 2 Chr 25:9. You can never lose when you are doing business with God. Never! What about this written in 1 Cor 3: 9. More below:
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Prov. 19:17
We are to give to the poor out of pity. Not to be seen and applauded, much less to get influence over them; but out of pure sympathy and compassion we must give them help.
We must not expect to get anything back from the poor, not even gratitude; but we should regard what we have done as a loan to the Lord. He undertakes the obligation, and, if we look to Him in the matter, we must not look to the second party. What an honor the Lord bestows upon us when He condescends to borrow of us! That merchant is greatly favored who has the Lord on his books. It would seem a pity to have such a name down for a paltry pittance; let us make it a heavy amount. The next needy man that comes this way, let us help him.
As for repayment we can hardly think of it, and yet here is the Lord’s note of hand. Blessed be His name, His promise to pay is better than gold and silver. Are we running a little short through the depression of the times? We may venture humbly to present this bill at the Bank of Faith. Has any one of our readers been a bit of a screw to the poor? Poor soul. May the Lord forgive him.
In 1 Jn 3:1-3 “behold what manner of love the Father hath…”, our Father is loving and kind and He want us to extend same to those around us. Do you know why some many are not enjoying God’s abundant blessings in their life, is because they are like stagnated waters.
They blessing never flows to anyone. Some are obsessed from the life style and they are asking God to help them, how? What will God look upon to show you mercy or kindness as we read in one of our text above?
Do you want to enjoy God’s greater glory in your life? Take it as a project, look out for someone or family to bless and you will open strange doors to your greater glory. Praise the Name of the Lord!
God will surely repay you when you becomes His hands and feet on this earth. Praise the Lord. For further consideration, read the Rich man and Lazarus – (Lk 16:19-25). Use your blessings with the fear of God.
We end the week here, keep a date with us next week by His grace. Have a fruitful week end.
Remain blessed in the Lord.